GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
If I recall correctly in her PoV chapter it's hinted at she's actually an old woman who uses an illusion too


FPS noob
what the hell was up with that mountain scene this week anyways. He's fighting a bunch of peasants without armor? Is that a thing that just happens in Kings Landing now? He looked goofy as fuck there. Should have had him raping women and killing farmers in the Riverlands or even near Aerie 1-2 episodes ago, and a Lannister courier come up and tell him that Cersei demands his presence as her champion. He woulda looked so much better in fucked up armor with blood and guts all over it.

i guess the old mountain really pissed off the showrunners or something since they should have been able to bring him back for 2 episodes, especially since his film career never took off (his part in the Hobbit, for which he left Got, was basically turned into CGI). He really was perfect for the part too





Blackwing Lair Raider
Not gonna read the past 330 pages i missed so sorry if this stuff has been mentioned.

I really hope they do Stannis parts better. He is my fav char in the books, and his star turn is about to come. Stannis and his story seem very peripheral in the show so far.

Is the Iron Islands story line basically being cut? Gonna assume Stannis captures Asha, or w/e she is called in the show. Will be captured by Stannis fleet while sailing from the dreadfort. No Euron or Aeon also....


I just read this theory on reddit that Euron = Daario, which could explain why you iron islands stuff is being left until season 5 as it would be a major spoiler for readers.

Is Daario really?...(Spoilers ADWD) : asoiaf

I like the comment about Euron having a fleet of 93 ships in the books, and Daario capturing the mereenese fleet of 93 ships in the show.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That is retarded. If that were true that would be the dumbest shit ever. Not only does Daario realize he has almost 0 chance of actually marrying Dany, there's just waaaay to much traveling for that shit to actually be real.


Molten Core Raider
I just read this theory on reddit that Euron = Daario, which could explain why you iron islands stuff is being left until season 5 as it would be a major spoiler for readers.

Is Daario really?...(Spoilers ADWD) : asoiaf

I like the comment about Euron having a fleet of 93 ships in the books, and Daario capturing the mereenese fleet of 93 ships in the show.
Best comment in that thread...

Salt, Stone, Tinfoil.

That is retarded. If that were true that would be the dumbest shit ever. Not only does Daario realize he has almost 0 chance of actually marrying Dany, there's just waaaay to much traveling for that shit to actually be real.
And this^


A Man Chooses....
It may seem weird but I have more confidence in Weiss and Beniof to keep the show rolling than I do in Martin at this point. Almost all the changes they have made have been for the better and I think they understand their role in this series.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
what the hell was up with that mountain scene this week anyways. He's fighting a bunch of peasants without armor? Is that a thing that just happens in Kings Landing now? He looked goofy as fuck there.
I agree. That was retarded.

"We need to remind these TV watching idiots that the Mountain is pretty badass."
"Okay, let's show him chopping up some unarmored skinny dudes for no reason."
"Good, let's go to lunch."


Log Wizard
Pretty sure that was The Mountain's "training". That's why there was a pile of different weapons to test.

He just makes them look like they're being slaughtered, but it was really a 10 v 1 match.


Blackwing Lair Raider
FWIW I love the books, but If forced to choose between the two I would prefer the show continuing as opposed to the books. ASOAIAF is fantastic, but there's plenty of other good fantasy novels. Nothing on TV like GoT however.

GoT and Mad Men really make this time of year awesome for Sunday night TV.


Millie's Staff Member
these last 2 episodes have shown that the show writers are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. last week we had a monty python sketch with asha and this week we get Mongo the Mountain playing greatsword home run derby with starving villagers. yeah the acting is top notch, but the writers when they do shit on their own its amateur hour half the time. did we also forget how bran and crew derped their way over to craster's keep and were captured?


Blackwing Lair Raider
these last 2 episodes have shown that the show writers are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. last week we had a monty python sketch with asha and this week we get Mongo the Mountain playing greatsword home run derby with starving villagers. yeah the acting is top notch, but the writers when they do shit on their own its amateur hour half the time. did we also forget how bran and crew derped their way over to craster's keep and were captured?
It's not really strange to think that three children and a retard would get captured by a bandit and his men. It's easy to say the show's awesome and the shitty parts are when the producers "Do stuff on their own" but the reality is you have no fucking idea what they do or don't do "on their own".


Tranny Chaser
<Gaming Ghost>
It's still an amazing show, and I put it on par with shows like Breaking Bad and The Wire, but once you get that good, it all depends on preference. I wouldn't be able to rank any of them better or worse then the others, personally.
I enjoy Game of Thrones more than The Wire, and a little bit more than Breaking Bad. I don't think GOT is better than either though, at the end of the day it's an adaptation of a fantasy series, whereas the other two are original stories.