GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


If Mel doesn't head back to Castle Black then I could see Stannis dying in the battle for Wintefell, Mel sacrificing Shireen to resurrect 'the lord of light's champion' but Stannis stays dead and Jon wakes up back at the wall. More likely is that Mel will head back north for whatever reason.

Their constant Stonemen/Greyscale references finally paid off and I wonder what else will. With the repeated mentions of Oldtown it's safe to bet Sam will be headed there soon. The constant R+L=J hints are painfully obvious for book readers but I'm curious how show watchers will react to that if it is revealed. Will they even give a shit? They've mentioned the Winterfell crypts a few times this season as well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Why would Jon be the lord of light's champion? Shit he didn't even let Mance burn proper. If anything lord of light is salty at him.


privileged excrementlord
There's any number of reasons for Mel to head back to the wall, the cheapest and easiest of which is just she "saw it in the flames" or whatever. If she has the same visions of Jon being her champ like in the book, that's all the reason she'll need to try the prayer on him.


Mr. Poopybutthole
also at the end of this season we won't need 2 threads anymore, right?
I imagine they'll stay separate just for the asinine arguments about what was changed from the books. Plus, there's the unlikely event where Winds of Winter actually gets released between this season and next, and there would end up being book discussion.

That said, it really is just becoming a completely different story. I mean, how much fucking time was dedicated to Griff? And apparently he's entirely inconsequential to the entire story. Same with Victarion. Like, absolutely massive amounts of book space were dedicated to those characters and they're 100% unimportant. It's kind of depressing as I feel like I wasted a fuck load of time reading the last two books.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I guess we see a lot of characters from Storms End (all the baratheons), Casterly Rock (Lannisters), the Vale (Arryns, LittleFinger, etc) Riverrun, Winterfell, Dorne, Highgarden...

Who is from Oldtown? Supposedly the biggest city in Westeros. Nobody important is from there. It'd be like having a book about the 50 richest and most powerful Americans and never mentioning any of them have ever been to or are from New York, and nothing ever happens there.
King's Landing is probably NYC of Westeros (A District of Columbia doesn't make sense because there's not a real federal government). Oldtown is hmm.... a big city with the best university. Maybe Los Angeles or Cambridge?

The Hightowers are the lords of Oldtown. Mace Tyrel's wife is a hightower. Gerold Hightower was the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard during Robert's Rebellion and died at the tower of Joy.

I think the reason you haven't heard much from it is because GRRM probably planned to expose it when he exposes the Maesters/Citadel with Samwell Tarly. Because that happened yet it's just another city. It's also very far from anything going on since the Iron islands plot was cut from the show. If the Greyjoy invasion was in you'd see a massive battle over Oldtown.


Registered Hutt
Jon will get rezzed. There is too much set-up on that for it to go a different way. Whether or not he'll remember he's Jon or if others will recognize him as Jon is a different story. He still has his wolf, and magic Mel and Bran are both nearby. There isn't much to do with the story if he doesn't get rezzed. Of course he could also run off wounded rather than die. I just don't see him being permanently removed from the board.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Jon will get rezzed. There is too much set-up on that for it to go a different way. Whether or not he'll remember he's Jon or if others will recognize him as Jon is a different story. He still has his wolf, and magic Mel and Bran are both nearby. There isn't much to do with the story if he doesn't get rezzed. Of course he could also run off wounded rather than die. I just don't see him being permanently removed from the board.
I think when there is literally nobody else of note in the entire area, the one character in that area essentially has plot armor. If they kill Jon, who is left at the wall with any character development whatsoever? Stannis and Mel are gone, Sam is gone, the show hasn't developed any other characters at the wall at all. With the red wedding it was the boltons and freys, who had decent character development up to that time. With Joffrey it was Cersei and Margaery that took over the plot in that area. If they kill Jon it will be....?

Thats the kind of meta-analysis I'm using to figure out who is safe, since they have ruthlessly culled the don't-matter characters from the show.


I imagine they'll stay separate just for the asinine arguments about what was changed from the books. Plus, there's the unlikely event where Winds of Winter actually gets released between this season and next, and there would end up being book discussion.

That said, it really is just becoming a completely different story. I mean, how much fucking time was dedicated to Griff? And apparently he's entirely inconsequential to the entire story. Same with Victarion. Like, absolutely massive amounts of book space were dedicated to those characters and they're 100% unimportant. It's kind of depressing as I feel like I wasted a fuck load of time reading the last two books.
Griff could be bringing a plague of greyscale with him that plays a major role. Young Griff probably isn't a real Targ or a contender for the Iron Throne but his army and the trouble it's causing will probably play a big part in some important events. Victorian brings with him a way to get Dany to Westero. Maybe they didn't deserve the amount of time spent on them in the books but they're not 100% unimportant. They're just the result of a writer trying to stay somewhat consistent with time, distance and his fictional history.

The show doesn't give a shit about that. Characters teleport around Westeros like nobodies business, others move slow as molasses. Yara sailed 10,000+ miles to turn around because of some dogs. When you can ignore distance, and don't have pages of back story on each random house you can just do whatever you want. Jorah can get greyscale because he could get to travel to Westeros in half a day. They could give Dany a fleet of ships for any random reason. Since they've erased Quentyn and Arianne Martell Dorne can take the place of Young Griffs invading army.


