GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


A Mod Real Quick
All that build up with Stannis, and THAT's what we get.

What really bothered me about that scene and many battles in this series is they pump it up and then they cut out to the end of the battle where everyone is dead. I understand the budget isn't that huge but it's a big jarring.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
HBO viewer's guide:


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
What really bothered me about that scene and many battles in this series is they pump it up and then they cut out to the end of the battle where everyone is dead. I understand the budget isn't that huge but it's a big jarring.
I thought it was fine. Stannis army was primarily made up of people who drank the Rhlorrian kool aid, everyone else saw the writing on the wall (get it?) and abandoned Stannis.

So a bunch of zealots show up armed with only hope and faith and get wrekt. There wasn't a real battle there. The existence of all those dead horses was also a bit silly. It should've been a one sided ass whoopin'.


Trakanon Raider
Was waiting for the Jon Snow Warging as well but alas. Too bad I guess we will have 10 months of internet rage before we get to see whats what.
I work in the industry and I have the inside scoop on what happens. Read below at your own risk.

Cersei get really pissed at the high sparrow and she hires the pyromancer's to make a shit ton of wild fire.
She has Ser Robert Strong fuck shit up in Sept of Baylor, and rapes the High Sparrow.
Jamie get's back and realizes shit got real. Oh, she has her uncle
Kevan murdered... another separation from the books, but all in all he dies. Jamie does what Jamie does and kills her
to protect the people but also kills himself because he's sad.

What happens to Tommen? Ser Pounce was a faceless man and totally kills him.

Daenerys strips down to nothing among the horde of Dothraki and challenges everyone to a fuck off.
She get through about 2 thousand before the Dragon budget kicks in and Drogon saves the day.
Drogon shoots off some fire and then disappears again but everyone acknowledges she's the Queen
now and they give her a horse. and head to Westeros. She totally forgets everyone in Meereen.
They take ships to Westeros, but she got the Grey Scale from Jorah and everyone gets infected and
they all die.

Jon is fucking dead. I mean Kit cut his hair already, like that totally means he's dead. Olly becomes
the new Lord Commander cause he has a fucking wicked scowl and no one wants to fuck with him.
He puts a saddle on Ghost and now rides him everywhere.

The Night's King arrives at the wall and is totally like, whoa that's a big wall... fuck that. He takes his army
of undead and decides to open an amusement park. If you get caught standing up on any of the rides they
turn you into an Other. They have the best snow cones north of the wall. The hot dogs are kind of suspect,
everyone wonders where the meat comes from.

Melisandre fucks off across the narrow sea.

The Iron Bank get taken down for involvement in a ponzi scheme.

Stannis is alive. Brienne realized that he really did have the right to rule and that she was a total
ninny cunt for supporting Renly. Without his army though he has to leave Winterfell and he seeks the support
of the Greyjoys. They politely hear his plea for aid... and that continues for about 2 years until Stannis gets the hint.
He leaves rather bummed but marries Brienne and they retire to Dragonstone where they basically
isolate themselves from everyone.

Sansa dies when she jumps off the wall. I mean what the fuck was she thinking?
That was like 75 feet up. That was just kinda dumb.

Theon on the other hand... also dies.

Roose and Ramsay now have the North secured when a woods witch appears and turns them into dire rabbits.
They need to learn to act nice to others before a bush looses it's leaves to break the curse. They accidentally
eat all the leaves.

Brandon get molested by the old man in the cave. Learn to fly my ass. Hodor just watches.

Rickon returns to Winterfell but effectively has become feral. He runs around naked wearing
a cape and bites people. The North at least has a Stark.

And the show finally ends with the Mad King waking up, realizing everything was a bad dream and
he needs to stop drinking so much or else everything could really go tits up. Oh and a dragon egg
appears under a rainbow surrounded by unicorns and fairies. Bilbo puts down his pen and closes
a book he's been writing and says... I'm not sure I like this story.


