GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
Well. Olenna already told margaery she poisoned joff, its easily possible marg told loras or olenna did. If thats the case, then yeah, admiral akbar wont be at the septon to warn the tyrells to whats coming


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Well. Olenna already told margaery she poisoned joff, its easily possible marg told loras or olenna did. If thats the case, then yeah, admiral akbar wont be at the septon to warn the tyrells to whats coming
It's clear that Margaery is the smart/tough one between her and her brother. Dude is acting like a little bitch while being held captive while she is like "Faggot, calm the fuck down!". I imagine they don't give all the important details to Loras.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well. Olenna already told margaery she poisoned joff, its easily possible marg told loras or olenna did. If thats the case, then yeah, admiral akbar wont be at the septon to warn the tyrells to whats coming
Martells are extremely matriarchal. It wouldn't be shocking of Marge was in on the plot but not Loras.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Margaery is clearly quite a bit smarter and more pragmatic than Loras as well.
Which is the norm for the Tyrells. For the most part the men are portrayed as the idiots of the family and the women are the strong force.


tour de salt
Except Loras Tyrell is a bamf in the books and the biggest pussy on the show. They ruined his character. He is literally the worst part of the show.

"Tyrion Lannister thinks Loras is beautiful and already a legend, and that half the girls in the Seven Kingdoms want to bed him and all the boys want to be him"

Loras defeated Ser Jaime Lannister in the tourney on Prince Joffrey's name day

Renly makes Loras the head of his Rainbow Guard, a fancifully ostentatious version of the traditional Kingsguard.

During his march, Renly holds a great melee at Bitterbridge of 116 knights; wielding a longaxe, Loras is one of the final two combatants, losing to Brienne of Tarth

After his failed parley with his elder brother Stannis at Storm's End, Renly appoints Loras to lead the vanguard in the coming battle, choosing him over Randyll Tarly, Guyard Morrigen, and many other candidates. After Renly's assassination, Loras goes berserk, killing Emmon Cuy and Robar Royce, the two Rainbow Guard in charge of protecting Renly that morning.

Loras joins the Kingsguard at his father's behest (though Littlefinger orchestrates this),[15] to protect his sister Margaery when she becomes the queen.

After departing his father?s funeral procession, Jaime trots through the castle gates and sees a dozen knights riding at a quintain in the outer yard. He stops to watch for a while he notes that Ser Loras rides superbly, and handles a lance as if he were born holding one. He observes that Loras puts the point just where he means to put it, and seems to have the balance of a cat.

After the invasion of the Reach via the Shield Islands by the ironmen, Cersei uses Loras's recklessness to manipulate him into attempting to quickly end the siege of Dragonstone, hoping that he will endanger himself in the process to free up Paxter Redwyne's fleet to defend the Reach. Loras departs the city amid throngs of admiring onlookers, mostly women.[20]
Aurane Waters later tells Cersei that Loras has taken Dragonstone. After Stannis's castellan, Rolland Storm, declined Loras's offer of single combat, Loras led the assault on the castle. The reported victory is said to have been needlessly bloodthirsty and true to Cersei's hopes, it is reported that Loras was horribly injured by quarrels, maces, and boiling oil in the battle.

Have you seen Mace Tyrell?s boy? The Knight of Flowers, they call him. Now there?s a son any man would be proud to own to. Last tourney, he dumped the Kingslayer on his golden rump, you ought to have seen the look on Cersei?s face. I laughed till my sides hurt.[24] ?? Robert Baratheon to Eddard Stark


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Except Loras Tyrell is a bamf in the books and the biggest pussy on the show.
I thought Loras' only real accomplishments was being a decorated tournament knight? And then once he has to siege Dragonstone he gets his face burned off. I always associated Loras with being the very definition of a summer knight.


FPS noob
Damn forgot how shitty this thread got between episodes. Let me know when you faggots done being faggots
on IPT someone compiled a huge 90 gig collection of all the porn scenes the porn stars in game of thrones have done

someone download and review it plz


Vyemm Raider
Dany took a glancing blast from Drogon in the book and basically had sunburn, which healed.

The only real difference is her hair does burn and she should have looked like she just spent too long in a tanning bed.


Trump's Staff
Yup because getting a sunburn makes your body ooze puss. Well, maybe for some of the basement dwellers here.


Molten Core Raider
Yup because getting a sunburn makes your body ooze puss. Well, maybe for some of the basement dwellers here.
Are you black? You must be. That's the only explanation for not understanding any burn 2nd degree+ is going to weep pus, and the #1 cause for 2nd degree burns? Sunburn, you fucking twat.


Trump's Staff
Bunch of pedants in here. Point is, Dany wasn't oozing puss because of the fucking sun. She got burned by the dragon.