GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
How does Littlefinger take the news of Cat's death in the books? Is there any shock or outrage out of him? Or has he already moved on to full on Sansa-creeper to care much?
He does the obvious thing.

Starts grooming and trying to fuck her lookalike daughter in a bizarre incestuous triangle with a retarded prince.


Buzzfeed Editor
Martell's have a lot of Targ in them too remember.
Yeah, sounds like Italy--Italians around the alps are light skinned, very European looking (When they cast James Caan in Godfather they said they would explain it as him having northern Italian blood). While Italians down south, and Sicily are extremely dark. In fact there is a specific name in Italian (My grandfather knows it) for "dirt farmers" and/or dark skinned Italians, it's essentially the Italian equivalent of American Inventor. This is why, combined with an economic fissure, North/South Italians hate each other. (lol true romance clip).


Millie's Staff Member
Most italian american movie stars are the "dirt" variety. Basically ayone you have seen in a scorsese or de palma film


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
He does the obvious thing.

Starts grooming and trying to fuck her lookalike daughter in a bizarre incestuous triangle with a retarded prince.
It's been awhile, but I think it's along the lines of "Cat rejected me and now she is dead, but Sansa is even hotter so time to upgrade!"


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eh, if Littlefinger really is this fiendishly clever bastard, then I doubt he was so obsessed over Catelyn that his new plan is to get down and dirty with Sansa. I assume he's keeping her around more because when all is said and done, she could end up being his key to ruling Winterfell on top of whatever else. I sincerely doubt the Eyrie is anything more than a means to an end to him, and he probably thinks that Harrenhal isn't worth the trouble to rebuild.


Vyemm Raider
I honestly wouldn't mind if the series' balance of power shifted more towards Littlefinger. Say he ends up taking control of the eyrie, the north, and the harrenhal area. Now he starts moving against the south, where Aegon is gaining traction with a dornish alliance and the lannisters, being nearly headless, are collecting under the tyrells.


Molten Core Raider
That last page was pure stupidity. Martells black because we need diversity in the show? wat?

This isn't Game of Affirmative Action.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I forget what all LF holds at the end of ADWD. He has Harrenhall and the Eyrie(sort of), right? So he's defacto warden of the East as Cripple McTittysucker's guardian, and has whatever part of the Riverlands Harrenhall warrants. And his supposed plan is to marry Sansa to Cripple? Or was it some other noble in the Eyrie area after he kills Cripple? So he'll be the power behind the throne for the East, the North, and I have to think he's got designs on the Frey's to get himself the Riverlands in total.


El Presidente
I forget what all LF holds at the end of ADWD. He has Harrenhall and the Eyrie(sort of), right? So he's defacto warden of the East as Cripple McTittysucker's guardian, and has whatever part of the Riverlands Harrenhall warrants. And his supposed plan is to marry Sansa to Cripple? Or was it some other noble in the Eyrie area after he kills Cripple? So he'll be the power behind the throne for the East, the North, and I have to think he's got designs on the Frey's to get himself the Riverlands in total.
He wants to marry Sansa to Harry the Heir not little cripple shit.


No. He plans to marry Harry the Heir (who is Robert Arryn's heir through some complicated relationship) to Sansa (but everyone thinks she's Baelish's bastard daughter). He's told her that he's going to reveal her true identity at that wedding.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That would be the "some other noble in the Eyrie". I didn't think it was Bobby Arryn, but couldn't think of anyone else specific.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Joffrey tried to have Bran killed because he overheard Robert all drunk and shit saying how he pittied Bran's condition and he would be better of dead. He probably thought he would get a pat on the head from his Dad who basically had nothing to do with him once he realized what a freak Joffrey was.

While both Ned and Cat miscalculated I think Cat made the worse decisions between the two; Ned had never spent any time in Kings Landing and didn't know the players, he was just fine being a northern lord and had no idea people also didn't have his sense of values, Cat on the other hand is a noble women who should be thinking about her house and how her decisions affect that. When you think of the some of the Tyrell or Martell ladies Cat just comes off looking like a retard. Olenna Tyrell would probably kick Mace or Loras off a ledge if it meant House Tyrell gained, instead Cat who was already raised in a pretty powerful house and then married into an even more powerful house just makes shit decisions every fucking time she can. She deserved getting Robb and her killed and hopefully she fucks up as Lady Stoneheart as well.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
LF is going to marry Sansa to the Harry "the Heir" Hardyng who is next in line after Robert Arryn to lead House Arryn, at the wedding she is supposed to wear a Stark cloak and reveal who she is so Harry calls the banners and goes to retake the North.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Whatever Littlefinger's ultimate goals are you know his shit is going to get wrecked by one of the major players. There's nothing greater than a scheming overachiever getting outplayed or just plain overpowered as a condemnation. Justice would be most served by Sansa leveling up over the next book and figuring out what LF did to her family and completely destroying him. But there's a ton of other actors that have lots of reasons to want him dead.

Also I'll avatar bet someone that Sansa never consumates her marriage with Harry "redshirt" Hardyng. and if it's already spoiled by stuff I've been avoiding then nevermind haha.


The Scientific Shitlord
Cat is the fucking idiot that was dense enough to believe that Tyrion would send an assassin after her son with a knife that had "Property of Tyrion Lannister, Imp" stenciled on it. Taking it upon herself to arrest the Imp was the point of no return that kicked off the war.

(speaking of the dagger - did Joff do that to get back at Tyrion for slapping him, or was it just a coincidence that Petyr pinned it on Tyrion and Joff is just a fucking idiot?)
It's implied that Joff did it in a misguided attempt to please his dad (Bobby B) who made an offhand remark about it being more merciful to be killed than to have to live as a cripple or some such. The dagger was just one of many weapons and treasures the royal entourage had on hand.