Log Wizard
HBO viewer's guide:
So A: Selyse committed suicide and B: Stannis is dead dead ? I think that's what we're supposed to be noticing.

I think HBO has to sell everyone's "death" as real as hard as they can or else it means nothing. I'm sure 2 weeks into season 6 production we'll know who's left, anyways.


He better not be. He wasn't my favorite character, but it's almost tiring. I honestly thought it was going to be Khaleesi at the end given how cocky she had become. Also, what the hell is Bran up to? So tempted to read the books but probably never will.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Jon might be out for most of next season. Mel's quest to resurrect the light's chosen (and they'll try to sell us on that being Stannis) could go on for a while.


Log Wizard
Wasnt it obvious his wife commited suicide?
When they pictures were leaked there was debate over whether she did it or some one did it to her because the noose was so pro. I guess noose-tying was one of those lady-learned skills that Arya probably hated and Sansa excelled at.


Buzzfeed Editor
If that was really Stannis' death, that makes no sense. Even random no names get better scenes than that. And it happened off screen. The fuck...
Melisandre is back at Castle Black. She is a priestess that worships the same god that Thoros worships. Thoros is the guy that brought Baric Dondarion, who was basically cut in half by The Hound a couple of seasons ago, back to life. My money is that Jon isn't out of the game yet.
reminder that only Thoros brought people back, Melisandre can just birth shadow babies and fuck your family


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Fuck all the haters. I thought this was a very enjoyable season finale.

Jon isn't dead. They reconciled Melisandre's location with the book (she never left the wall) for a reason - the kiss of life. The only question left is where Jon is going after he's brought back, because he obviously can't stay on the Wall or they'll shank his ass again.

Myrcella not being dead would be some pussy shit. It makes me wonder what's going to happen to her in the books since they've been hitting a lot of the major plot points even if they took a different route to get there than the books. Forgive me if I missed someone pointing this out (I left the thread after the imdb casting spoilers started going around), but after last week's episode there was a lot of "wtf that didn't happen in the books" when (spoilering because afaik this is future book spoilers)

Shireen was sacrificed. Dave and Dan basically said,
"Hey, it's one of GRRM's plot points so go cry to him."

Anyway, I'm convinced that this show could send everyone $100 as a thanks for watching and some of you would say "Fuck you. Why not $110?" This is the best epic fantasy cinema that's ever been created. Get some fucking perspective. Accept that the show isn't going to be perfect - and then appreciate how awesome it truly is.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The show has been great. The episode was garbage, especially by the high standards of their season finales. Only good parts were Melisandre bailing on Stannis, Reek pitching Myranda off the wall, and Arya going all Kill Bill on Ser Meryn. Although if Myrcella is dead (and I assume she is, would probably be even dumber if she wasn't) between her and Myranda that means I actually managed to lose two off my top 5 in a single episode. Now that is a true injustice.

Granted, if Myrcella is dead, maybe it's not such a bad thing because now she can never end up being TOO OLD.


Log Wizard
The show has been great. The episode was garbage, especially by the high standards of their season finales. Only good parts were Melisandre bailing on Stannis, Reek pitching Myranda off the wall, and Arya going all Kill Bill on Ser Meryn. Although if Myrcella is dead (and I assume she is, would probably be even dumber if she wasn't) between her and Myranda that means I actually managed to lose two off my top 5 in a single episode. Now that is a true injustice.

Granted, if Myrcella is dead, maybe it's not such a bad thing because now she can never end up being TOO OLD.
Disagree. I think book readers are more disappointed because we knew 1/2 of the shit that happened. Look at the pleb forums. People losing they're minds who didn't know shit was going down. I got texts from people like "WHY JON WHY GOD WHY?!?" and shit. This was a great episode, just those in the know only got about 30% of the shock and intrigue that everyone else did. I wish Stannis had a sword put through his face on camera so we'd know for sure. That would've been a bonus for readers. Though the butt-hurt tsunami would be massive.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Just downloaded the episode and it had a much different song then what I watched live wtf?