I think when there is literally nobody else of note in the entire area, the one character in that area essentially has plot armor. If they kill Jon, who is left at the wall with any character development whatsoever? Stannis and Mel are gone, Sam is gone, the show hasn't developed any other characters at the wall at all. With the red wedding it was the boltons and freys, who had decent character development up to that time. With Joffrey it was Cersei and Margaery that took over the plot in that area. If they kill Jon it will be....?

Thats the kind of meta-analysis I'm using to figure out who is safe, since they have ruthlessly culled the don't-matter characters from the show.
If they wanted to kill Jon outright they could have the White Walkers immediately attack and destroy the wall and start marching to Winterfell. A lot of important characters in Winterfell.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If they wanted to kill Jon outright they could have the White Walkers immediately attack and destroy the wall and start marching to Winterfell. A lot of important characters in Winterfell.
They're not going to do that, magic has so far played more or less zero role in this series, it's not all of a sudden going to be zombie apocalypse and full on magic reversal. This is a political intrigue series with a magic backdrop.


<Prior Amod>
Wasn't Jon Arryn keeping shit together as hand of the king for a long time, he'd just placate to whatever lavish shit robert wanted, while running shit? and going "well LF, the king wants more festivals, go find money", and LF had him killed cuz he was snooping around too much finding all the bastards? (which worried the twins), then LF had the crazy bitch send that letter to caityln saying she "thinks" the lannisters did it.

It was the perfect time to kill jon arryn, cuz many more ppl weren't believing the rumors of the incest twins.

I don't think LF was rich enough to fund anything, he just signed lots of bank loans.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Griff could be bringing a plague of greyscale with him that plays a major role. Young Griff probably isn't a real Targ or a contender for the Iron Throne but his army and the trouble it's causing will probably play a big part in some important events. Victorian brings with him a way to get Dany to Westero. Maybe they didn't deserve the amount of time spent on them in the books but they're not 100% unimportant. They're just the result of a writer trying to stay somewhat consistent with time, distance and his fictional history.
I'm just saying the books spent an inordinate amount of time for characters that got completely chopped from the show. All the theorizing that Griff could have been a true Targ and the legitimate heir to the throne have been wiped out, because he's obviously not important enough to introduce to the show. If he's that insignificant, then it clearly means his story wasn't really going anywhere. Sure, he may bring some kind of greyscale plague to Westeros, but it'll end up being a small sidenote to the entire story. Griff and Victarion were billed as important for one reason or another. They weren't just mashing together Sansa and Jeyne Poole for convenience. But their absence means that it was all a farce.

In the end, those characters may as well have been pages and pages of meal descriptions.


FPS noob
I think when there is literally nobody else of note in the entire area, the one character in that area essentially has plot armor. If they kill Jon, who is left at the wall with any character development whatsoever? Stannis and Mel are gone, Sam is gone, the show hasn't developed any other characters at the wall at all. With the red wedding it was the boltons and freys, who had decent character development up to that time. With Joffrey it was Cersei and Margaery that took over the plot in that area. If they kill Jon it will be....?

Thats the kind of meta-analysis I'm using to figure out who is safe, since they have ruthlessly culled the don't-matter characters from the show.
ahhh, don't you know about the snow snakes? 5 transvestites who are all warriors from beyond the wall, they are secretly sons of the first Ranger who knelt before the king beyond the wall, and chopped off their dicks which they wield in battle. no man can stand before them, except the one prophesied who is the king of the dick choppers


Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
There isn't much going on with the current Hightowers as Lord Hightower hasn't actually left the Hightower in over a decade for some reason. For all we know it's just a corpse on a chair at this point with a maester just running the show.

Brienne is supposedly Dunk's kid, she used the same shield he did from one of the Novella's. I'm guessing that's going to tie in somehow in going forward though again the show is differing off so much now who knows.


Weren't The Hightowers/Oldtown allowed to stay out of quarrels in the realm due to the importance of the city? I thought I remember that being mentioned somewhere


Tranny Chaser
Well it is worth noting that George R R Martin isn't necessarily some savant of storytelling. He decided to make a trilogy about a War of the Roses-like situation that takes place in a fantasy setting with a backdrop of an impending cataclysm between Ice and Fire. Everything stems from that primary base and is dramatic twists and turns designed to keep the reader / viewer guessing.

Part of the reason it has been so successful is because it places the reader in a position where they feel powerful because they know a heck of a lot more about what is going on than any of the characters. The reader knows there is significance to the White Walkers, to the Red God's magic starting to work again, nature magic, dragons, children of the forest etc. Its hard not to like a story where you, as the reader, are made to feel particularly smart for figuring out things the characters are blissfully ignorant of.


<Bronze Donator>
also you guys have to come to the realization that jon snow has at least a 50/50 chance of staying dead once he gets stabbed. we have never seen melisandre rez anyone and even if we had, she is far away when it happens. the best you can hope for is a hail mary from thoros if for some unknown reason he is around at the time. outsisde of that or some new kind of rez that never appeared in the books, jon snow will die and stay dead.
The only way Jon stays dead is if Martin decides to fuck with his audience after the entire world saw through the obvious foreshadowing. Go reread the Mel chapter before Jon's death.

George painted himself into a corner with Jon's character and now we'll end up with a cheesy way for him to not be held to his oath any longer.


privileged excrementlord
The foreshadowing was obvious to everyone except Astro. He probably thinks the hound is dead too in the books.