GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
i just realized that Jon got the raven scroll about Arya and Bran being alive (Bran who has been beyond the wall for years and now his "visions"). And instead of stopping by Winterfell (which is on the way) to check in on how everything is holding together and touch base with Arya and Bran, he went up straight to Eastwatch where he didnt even know that Tormund would be, since Tormund left for Eastwatch a while after Jon left for Dragonstone.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
It always struck me that there's no mention of the Red Comet in the show. Its the appearance of the comet that heralds the return of serious magic to the world and seems to portend the coming apocalypse.

It was mentioned in Season 1 a few times i think


Mr. Poopybutthole
It always struck me that there's no mention of the Red Comet in the show. Its the appearance of the comet that heralds the return of serious magic to the world and seems to portend the coming apocalypse.
Eh? I'm almost positive the comet was in the show.


<Bronze Donator>
You guys got some bad visual memories.

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Tranny Chaser
Ahh I had indeed forgotten... no one else seems to be mentioning it though whereas in the books it keeps coming up.


Gunnar Durden
I know they have very few episodes left in which to cover a ton of stuff... but last night felt like fan fic in places. Not only are people teleporting around the continent now, but the various plot threads are coagulating as we slam whole plot lines together.

I will say seeing the Tarlys get roasted was satisfying, yet somewhat stupid. As Tyrion points out they already switched allegiance like 4 times already. First to back Robert Baratheon in the Mad King Rebellion, then to back Renly Baratheon followed, presumably, by a brief backing of Stannis and then switching over to Joffrey. Sure most of that was implicit with their fealty to House Tyrell, but sheesh why choose NOW to develop an attitude.

Given that we now know Bran spent years north of the wall, thanks to the testimony of Sam, the speed of the untiring undead army is now even more remarkably slow.

The Tarlys never backed Robert. After the rebellion they bent the knee and were pardoned. Then when he died they backed Renly and never Stannis.. WHen Renly died they made peace with Tywin. Olenna has a scene earlier in the series where she talked about how Renly would have been a good king and Stannis never would have, but sintead they got Joffrey.

I agree the pace is fucked but its really GRRMs fault. They had to stall for content in the mid seasons and when he never could deliver more they just had to power through and wrap that shit up. They cant afford the amount of episodes it will take to finish.

We have been complaining about the white walkers not moving for over a year. Do you not think there might be an explanation other than just them walking slow?

Something they are waiting on from further north. Some certain days into winter so they can sustain life long enough?

The first thing is they needed to wait for winter. They are able to survive in the far north. So even if they are able to get past the magic of the wall, they needed to let winter set in first.

So Gilly basically confirmed that Jon is not a bastard at all? Seems she was reading about a secret wedding between Rhaegar and Lyanna. Not that it matters? Does anyone give a fuck about succession at this point when everyone is after everyone?!

This will come back I bet. They will return to the north, and the wall, maybe stopping at Winterfel first. Sam will introduce her to the Starks and in her naivity will be all like "Oh your name is Stark, like the lady Lyanna I read about that was married to "ragar". Puzzled looks, Sam has her show them the book, and then the Autist formerly known as Bran will be like "Yeah I saw that Jon is really a Targ and not a bastard because of the marriage". This will happen at the end of the season, final scene. AS a puzzled group realizes Jon is the true heir, fade to black and white text on the screen.....


But seriously, they will bring this bacl as a plot point as some mentioned to create conflict between Dany and Jon since he would be the true Heir. But by that time he will have banged Dany and in a show of female empowerment will demand all records be burned and no one to speak of it again. He will not lay claim to the throne and instead say something gay like "I dont care who my parents were, I am not a Targ, I am not a Stark, I am a SNOW. I am King in Da Norf but I bend my knee to the true Queen". He marries her, becomes Lord Regent or whatever the non royal family Kings name would be, and allows Sansa to be Queen in da Norf.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Oh yeah and why did they take gendry on theri super duper mission considering he self admittedly sucks at fighting???


Tranny Chaser
The warhammer was pretty badass and he's bound to be crazy strong after all those years at the forge.


Avatar of War Slayer
Gatta say inflation is a bitch, 5 gold dragons to 15 per guard... thats bank - thats a TON of money if I remember the few talks about their currency rates.


Avatar of War Slayer
Oh yeah and why did they take gendry on theri super duper mission considering he self admittedly sucks at fighting???

Sucks at fighting with a sword he states, then he says "But mah hammah!" like...hurm I wonder who else did that...

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Blackwing Lair Raider
So how many episodes are left in this season, 2?

This was a decent set up episode, I expect shit to go down from here on out.


Molten Core Raider
Show is still good but not nearly what it was. The entire head up to get proof plot line is the worst in the show's history.
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A Mod Real Quick
The writing is pretty shit this season but whoever is writing davos lines is fucking awesome. He's one of us

"I thought you might still be rowing"
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Gatta say inflation is a bitch, 5 gold dragons to 15 per guard... thats bank - thats a TON of money if I remember the few talks about their currency rates.
I'd say this was just a throwaway without any forethought.

I think I remember a book scene with Tyrion where it was stated something to the extent of a single gold dragon was more money than most common people would ever see in their lifetimes.

For a guard to get a kickback of 5 would be insane. 15 and he may as well be nobility.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So sick of hearing about birthright in this show.

Birthright only matters to that person and maybe the few people supporting them.

This isn't something where their DNA is going to unlock a door that gives them access to F16's or something.

Birthright is only useful insomuch as people will follow you. You could make it up and if enough of the "right people" believe you it becomes canon. This doesn't mean you are destined to rule in any way or that you should rule.

I said this multiple times over the years. Birthright ONLY matters for peace time transition of power after a monarchs death.

The rightful heir thing is dumb because the entire show is about how the rightful heir is whoever can fucking take the damn Throne.

Aegon Targaryen? Took the throne via dragonfire and made the Seven Kingdoms because fuck you. Robert Baratheon? Usurped the throne from the Mad King.

Cersei? Her only claim to the throne was being married to Robert if you want to get technical. Her children had no right to it. Stannis Baratheon was the true legal heir to the throne. Not that it did him any good.

Jon has less ability to take the throne than any of them.

Are you guys even watching this show? I mean basically the entire goddamn mess that Westeros is in stems from the (il)legitimacy of Joffrey's claim to the throne. Pursuing that got Ned killed and it's what caused both Renly and Stannis to rebel against the throne. Cersei may be a usurper like Robert was, but obviously she was in the right place at the right time with the power to enforce her new claim as well as people willing to ignore her horrific crime in blowing up the Sept of Baelor. But yeah thousands of people have died in this show because of rightful claims, so it's very clear that succession laws do matter. Obviously Gendry can't just stroll up to King's Landing and say "hey when Joffrey had all the king's bastards murdered to help secure the legitimacy of his claim to the throne he missed me, so Im gonna need you to step aside and hand me the throne" but if his existence had been known about before Renly and Stannis died, things could have gone very differently, especially considering how rigid Stannis was about the whole 'rightful claim' thing as the elder brother.

Also, considering how unsettled the North still is, especially with Littlefinger suddenly trying to be clever again, if it gets out that Jon isn't the bastard son of Ned Stark but the bastard/true-born son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark (depending on if it's just unsubstantiated claims from Bran or if Lord Tarly shows up to provide evidence of Rhaegar's annulment and remarriage) it could easily throw the North back into chaos again.

So no, having a rightful claim doesn't just unroll a red carpet straight from your feet to the throne, but if you think claims don't matter at all then you clearly haven't been paying attention.
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