GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Aren't there references/descriptions of their different looks/personalities in the books that mirror the casting? e.g how Sansa was more of a Tully and Arya more of a Stark, not uncommon for one sibling to resemble the father more and another the mother - look at Prince William and Harry. William clearly resembles his father more with the balding hair and big ears, Harry is more like Diana.

Plus in terms of casting, Sansa has the posh English Noble Lady accent, Arya is more down to earth
Sam looks just like Dickon, right broseph?


The Big Mod
I still stand by my point that the message intended for the audience here is "Multiculturalism wins wars"


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So the dagger has to be something that's important to the major plot outline by GRRM, otherwise I don't think the writers are clever enough for such a long call back to something like that and still have it make sense in the plot.

I think Littlefinger would have heard about the what happened to House Frey and even have descriptions from the Frey's wife about the woman who did this. When he saw Arya with the dagger after her sparring match, to me he looked satisfied, as if he knew that Bran would give it to her.

Arya is not destined for a happy ending...too much blood on her hands and a mind too heavily influenced by vengeance. GRRM will have at least one more gut wrenching twist in store for us on the Red Wedding/Hodor level and the only thing that comes to mind is Arya/Jon. Before this episode it was just a wacky guess on my part, but Sansa's line in the crypt to her about Jon's reaction to seeing Arya again will make his heart stop has me thinking it's an actual possibility now. Something is going to force one or both of them into a horrible decision, and that dagger/Littlefinger could very well be in the mix.

The dagger is the vehicle that started the War of the Five Kings because Littlefinger told Catelyn Stark that it belonged to Tyrion Lannister. Catelyn then went on to be a retard and kidnap Tyrion Lannister randomly, setting a whole bunch of events into motion. When in fact the stupid dagger was in King Robert's royal armory the whole time and never used it or gave a shit about it. Joffrey was just a moron and gave a priceless dagger to a random cutthroat to kill Bran.

Now Bran, Lord of Autism and the Three-Eyed Autist knows this. He told LF about his Chaos speech when Bran had absolutely no way of knowing it was ever said. Bran is probably going to mention to Sansa, Arya or Jon that it was Littlefinger who lied to their mother about the ownership of the weapon and that he intentionally betrayed their father for his own gain. The dagger is just the plot point for this.

He will probably say this at the worst possible moment.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The dagger is the vehicle that started the War of the Five Kings because Littlefinger told Catelyn Stark that it belonged to Tyrion Lannister. Catelyn then went on to be a retard and kidnap Tyrion Lannister randomly, setting a whole bunch of events into motion. When in fact the stupid dagger was in King Robert's royal armory the whole time and never used it or gave a shit about it. Joffrey was just a moron and gave a priceless dagger to a random cutthroat to kill Bran.

Now Bran, Lord of Autism and the Three-Eyed Autist knows this. He told LF about his Chaos speech when Bran had absolutely no way of knowing it was ever said. Bran is probably going to mention to Sansa, Arya or Jon that it was Littlefinger who lied to their mother about the ownership of the weapon and that he intentionally betrayed their father for his own gain. The dagger is just the plot point for this.

He will probably say this at the worst possible moment.

I love how everyone figures out that he knows a bunch of shit from the past that he shouldn't know and nobody starts asking him other questions. They are all just like "wtf" and walk away.
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
They were fucked either way. If they had turned and run, then thousands of cavalry troops would have cut them down. Plus, it wouldn't have been hard to box them in. Drogon flames the point of retreat, EZ way to stop retreat.

They were doomed the second they got ambushed and air support was available.

Sure, but in real life soldiers don't make those kinds of calculations. Most medieval battles only lasted a few minutes before one side or the other panicked and ran and then the other side murdered them as they retreated. It's not rational but it's a normal human reaction and those dudes didn't have a 50 foot long fire breathing monster coming at them.

Show was great. But to add to the silliness of plot armor consider the fact that Jamie was intercepted at full gallop. Superman must have been flying around.

I had this same reaction, but as you can see in Xarpolis' picture above, whoever tackled him was actually on a horse next to him. I had thought Bronn tackled him from the ground which would have been impossible at a full gallop but either Bronn found a horse real fast while Dany was tugging on that spear or someone else saved him, possibly that Dickon guy who saved him earlier.

Next week speculation:

Jamie and Bronn are alive, but will probably be captured and possibly switch sides.

Drogon is not seriously injured. Giant crossbows are not useless, but hardly the answer to dealing with dragons

Tarly is not dead. I just think they spent too much time with his character to just have him randomly get killed in battle and not even show it. Probably going to be some sort of redemption scene for Sam involving him.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I love how everyone figures out that he knows a bunch of shit from the past that he shouldn't know and nobody starts asking him other questions. They are all just like "wtf" and walk away.

The next episode preview shows them finally coming to that conclusion. Something something, "Bran has seen the Night King heading to Eastwatch with his army."

