GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think Arya still comes across pretty badass. Her basically telling the Hound she was going to fucking kill him at some point and him not just laughing it off was a very subtle way of giving the threat the weight it deserved. Jaime's character I think suffers the most from the lack of screen time (at least as far as his development goes). He has some major changes that go on in his head that we don't ever get to see. In many instances on the show, they've done a great job of using other devices to make up for the lack of inner dialogue that goes on in the characters' heads...but in some cases there isn't a way to really portray it with the few short lines many of the scenes get week to week. For instance, it hasn't had the chance to happen yet because he hasn't returned to KL, but when Jaime is reading the Kingsguard book and noting how he didn't have very much written about himself, whereas Ser Barristan had a long list of accomplishments in the book, it really affected him.
I agree. In fact we just saw an example of that with last night. There's a ton of inner dialogue with Catelyn, especially at the end but of course we can't see any of that in the show for obvious reasons.

As for last night, it would of been nice if they could of filmed them when they get to the twins in the rain and grey wind all agitated.


Registered Hodor



Golden Baronet of the Realm
I agree. In fact we just saw an example of that with last night. There's a ton of inner dialogue with Catelyn, especially at the end but of course we can't see any of that in the show for obvious reasons.

As for last night, it would of been nice if they could of filmed them when they get to the twins in the rain and grey wind all agitated.
Grey Wind got completely hosed. You never have them order that the direwolf isn't allowed inside, doesn't go all badass during the fighting...granted it might have given it away, but still. The Cat stuff I thought they did as well as they could (without having her claw her own face off). She pulled off the completely broken/hopeless mother very well at the end.


Vyemm Raider
He needed the freys becouse he pissed (beheaded the lord) off the karstarks and they left and needed to recoup the lost men. Was Bolton in on it? He stabbed Rob in the heart so i think there might be some involvment.

I loved the look on cats face when she says fuck it and kills freys wife.

Robs death was CEARLY forshadowed 2 episodes ago, there was other names mentioned at this time as well so this should be a very interesting final episode.


Trump's Staff
I think Roose wearing chain armor under his celebratory clothing plus saying, "The Lannisters send their regards" right before stabbing Robb pretty much confirms he knew what was up.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
One thing I really hate about the leeches scene with Melisandre is not only did it sort of make people worried for Rob (although I guess there were other reasons to be worried about him too), but now everyone expects Balon and Joffery to die as well. In Balon's case, I doubt anyone really gives a fuck (and less a fuck was given for it in the books), but even though I'm sure everyone expects someone to off Joffery at some point, knowing it's coming takes something away from it in my mind.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Walder Frey was awesome, wish Roose Bolton was better since he's among my favorites, but I'll take what I can get.

Fuck the Starks. I loved Ned and Arya was pro for a while, but most of them have been retards. Although no doubt the surviving ones will go gain superpowers and return like the Justice League to fight in the final boss battle of the books.


Registered Hodor
but even though I'm sure everyone expects someone to off Joffery at some point, knowing it's coming takes something away from it in my mind.
True, but it would never have the shock value of the Red Wedding to begin with, because Joffrey is such a little piece of shit. People will be happy to see him die, especially if they do a good job of capturing the scene in the book (making Tyrion ride the pig, etc.)


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I agree. In fact we just saw an example of that with last night. There's a ton of inner dialogue with Catelyn, especially at the end but of course we can't see any of that in the show for obvious reasons.

As for last night, it would of been nice if they could of filmed them when they get to the twins in the rain and grey wind all agitated.
I'm glad they didn't. With how much little content there is in an hour show any kind of foreshadowing from an animal (because animals are always right on TV) would ruin it a lot. Watching the show and knowing what happens there was almost no foreshadowing until the doors closed.


Trump's Staff
I was also glad that they didn't include Cat's lines to Robb urging him to make sure to eat bread for guest rights. If they had vocalized that in the show instead of just showing them eat, it would have been way too obvious.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm glad they didn't. With how much little content there is in an hour show any kind of foreshadowing from an animal (because animals are always right on TV) would ruin it a lot. Watching the show and knowing what happens there was almost no foreshadowing until the doors closed.
I would have liked Grey Wind to kill some guys at least. They certainly had time last night, the episode was done and over with 7 minutes shy of 10pm on my clock.


