GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I guess I don't remember but is Gendry (sp) still alive? I know they took his blood, but I don't recall seeing him ever again after that.
DAvos put Gendry on a boat, essentially got him away from Stannis. That was the last sight of him.


Tranny Chaser
The blood does nothing till it burns.
She lit the leeches on fire if you remember. The leeches were just a mechanism to get the blood to the fire.
Other than making no sense, but magic, the maesters seem to be able to do bloodletting, possibly store blood. Heparin can be refined from many sources. No need to kill the girl


Millie's Staff Member
Might you forget there's a few people inside winterfell and there's catacombs under winterfell with undoubtedly an exit outside it's walls. Stannis will get help from Reek, go through the catacombs at night, claim the lord of light favoured him thanks to his sacrifice and wins the North. OR draw the Boltons out as he captures the dreadfort instead. All in all i am pretty sure thanks to the lord of light, some help or good fortune will come.

After episode 8, i am pretty damn sure there is only 1 thing that can save westeros from winter and certain death...And that is Daenerys and her dragons.
ok so, say sansa says to theon. "hey i know a way out of winterfell thats super sekrit, old nan showed us." they go out of the exit, get captured by stannis's men and stannis uses the same exit to infiltrate winterfell and take it? i guess if sansa decided she can trust theon not to dick her over again and why she hasnt used this exit herself to escape then yeah its possible. stannis can chalk it up to "a miracle" even though he knows it really wasnt.


Blackwing Lair Raider
ok lets say you are right and this will happen, these are the things stannis needs.

no blizzards and warmer weather for a few weeks.
plenty of food for the journey/siege
siege weapons to penetrate the outer walls
enough men so that he still has a cohesive kingdom conquesting army after taking winterfell

will that one sacrifice provide all these things? will a re-destroyed winterfell be a worthy stronghold for the winter?

of course i am talking about one of their normal winters, not this winter which has WWs, ice zombies or ice spiders. everyone is fucked if that happens.

this video brought up some interesting points about dorne
why would tyene's sister call her a slut for flirting with bronn? i thought in dorne they dont judge? why would doran send away his son to the the asshole lannisters? why no dany plan? lots of headscratching going on this week.
Maybe he is expecting another batch of cootersassins to pop out and murder the boltons. Without the leaders of the boltons you could wind up retaking winterfel without a fight.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
There is precedent for this. The Maester escaped this way a few seasons ago when Winterfell was being burned. Theon clearly never knew it existed. Or Jon might tell Davos about it. I don't see them not using the tunnel really.

Shortly thereafter the armies of the Vale sweep up!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It would be cool if they did a big-budget movie for the series finale. After that arena scene, I'm kind of fearing the cheese factor of a dragon-heavy battle, assuming that's even how the series ends.


Trump's Staff
At the end of the day they'll never have to animate more than three dragons and I'm sure when the time comes they'll have a satisfactory budget for it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
ok lets say you are right and this will happen, these are the things stannis needs.

no blizzards and warmer weather for a few weeks.
plenty of food for the journey/siege
siege weapons to penetrate the outer walls
enough men so that he still has a cohesive kingdom conquesting army after taking winterfell

will that one sacrifice provide all these things? will a re-destroyed winterfell be a worthy stronghold for the winter?

of course i am talking about one of their normal winters, not this winter which has WWs, ice zombies or ice spiders. everyone is fucked if that happens.

this video brought up some interesting points about dorne
why would tyene's sister call her a slut for flirting with bronn? i thought in dorne they dont judge? why would doran send away his son to the the asshole lannisters? why no dany plan? lots of headscratching going on this week.
Things Stannis needs:
1. The writers to use one of a large number of plausible scenarios that result in his victory, not limited to:
A. Sansa rallying the North and stage a coup d'etat

B. Theon seeing the approaching army and reeking the shit out of the Boltons.
C. Jon or every true northerner telling Stannis how to get inside, and Stannis sends his 20 ninjas to light the Boltons on fire.
D. Brienne of Tarth she-hulking her way through when Stannis makes a desperate attack.
E. Ramsay getting in a fight with Roose over his future brother and ends up adding a serious weakness.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah I already tweeted back at them calling them faggots, but i'm not sure what they were thinking either.

Yeah I don't care about shireen. I also read the books so in the end I don't give a fuck if they spoiler it, but they sound like a bunch of whiny cunts taking their ball and going home.
Bantam is their publisher I believe and I've not seen anything on this. Do you have a link?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Drogon looked incredible in that scene after Dany pulls the spear out. The detail in his open mouth looked great.

It bothered me too that he seemed to be so injured by the spears, but was he injured? He's still very young and surely inexperienced in anything other than burning random livestock (or child) for food. He came because Dany was there(I assume there's some connection) and then it was chaos. I'd like to think that as he matures in size and experience, the next time he faces a small army, the results would be different. In this show though, who the fuck knows. He looked great though. I can give a pass on the last bit of CGI.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It would be cool if they did a big-budget movie for the series finale. After that arena scene, I'm kind of fearing the cheese factor of a dragon-heavy battle, assuming that's even how the series ends.
They should do a big-budget movie for Robert's Rebellion, with all the shit they forgot to put in the series via flashbacks, between season 6 and 7 imo.

Then if that works, do a big-budget movie for the final battle.


Trump's Staff
He was injured but eventually those spears wont do shit to him. As dragons get older their scales get thicker, they become more resistant to heat in general, and their flames get hotter, which are all fairly typical of fantasy dragons. Drogon is still a teenager.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Here's something sort of interesting that I was about to comment on in the no spoiler thread, but then I thought maybe it would be considered spoilery?

Have they ever addressed that whole half charlatan/half legit power thing Melisandre has in books on the show? Cause there is that theory that the thing with the leeches was just bullshit since she'd already had vision of the death of the three kings, whereas this thing with Shireen, obviously, is way different. So in the show has she just always been shown as 100% legit?


Trump's Staff
They've shown her talking to Selyse about her powders and shit that she throws into the fires to trick people but I can't remember anything else.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am looking forward to that dragon being full grown. Though she left them, I think she realized that her dragon was in real danger staying. The graphics and confrontation were awesome. I am curious to see where the queen ends up on the finale.

The burning of the daughter had me wishing somebody would have Jon Snowed that situtation. That scene was by far the most emotion jerking for me of the entire season and maybe the entire show. I have a daughter and there is no way in hell she would suffer through that entire ordeal. That fire god does not need the sacrafice to feel the process.

Did nobody else enjoy that small scene between the two sisters? I laughed like hell when the small sister bitch slapped the big sister.

I miss Arya Stark. I want her to be the chaotic neutral character she was last season. So far, she has been boring and a disappointment. I hope she comes out of that cocoon in the last episode.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The implication in the books is that she augments her real powers with a considerable amount of theatrics to make her seem more than she is.
And she definitely has been growing in power due to the return of the dragons - though it is also implied in the books that she doesn't understand why, if I recall correctly.