ORLY Bran? How do you know this? What else can you tell us that might be useful?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm going to be super pissed if Bronn ends up dying. He's a damn cockroach and he needs to survive through everything. It's what he does.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Sure, but in real life soldiers don't make those kinds of calculations. Most medieval battles only lasted a few minutes before one side or the other panicked and ran and then the other side murdered them as they retreated. It's not rational but it's a normal human reaction and those dudes didn't have a 50 foot long fire breathing monster coming at them.

I had this same reaction, but as you can see in Xarpolis' picture above, whoever tackled him was actually on a horse next to him. I had thought Bronn tackled him from the ground which would have been impossible at a full gallop but either Bronn found a horse real fast while Dany was tugging on that spear or someone else saved him, possibly that Dickon guy who saved him earlier.

Next week speculation:

Jamie and Bronn are alive, but will probably be captured and possibly switch sides.

Drogon is not seriously injured. Giant crossbows are not useless, but hardly the answer to dealing with dragons

Tarly is not dead. I just think they spent too much time with his character to just have him randomly get killed in battle and not even show it. Probably going to be some sort of redemption scene for Sam involving him.

Drogon is not dead. But in the book one of Aegon Targaryen's original 3 dragons was killed by a similar weapon in Dorne. Albeit an incredibly lucky shot I'm sure.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Sansa is really the outlier in the casting. The people playing arya/bran/rickon/caitlyn/jon snow all look close enough to buy being the same family. Sansa is pretty different but that kind of thing does happen in families.

Totally. I have some friends with 5 kids and 2 of them have brown hair and brown eyes, 2 are blonde with blue eyes, and the one in the middle is a full-on ginger just like Sansa.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to be super pissed if Bronn ends up dying. He's a damn cockroach and he needs to survive through everything. It's what he does.

I agree. Bronn the totally amoral sellsword whose only allegiance is to money needs to be the one who gets the girl, the title and the castle at the end. Living happily ever after and laughing at it all.
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> Than U
Sure, but in real life soldiers don't make those kinds of calculations. Most medieval battles only lasted a few minutes before one side or the other panicked and ran and then the other side murdered them as they retreated. It's not rational but it's a normal human reaction and those dudes didn't have a 50 foot long fire breathing monster coming at them.

I had this same reaction, but as you can see in Xarpolis' picture above, whoever tackled him was actually on a horse next to him. I had thought Bronn tackled him from the ground which would have been impossible at a full gallop but either Bronn found a horse real fast while Dany was tugging on that spear or someone else saved him, possibly that Dickon guy who saved him earlier.

Next week speculation:

Jamie and Bronn are alive, but will probably be captured and possibly switch sides.

Drogon is not seriously injured. Giant crossbows are not useless, but hardly the answer to dealing with dragons

Tarly is not dead. I just think they spent too much time with his character to just have him randomly get killed in battle and not even show it. Probably going to be some sort of redemption scene for Sam involving him.
I retract my Tarly statement. Having time to watch the battle over and over, he never had a helm on, even once the battle started. From scenes and next week previews the few men of his there in the battle all wore that same armor I saw so it was just one of his men.

From scenes of loading the ballista and her trying to pull it out, it appears it penetrated 10 inches deep max but was barbed making it hard to remove. It doesn't appear to even hit bone, which like you said makes it fairly worthless unless they can hit a dragon with a dozen+ at once. Reminds me of my camping days dealing with bears. If you don't hit it on the nose you are just going to piss it off even more.

It shows Bronn looking at a white horse, brown saddle. Freezing bunches of frames it appears Bronn without much question.



I'm betting Tyrion saves Jaime and takes him and Bronn as prisoners. Whether they switch sides or something else happens I don't know.

I have been starting to think Tyrion has a bigger plan of deception than we know. I haven't figured out if he's for himself or still for his family.

Also, the dragons are not "full grown". Dragons never stop growing until they die.
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<Nazi Janitors>
Jaimie cant drown, my gut tells me he is the one who has to kill Cersei so the Mad King (Queen) + King Slayer echo can repeat again ala George Lucas school of writing.
I mean, you jest, but it would fulfill the witch's prophecy where she does get done in by her brother, just not the brother she thought would do it.
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> Than U
WTF are you talking about, still for his family? He shot his dad on the toilet.
Only after he slept with his whore after months of threatening to kill whores if found in royal chambers. His father was a hypocrite in that regards.
I don't fault Tyrion for killing her either. I wouldn't want to share my whore with my father either.


Molten Core Raider
Why do they put so much emphasis on those crossbow?

I think they put big emphasis on those crossbow because they will use it with dragon glass arrows to kill something big in the end.
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Tranny Chaser
Why do they put so much emphasis on those crossbow?

I think they put big emphasis on those crossbow because they will use it with dragon glass arrows to kill something big in the end.

Purely to introduce some possible threat to the dragons - to show that Daenerys isn't just going to steam roll everything.
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