GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If I recall, the Other killing is pre-Commander killing, because after the Commander is a fucking mess and Sam gets the fuck out of dodge. The dead Nights Watch attack them later at an abandoned village, then they eventually run into Coldhands.


If I recall, the Other killing is pre-Commander killing, because after the Commander is a fucking mess and Sam gets the fuck out of dodge. The dead Nights Watch attack them later at an abandoned village, then they eventually run into Coldhands.
Looks like you are correct.

When the Others attack the Watch camp at the Fist of the First Men, Sam manages to send word of the attack to Castle Black and is able to escape with a group of about fifty survivors led by Jeor Mormont. The march is hard on Sam and he is helped by his friends Grenn and Small Paul. Eventually they are separated from the majority of the men. Paul, who carried Sam for much of the journey, is attacked and killed by an Other, but the weight of his body disarms it as he dies. Samwell, who is carrying a dragonglass dagger that was among the cache found by Ghost, uses the opportunity to attack, and blindly stabs the Other, who dies instantaneously from the dragonglass blade. Killing the Other earns him the nickname "Sam the Slayer".[6]
He and Grenn rendezvous with the remaining survivors at Craster's Keep, where Gilly gives birth to a son. Shortly thereafter, violence erupts in the keep, with some Night's Watch men believing that Craster was holding out on the food he provided for the Watch, and others harboring mutinous intentions toward Commander Mormont. Craster and Mormont are both killed in the fighting, Before Mormont dies he gives Sam his dying wish, that Jorah, his son, join the Watch.[7]
Sam is forced to flee, joined only by Gilly and her newborn. They make it as far as a village Sam believes to be Whitetree but are then attacked by wights, including a reanimated Small Paul, who attackes Sam first. Sam fights him off and stabs him with the dragonglass dagger, but it proves ineffective. Desperately, Sam strikes him with a piece of charred wood, which catches him on fire, killing him. They run, but are beset by additional wights, and are saved at the last moment by Coldhands.[8]


Millie's Staff Member
yep, they had their chance at the season opener to make samwell kill the mounted walker. it looked like it was going to happen, then it just didnt. its like the show producers said, " sam a hero? naaaah thats just too unbelievable. we need us some downtrodden characters and when we let him finally kill the mounted walker, only gillie sees it and thats what gets him some poonytang"


yep, they had their chance at the season opener to make samwell kill the mounted walker. it looked like it was going to happen, then it just didnt. its like the show producers said, " sam a hero? naaaah thats just too unbelievable. we need us some downtrodden characters and when we let him finally kill the mounted walker, only gillie sees it and thats what gets him some poonytang"
Ya they also said in the show that he DIDN'T get the ravens out when in the books he was able to get a message out during the fight.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
They never found the dragon glass (in the show) and it would seem way too deus ex machina to find the dragon glass cache while wandering around the woods now. Very unlikely that Sam will slay any Others this season.


They did find the dragonglass in season 2 of the show, which makes it all the more strange that they skipped that part of Sam's character development. I'm assuming he will slay an Other at some point in order to show the power of the obsidian, but it will lose some of its impact if he doesn't do it in front of the Night's Watch.


Molten Core Raider
They did find the dragonglass. I think the answer is probably a little more obvious than folks realize....

It's a huge pain in the ass to do that scene right. With the costs of the CGI and making the existing walkers get into a realistic fight with a 350lbs actor who is actually in FAR WORSE shape than the real Sam is pretty tough to pull off without looking fucking stupid.

It's an important scene and one if they don't get right will undermine their ability to do the bigger scenes later. Hell it would have been their first big scene in Season 3. Not a great way to start. I'd bet money someone literally said, "fuck it". It's not really that important anyway.


Unelected Mod
Well, for starters I never liked Samwell. I dont think a character going around constantly trumpeting to the world how much of a coward he is is at all realistic.

Yet at the same time they really should include him doing SOMETHING brave before the end of s3. To me the worst part of book 3 was when Samwell manipulated the different members of the NW to get John elected as lord commander. I felt it was completely out of the blue that Samwell would do that. Without the "slayer" moment it will be even worse.


Buzzfeed Editor
It is THE defining moment of Sam's character. I can't imagine that they don't have a plan to do it somehow.


Millie's Staff Member
well he doesn't have that many opportunities. hes about to leave the crows and run off with gilly, then he meets up with coldhands and tnen eventually goes back to the wall and the ww are not seen again until they attack that island in book 5. i dont know why they introduced his character if they arent going to properly develop his arch. because right now hes a worthless fatass coward to the nw and if doesnt show himself to be anything but that to his fellow crows its not going to work well at all later on. unless maybe they intend change shit up and include more ww attacking the wall when the wildlings surrender and sam kills one with the glass? the kinda shit the bed when they didnt have sam kill yhe ww when he was supposed to. if not for his character development, then for the revelation about the dragon glass.
I mean over the whole series. There are other scenes IMHO they are leaving out I'd rather see. That's just my opinion. It's not like any of it is canon.
there's 1 gay sex scene per season. i was waiting for this season's gay scene to see who would rationalize their homophobia off as wanting more screen time for something else. i'm sure it offended more but to actually post about it is another matter. out of all the scenes that were sexually superfluous, this wasn't one of them.

that said, that were was just *1* post about this (to my knowledge) is refreshing given the plethora of posts about it in seasons 2 and 1. i guess we have spartacus to thank.

movin on -->


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I don't think calling Sam a slayer was totally meant to mock him. Maybe they kinda laughed about it because it's so unexpected but they respected him for it. They could have easily put it in the beginning of the first episode when that wight was crawling towards him. I guess they could put it in when he's off with Gilly but it won't have the same impact at all other than letting the audience know dragonglass kills the WW.

Do you think they're going to split up Bran and Rickon soon? He should be going off with Osha to Skagos by now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm not certain they will split them up. Martin himself has stated that the Osha scenes on the show have inspired him to write more for her character in the books. Just keep in mind that any plot angle in the books that requires the character take an extended absence means the actor ain't doing shit, and actors gotta eat, which means they might land another role then you are SOL if you need them back and their schedule is full.

edit: lol, who added a CyberSled avatar to me?


In the show, sam did already serve a purpose...multiple actually. He set up Jon Snow as a leader figure by protecting Sam. Sam also explained what the dragonglass was, and on the fist of the first men, explained some to that, he shows a weakness in the nights watch, not everyone is suitable to wear the he gave more power to the Crasters Keep killings...

I think they are saving the white walkers for when Sam and some others gather at castle black...because why wouldn't sam go back there. I know i am swerving somewhat away from how it went in the books, but so did the show.


Molten Core Raider
How hard could it be to show him stabbing some guy with CGI blue eyes and that guy puking black blood and falling over?

I can't even remember, did Old man Targ even show up at night's watch in S1? That would also remove a lot of Samwell's story. Maybe he's just supposed to be some fat shithead and then die when the wildlings attack in the show.


A Mod Real Quick
While you were all drooling over Ygritte's tits, I was drooling over Brienne's body double ass. Seriously, that woman is far too large and that frame was far too petite. I can't be the only one that thought that stood out like a sore thumb (sore ass???).

Seeing Jaime's ass was the icing on the cake.

By the way, for the people that keep calling him Jamie - it is Jaime. You're giving me aneurysms.


Unelected Mod
It might have been a body double, but remember that Gwendolyn Christie is actually not a large framed woman at all. They bulk her up in armor to make her look wider.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah, she's just itty bitty. You can barely see her.

edit: I know what you mean about her frame and the scene didn't stick out to me particularly.