GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I don't see why they wouldn't have Margaery locked up too and have that be the catalyst for him to fuck over Cersei.
Let's not forget that Lancel is in the Faith Militant on the show and he has the goods on Cersei.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Let's not forget that Lancel is in the Faith Militant on the show and he has the goods on Cersei.
This. I am guessing that Cersei will feel like she is losing control of the situation, she will try to do her typical "lol I am teh queen!" crap, then Cultist Lancel's info will end up with her in their custody.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
selmy died for nothing. he wasnt even defending dany. just a bunch of redshirts who should have been able to handle the situation on their own.
This is a good point. It would have been a much better scene if he died defending her. But it could have been kinda hokey too.


Millie's Staff Member
This is a good point. It would have been a much better scene if he died defending her. But it could have been kinda hokey too.
it might have been hokey, but i would have been more satisfied if he died in the pit fighter scene or even when drogon shows up and selmy thinks he is defending dany and drogon thinks he was trying to hurt dany and he ends up getting flame broiled like a fucking whopper. then dany, disgusted with everything jumps on drogon and gives everyone the finger and flies the fuck away.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Nah, I want to like her dragons out of sheer badassery. I'd hate 'em forever for parboiling Ser Barristan.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
selmy died for nothing. he wasnt even defending dany. just a bunch of redshirts who should have been able to handle the situation on their own.
It felt like he was on Lost and got a DUI. I don't get it from a story standpoint either.
It makes sense from a storytelling perspective because generally the reader/viewer doesn't care about the problems in Mereen except that Daenyres can't move on from Essos to Westeros until she 'solves' the problems. With Big Barri getting iced by the sons of the harpy it gives the viewers a taste of the anger in the city and gives us a reason to care about eviscerating the harpies


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
His death is a excuse for Daenyres to get violent with the population of Mereen and removes the person advocating a gentle hand. It also makes room in here entourage for people heading towards her at the moment.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, shit has to come to a head with Dany real quick. No better way than "insurgents just killed a couple of my closest advisers in a coordinated attack". She's going to fucking flip, go for the purge, get suckered into marrying Hizdahr Whocareshisname and then ride off on Drogon.


The huge divergences at this point are entirely Martin's fault. Characters that just began to have POV chapters are getting murked because he couldn't get books out fast enough and had enough time to become main characters worthy of surviving the show, and since he's provided D&D with enough info about the generic end scenario of the story, they're just running roughshod.

I still dig the show for what it is, and I'm honestly pissed that I've read every piece of source material out there now. At least in six more months of screenplay they'll surpass what Martin could do in 20 years and I won't have to worry about canon anymore.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Talking to my wife about GoT
Her, "I told him, don't get attached to characters because they will die!"
Me, "I think you can get attached to Arya, Tyrion, Jon Snow and Daenarys."
Her, "I dunno, I think they will kill Jon"
Me, "... how?"
Her, "Hmm... I think he'll be betrayed."

She's too smart.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't know how they're going to handle that. Of course we have many episodes left, but they haven't really introduced any of the Night's Watch except Ser Alliser, they haven't established Jon's working with the wildlings or making unpopular (but still correct, fuck the haters) decisions. 5ish episodes to establish all of that is not a lot, it could feel rushed or they could go a whole other direction with it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It looks like he will be talking to Tormund. Once Stannis leaves, it will just be Jon w/o Stannis there is assist. With Ser Allister still there as 1st ranger, he could be the catalyst for the assassination.


Musty Nester
I dunno the timeline, but all they need to do is have him make 1 unpopular decision an episode for about 3 episodes, and let Sam overhear some gossip in 2 of them, and then in the 4th one reveal that there's some sort of plot to kill him. And then either do it in the 4th or 5th.

It'll be a little bit rushed but not that badly. 12 eps a season or 10? Either way. He killed that other ranger, he fucked a wildling, he showed mercy to Mance. So there's some gossip that the viewers are comfortable with and can accept that would probably be gossip. They just haven't shown any real discontent among the ranks at all. Out of the 4 Nightswatch that we know by sight 3 of them are pretty strident Snow supporters. And we know his leadership vote was 50/50. So that's problematic, but they can flip it fairly quickly too. They'll have to introduce us to some more of the bruthas.

They killed the Bolton plant last season, didn't they? He would have been pretty much perfect for it.


The Scientific Shitlord
My prediction for Jon is that in the show there will be some sort of riot as the dicks like Ser Allister start to attack the wildlings. Jon gets whacked in the head or arrowed through the chest and fade to black for the scene. Then last scene of the season is Dany riding off on Drogon.


Jon will encounter White Walkers in Hardhome during ep8. Realize the enormity of the threat they pose and how fucked they are. He'll head back to Castle Black and start making some unpopular decisions trying to prepare the Nights Watch. Conscripting the Wildlings, maybe heading south to get Stannis to bring his army back. Shit that makes sense to us as viewers, but to the Night's Watch it seems like he's breaking his oath since they still don't believe in White Walkers and think they're only job is to protect the north from Wildlings.

Stabbing will happen in ep 10, with Olly playing the role of Brutus. Ep 9 will be Drogon fucking up the fighting pits/Danys first flight/Mereeen civil war and Cersei's walk.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, I can 100% see Olly shanking him and being upset about it, just like one that one dude in the book who liked Jon and was in on the assassination.


Murder Apologist
No Oldtown; no Ironborn fleet sailing up the river to Highgarden; no Mance thus no tension for Gilly's/Mance's baby switch to save it from the fires; Peter Vaughan (Maester Aemon) in semi-retirement at 92 means Sam's entire arc after Dragons is on the chopping block for the show adaptation.

Sam's storyline in the books is ancillary at best and UNLESS Sam develops into a load-bearing character in the last act of the novels, I suspect the producers are going to trim the character for either this season's or the next season's WTF moment.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sam dies defending Jon.