GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
George painted himself into a corner with Jon's character and now we'll end up with a cheesy way for him to not be held to his oath any longer.
They aren't exactly the Jedi Order, no one needs them anymore when the wall falls (and it will) the Walkers are defeated and Free Folk join the South. And since there isn't that many left anyway he will likely kill most of them in the final battles. Then Dany and Jon fuck.


Millie's Staff Member
The foreshadowing was obvious to everyone except Astro. He probably thinks the hound is dead too in the books.
hey brainiac, this is not the books anymore, this is a tv show based off of the books. i did not say jon snow is dead, i said on a tv show where things need to follow through in a somewhat cohesive manner, if jon snow dies and there is no magic contrivance nearby to bring him back, there is a 50/50 chance he will stay dead.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well they can kill Stannis or they can kill Jon. They cannot kill both as those two are the key leaders of the forces who will inevitably fight the White Walkers. I think that is the reality of it. Without doing something really cheesy.

Question being is who gets it, and with R+L = J being a thing. No way it cannot be a key part of the entire story. So it really leaves Jon surviving as the only logical thing within the frame of the narrative.


Millie's Staff Member
in the books we have a wider selection of possible leaders, on the show? not so much. i agree with you, stannis is more pointless than jon. stannis has no real claim to the iron throne unless they can invent a DNA test to prove tommen isnt a barratheon. brienne seems to be working herself up to wanting to kill stannis and since he is headed to where she is, its obvious there will be a confrontation. maybe davos steps in and dies, maybe stannis and davos. maybe all of them. im just saying that unless mel rushes back up there or thoros strolls by, they will have to find another way to rez jon because if he dies it could be permanent.


Avatar of War Slayer
It'll be some dude you heard of once in chapter 3 of book 1.

Long troll.

Point. Game. Set. Match.
Its the bakers boy whom got ninja rezzed by a drunk and sleeping thoros- who just happened to be in the inn at that town they stopped in on the way back from winterfell- but it was botched and his spirit was intertwined with sansa's wolf that was just then killed by ned- and the bakers boy is a renegade wearwolf deamon that has been killing everyone with a vengeance and somehow ends with him vs the form of "a man"


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I wonder if Brienne would opt for killing Mel instead if she somehow found out about her role in Renly's death.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Jon gets murdered in the most recent book.

If you don't know that, now you do.


Jon Snow will live on in some other form. There's no way Martin and the showrunners will abandon the Targaryen shit after teasing it for so long.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
As everyone else has said, the odds of him actually staying dead are slim to none.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I was considering reading the books but advice in this thread sort of talked me out of it since it was stated the TV version had strayed pretty for from the source. Which was a bummer for me because I would have happily just read past this season and onto the next if they were actually linked.

As for Jon TiVo has him still alive up to 5/8 (that's where their current season descriptions stop) so the whole thing was confusing me. Guys alive for at least the next three episodes and signed for at least the next two seasons. That's why I asked.


<Bronze Donator>
He "dies" in the book. It is very heavily foreshadowed, like impossible to miss, that some Red Priest magic will happen which brings him back to life. This seems even more plausible in the tv show since Mel has visited the Brothers Without Banners (this didn't happen in the book). His death is one of the last chapters of Dragons so book readers do not know what happens next just yet.


Musty Nester
zombie jon!

He's the rightful king all right. The rightful king across the wall!


The mermen win.


Molten Core Raider
Wasn't there some speculation that Jon's body would be frozen in the wall itself and preserved? Until a time later when Mel would come and rez him? I remember reading that somewhere, either on the ASOIF thread or on their forums. I thought it was a neat idea, though doubtful the show will do this