GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Bronze Donator>
I really want Cersie to burn down kings landing next episode, but i'm thinking they wait.
don't think they're going to let their foreshadowing wait that long. after the latest episode's tyrion line about wildfire under king's landing, i'm pretty sure it's going to matter immediately (next episode).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Might be something to that Sansa theory. She shows up to the battle with Littlefinger at her side, so he must have been nearby already. There's a few seconds of her looking at Jon with what could be seen as a mix of cold ruthlessness and regret.

I'm on board with the queens theory too. Yara and Dany seemed to get along more than well. Add Sansa to that and you have a blonde, a redhead and a brunette, which fits the dragon with three heads prophecy.



She was looking at him with regret that so many men died and if he would have just waited a couple hours it didn't have to be that way.

You guys sure can invent some shit out of nowhere for no reason quite easily.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If Dany, Sansa and Yarra rule that means that 2/3 of the leadership is actually retarded


At least with the Arya shit there was enough not said that crazy theories could be plausible. Here, Sansa straight up says that she doesn't know what Jon should do.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
At least with the Arya shit there was enough not said that crazy theories could be plausible. Here, Sansa straight up says that she doesn't know what Jon should do.
But what she said isn't what she meant you see! Think of the possibilities!


Avatar of War Slayer
Melisandra told Arya she would see her again. Timey/whiney and teleporters admittedly... but that should mean Mel does not die next episode. Mel could also have been wrong. But, that was an oddly specific thing for her to say, if so.

I also noted most of what you all have been going back and forth on with Sansa.

The vale timing was lol cliche. Down to the second... right...
The Vale didn't just show up at the perfect time. Sansa was with them. So this should suggest she knew, or went to meet them. Would be nice if it was a powerplay by Sansa. They were ignoring her. The Vale is there for her, so now SHE is in control.


<Bronze Donator>
Sansa stayed behind. saw a few thousand Vale soldiers ride past. hopped on her horse and caught up to LF.


Sansa stayed behind. saw a few thousand Vale soldiers ride past. hopped on her horse and caught up to LF.
Yeah no shit stop coming up with these conspiracy theories.

Sansa was totally included and not ignored. She in fact ignored them and reached out to LF herself without notifying anyone else. She knew it was a hail Mary and sent the raven out. Jon took her very seriously and just needed her to give some advice but she had no ideas.

There was no power play, these theories are worse than the Arya ones.


FPS noob
Every time viewers think there is more to the show than whats presented, we have been disappointed. Sorry, Sansa isn't a tournament level player of games, she is still dumb as a sack of rocks but still a million times smarter than any of her fellow Stark siblings.

Also heavy handed foreshadowing this week from Tyrion, as he talked on about all the wildfyre jars spread around Kings Landing by the mad king. I wonder if that will have any impact in the finale...


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I have to say I'm with a_skeleton_03 on this one. As much as I love stupid ass theories for the entertainment value. This season has taught us to take shit at face value because characters just say their intents and that is actually their intents.

What did she say to Brienne though when Brienne asked why she lied to Jon? Anyone remember?


Also heavy handed foreshadowing this week from Tyrion, as he talked on about all the wildfyre jars spread around Kings Landing by the mad king. I wonder if that will have any impact in the finale...
Now that is an actual good theory based on the previous episode with Pycelle talking about a secret project and beating the sparrows.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have to say I'm with a_skeleton_03 on this one. As much as I love stupid ass theories for the entertainment value. This season has taught us to take shit at face value because characters just say their intents and that is actually their intents.

What did she say to Brienne though when Brienne asked why she lied to Jon? Anyone remember?
She doesn't answer. The scene ends there.


<Bronze Donator>
has there been a single moment of subtlety this entire season? in thinking about it for a bit, i suppose the most surprising moment for me was when Dany killed the Khals... but even then, i knew something was about to happen to free her from her Dothraki imprisonment, i just wasn't sure what.

but yeah, from the first episode of the season when Jon got rezzed idk why anyone expected the unexpected from the writing.

which is okay, i've enjoyed the season anyway, but still.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sansa warns Jon that Ramsay will lure him in to a trap, and that there is no saving Rickon. Her assessment is spot-on. She's definitely learned to play the game because no way she would give up on Rickon otherwise.


<Bronze Donator>
i wonder what the fuck Jorrah is up to. is he just riding to Mereen? Dany could have given him a ride on her dragon, sheesh.