GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


<Bronze Donator>
Like many I don't like the Stannis change, but I'll be honest the close ups of Shireen's face made me really uncomfortable. Props to their makeup team. I'll take Stannis becoming not so Mannis just so I don't have to look at that anymore.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Now, I could be wrong. But Rickon will be integral to completely usurp the Bolton's hold on the North. Short of killing them... which could still totally happen.

Fuck if I know. I think we're just aligning the book with the show now.
Do they even have any reason to suspect Rickon is still alive in the show? If they assume Bran and Rickon are dead, then Sansa is the heir of House Stark, and conveniently, she's in Winterfell married to Ramsay.


Musty Nester
I do think that GRRM, to his credit, does a pretty damn good job of portraying pagan attitudes to the mystical. It does help a lot that magic does exist in westeros. But you've got the puritanical zealots being puritanical zealots. You've got Mel and her 3/4 conman bullshit 1/4 maybe she does see visions and her 100% cooter monster, you've got A Man and his strange, morbid, zen "whatever happens happens. Vala Morghulis. Lets kill some bitches" philanthropy. And of course you've got Stannis being the Scion of Summer. Which is a nice weft, since Stannis brother used to take all six inches of the Knight of Flowers!


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I think Davos would have shown more signs internal conflict when she asked him to carve her a doe if he knew that Stannis sacrificing Shireen was a forgone conclusion. He's not the stoic that Roose Bolton is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've seen a lot worse cgi than the takeoff scene before, it is a very difficult scene to shoot, so I'll cut them some slack. But both times, in the crypt and last night's episode when the dragon roasts them and bites them in half have made me giggle with glee because really?, what nerd doesn't want their own pet dragon to do their bidding.

Sand vipers been really underwhelming so far this season. It seems like the Dorne stuff has come to an end and if they don't actually do something next episode they were the biggest waste of screen time on the show even if they did bring us the greatest pair of tits so far in the show. I thought maybe they wanted to keep bronn alive because they needed his help to devise an escape plan, but it may just be a gratuitous tit shot and they saved the life of a man whom they should despise and have no reason to save. Then again it seems like all those people got a happy ending so maybe the sand vipers act out on their own and someone dies.


Molten Core Raider
The cutaway shots to the army nearing it's breaking point was important. The only argument I'd accept is maybe there's still people not afraid enough of Mel (Since they aren't showing her routine burnings) to jump forward and try to stop the thing. It was a little too rushed imo, but really not unexpected. Azor's story is very similar.

As for Human nature, we still exploit and kill kids and even worse in the name of superstition, so the folks whining about the poor kid on fire might want to think about where their cheap clothes and chocolates comes from.


Musty Nester
China? Do they burn Chinese children out of desperation?

I did not know that. That only makes the chocolate better.


Musty Nester
Do you pick, or does The Party? I bet the Party does.

That's completely unamerican. There should be a law.


Vyemm Raider
Now that the weak have been culled it's cool to be on Team Stannis again.

And fuck his wife for breaking like that. Bitch wanted to burn everyone else. Wasn't her brother one of the first?


A Mod Real Quick
Now that the weak have been culled it's cool to be on Team Stannis again.

And fuck his wife for breaking like that. Bitch wanted to burn everyone else. Wasn't her brother one of the first?
Yep her brother. She drank that kool-aid as long as it was someone else. IMO the Mannis should've burned her too


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm still for Team Stannis. The One True King of Westeros is still the only one who is actively aware of the threat of the Others and intends to do something about it. The Boltons, the rest of the North and the entirety of Westeros have absolutely no idea about any of it. Who else will be the rallying cry to get the Southern houses behind this particular cause?

Unless it just goes all apocalypse and everyone instantly realizes what they actually need to be focusing on. Which would be stupid.


<Prior Amod>
Did you ask a Ph.D in fictional diseases? It's a plot device. If the writers want Daenarys to get stonetits they will. But they won't because it's dumb.
No, I went back and looked at all the references to the disease I the book and asked more knowledgble readers about it as well you salty fuck.


Unelected Mod
No, I went back and looked at all the references to the disease I the book and asked more knowledgble readers about it as well you salty fuck.
Nobody in the book really knows how grayscale is transferred. You have people scared to even talk to someone that might be infected and others basically ignoring it. You also have characters with it interacting constantly with other characters and it not spreading. If you were actually talking to knowledgeable book readers, they would tell you that.

So basically, stop talking to fucking astrochuk level book readers.


<Prior Amod>
I'm still for Team Stannis. The One True King of Westeros is still the only one who is actively aware of the threat of the Others and intends to do something about it. The Boltons, the rest of the North and the entirety of Westeros have absolutely no idea about any of it. Who else will be the rallying cry to get the Southern houses behind this particular cause?

Unless it just goes all apocalypse and everyone instantly realizes what they actually need to be focusing on. Which would be stupid.
This. Hate him all you want but other than Danayris magically being the rally person in Westeros in a very short time, Stannis is their only hope.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
This. Hate him all you want but other than Danayris magically being the rally person in Westeros in a very short time, Stannis is their only hope.
And yet he is going to south to further his bid for the Iron Throne, killing more of his men and more Northmen in the process. Men who will be needed for what is to come. He's worse than the other noblemen in the Five Kingdoms; he knows the threat and has cast aside what needs to be done for his own desire. The only reason he listens to Mel at all is because what she's telling him dovetails with his ambition and his sense of what is right and just (him succeeding Robert). The minute her words begin to conflict with that, he'll cast her aside and carry on.


A Mod Real Quick
Danayris lol

I've always carried Stannis' banner and I still intend to. I think he'll get killed though. Bitch ain't gonna make it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
And yet he is going to south to further his bid for the Iron Throne, killing more of his men and more Northmen in the process. Men who will be needed for what is to come. He's worse than the other noblemen in the Five Kingdoms; he knows the threat and has cast aside what needs to be done for his own desire. The only reason he listens to Mel at all is because what she's telling him dovetails with his ambition and his sense of what is right and just (him succeeding Robert). The minute her words begin to conflict with that, he'll cast her aside and carry on.
What? He wanted to raise Jon Snow to a Stark so he would help take Winterfell and rally the North behind him and the threat of the Others (also his kingship). He has no choice but to consolidate power. Really, the Boltons probably don't believe that the Others are a threat and would just tell Stannis to go fuck himself anyway. Going from place to place and trying to convince the noble houses that saying, "there's an invasion of ice zombies imminent would you like to hear about it?" like a fucking Jehova's Witness doesn't sound like it would be effective.