Mr. Poopybutthole
why did they change robb's wife? they could have easily introduced jeyne westerling. that's the one change i didn't understand.
Well they probably decided on the changes to the red wedding all the way back then, so my guess is they decided it would be easier to have her be a nobody if they were going to kill her at the wedding.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
After watching how they ended her, I wouldn't be surprised if they changed her just so she could be pregnant and get stabbed in a womb a bunch.


I might be wrong with this, but I really feel like it's becoming trendy to flip out about this episode. I understand that what happened was crazy. I sat on my couch with my hands raised and jaw dropped not believing what just happened.

I love this show. I've been reading the first book over the past month. I just don't get why people are freaking out. I understand that people get attached to characters. I can only speak for myself when I say this, but I'm tired of watching things (movies and TV shows) where the protagonists do whatever the hell they want and things always work out for them (I'm looking at you Kirk). Maybe I'm just getting older and becoming cynical, but it just completely takes me out of a story when there aren't any REAL consequences to characters actions.

I don't want to digress too much but I think back to watching the Hobbit (I never read the book). The first few times the characters were in serious peril I felt myself becoming nervous. Then something or someone (Gandalf) comes in out of nowhere and rescues them. I didn't give a shit towards the end because I figured they would get out of it. Then some giant fucking birds swoop in as they're plummeting to their doom. Really? There's like 16 guys running through hordes of goblins with swords and not one dies?

My point is I enjoy the fact that no one seems safe on this show. It seems more like the world I live in. Things don't always work out because you're special or a good guy. I'm sure a story where the Starks just go around and fuck shit up would be entertaining, but it would become old and predictable and people would complain about it.

I know this has been said but I will echo it, at this point if the viewer is upset to the point that they need to make threats to the creator or post all over social networks about a character getting killed then maybe you shouldn't be watching this kind of show.

But maybe I'm wrong.


Trump's Staff
Most viewers at this point are probably just a little bit lost and not knowing who to cheer for. The Starks from episode one have come off as the good guys and now none of them are in positions of power at all.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's a happy medium somewhere in between the boring stagnation of a series where every single protagonist is a superhero that never dies, and the pointless chaos of a series where it feels like there is no point getting invested in any major character because the only way the author knows how to advance the story is by killing someone important.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I might be wrong with this, but I really feel like it's becoming trendy to flip out about this episode. I understand that what happened was crazy. I sat on my couch with my hands raised and jaw dropped not believing what just happened.

I love this show. I've been reading the first book over the past month. I just don't get why people are freaking out. I understand that people get attached to characters. I can only speak for myself when I say this, but I'm tired of watching things (movies and TV shows) where the protagonists do whatever the hell they want and things always work out for them (I'm looking at you Kirk). Maybe I'm just getting older and becoming cynical, but it just completely takes me out of a story when there aren't any REAL consequences to characters actions.

I don't want to digress too much but I think back to watching the Hobbit (I never read the book). The first few times the characters were in serious peril I felt myself becoming nervous. Then something or someone (Gandalf) comes in out of nowhere and rescues them. I didn't give a shit towards the end because I figured they would get out of it. Then some giant fucking birds swoop in as they're plummeting to their doom. Really? There's like 16 guys running through hordes of goblins with swords and not one dies?

My point is I enjoy the fact that no one seems safe on this show. It seems more like the world I live in. Things don't always work out because you're special or a good guy. I'm sure a story where the Starks just go around and fuck shit up would be entertaining, but it would become old and predictable and people would complain about it.

I know this has been said but I will echo it, at this point if the viewer is upset to the point that they need to make threats to the creator or post all over social networks about a character getting killed then maybe you shouldn't be watching this kind of show.

But maybe I'm wrong.
I wouldn't worry about it so much.