GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Blackwing Lair Raider
IDK man. It seems apparent they don't operate on the timescale of Men. I would bet its a case of Blue and Orange morality or something like that. Years later they haven't attacked the wall?

Why didn't they attack 7000 years ago a millenia after they lost the first War for the Dawn?
I've got another theory. I think Martin got distracted with other storylines and put the wights on the back burner. He started the books with the intent on making the White Walkers a big part of the series, but then found out he liked writing about other stuff more. Let's face it-- the inter-house political drama and history stuff is more interesting than the tired storyline of "a great evil comes down from the north and threatens all civilization." I'm sure he isn't going to totally drop the wight storyline, but, frankly, I think the series has outgrown it.

This seems to be a theme with Martin anyway. He's an excellent writer, but even the best writers get tired of certain storylines and lose focus. That's where his editor is supposed to come in and say, "Hey man, you keep going off on tangents and losing the main thread of this story. How about you put these ideas into side novels, or short stories, or prequels, or sequels, or whatever, and just focus on keeping a cogent storyline."


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I've got another theory. I think Martin got distracted with other storylines and put the wights on the back burner. He started the books with the intent on making the White Walkers a big part of the series, but then found out he liked writing about other stuff more. Let's face it-- the inter-house political drama and history stuff is more interesting than the tired storyline of "a great evil comes down from the north and threatens all civilization." I'm sure he isn't going to totally drop the wight storyline, but, frankly, I think the series has outgrown it.

This seems to be a theme with Martin anyway. He's an excellent writer, but even the best writers get tired of certain storylines and lose focus. That's where his editor is supposed to come in and say, "Hey man, you keep going off on tangents and losing the main thread of this story. How about you put these ideas into side novels, or short stories, or prequels, or sequels, or whatever, and just focus on keeping a cogent storyline."
We've kinda gone over this before, but I agree with you nearly 100%; the problem is GRRM has backed himself into a corner where the dragons and the Others are either a completely pointless and stupid waste of time/book space, or they'll completely overshadow the other storylines, and there's very little room for them to be in between.

If the others breach the wall and invade Westeros, it's almost unthinkable that all the houses wouldn't unite to fight them. Thus all the political machinations we've seen in the first... 6 books? Pointless.

If the others don't breach the wall and invade, then... all that shit was just dumb and a plot to let Jon Snow come of age.

The dragons come with Daenerys to Westeros she will almost 100% be victorious; the original Aegon only had a couple thousand warriors with him and he conquered all of Westeros. Of course this makes almost all of the current house machinations pointless.

If the dragons don't come to Westeros or they are ineffective or they are killed by Maester trickery... then the entire Essos plot was pretty gay and pointless.

GRRM really painted himself into a corner here and I don't see how he gets out of it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Its been clear that GRRM has written himself into a corner in the series and its been mentioned in this thread several times. He's wrote himself into a corner in two separate instances. The entire Meereen thing that he hated writing about because its dull and never worked how he wanted, and the overarching story itself.

This is what happens when you don't really plan what you're writing and just write as you will. There's a particular name for this writing style but I can't remember it at the moment.


Life's a Dream
I'm not sure, but Steven King seems to do it also. His books never seem to end as well as the story dictates they should.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Its been clear that GRRM has written himself into a corner in the series and its been mentioned in this thread several times. He's wrote himself into a corner in two separate instances. The entire Meereen thing that he hated writing about because its dull and never worked how he wanted, and the overarching story itself.

This is what happens when you don't really plan what you're writing and just write as you will. There's a particular name for this writing style but I can't remember it at the moment.
Writing by the seat of your pants?!


Millie's Staff Member
if i recall, the dragons were not supposed to be a part of the big picture, but it was suggested to him to expand on it because "dragons are cool".


Registered Hodor
On Hodor's backstory:

Would make sense. Losing himself as the 3-eyed raven warned Bran about. Fear of lightning and battle. Literally acts as a mode of transportation. Kinda neat.
It wouldn't surprise me if Hodor is at the ToJ and they use him as "the last person alive who knows what happened there" instead of introducing Howland Reed. There's already an overflow of characters for show watchers to keep track of (especially with them reintroducing the Ironborn last week) and they're having trouble giving them all any meaningful screen time. ToJ could be the traumatic event that left poor Willis unable to speak.

Also speaking of too many characters, it feels like we're due for a major death or two soon. Last episode was way too "happy" to last. This series is great at building up hope then turning around and saying "btw fuck you lets kill off your favorite character".


Mr. Poopybutthole
Equalization via d.e.m. I still have the niggling feeling that Samwell's visit to the Gray Maestery is going to be the important counter-point to dragons/walkers in general. Of course that could be a massive red herring and I'll be angry for finding it one of the more interesting plotlines in the books. Hi Aegon/Young Griff. Though that wasn't really interesting so much as it was just a vehicle to get Tyrion into Mereen and explore his disillusionment.


Trump's Staff
GRRM admitted he put in the dragons because his friend convinced him.

"The main question was the dragons: Do I include dragons? I knew I wanted to have the Targaryens have their symbol be the dragons; the Lannisters have the lions, the Starks have the wolves. Should these things be literal here? Should the Targaryens actually have dragons? I was discussing this with a friend, writer Phyllis Eisenstein - I dedicated the third book to her -- and she said, 'George, it's a fantasy -- you've got to put in the dragons.' She convinced me, and it was the right decision. Now that I'm deep into it, I can't imagine the book without the dragons."
It wouldn't surprise me if Hodor is at the ToJ and they use him as "the last person alive who knows what happened there" instead of introducing Howland Reed.
That would basically be the dumbest thing ever, explaining that Hodor was inside of a fucking horse instead of introducing Jojen and Meera's dad.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The thing with Jon is either he's going to be pardoned by Robs will and named his heir or he's going to have an army of Wildlings and its up to the decimated North to stop him/punish him for "breaking" his vows.

As for the zombies
I don't recall if they mentioned this in the show but there is legend of the Others riding giant wooly spiders. I could see them running up the wall but I think the horn bringing it down and am oh crap is the most likely.


<Bronze Donator>
Ok first, Lolwut? Where did this idea that jon was coming back as some superman come from? Like who the fuck said that shit?

The only zombies that exist are wights. The only wight with any sentience is coldhands, and he only has sentience because he's being controlled by the 3 eyed raven. Also he's been destroyed and no longer exists after he brought bran to the 3 eyed raven.

What kind of mental gymnastics conspiracy theory bullshit rabbit holes did you guys have to dive down to convince yourself that jon was going to be some zombie superman thing?

Second, while the tv show each season is a year, in the books only about 18 months or so have passed. Maybe 2 years. Hardhome is south east of the fist of the first men. It's not "the wrong way" especially considering that the others can't cross the magical barrier that the wall has, they'll have to tear down the wall with magic or just sail around it


Registered Hodor
That would basically be the dumbest thing ever, explaining that Hodor was inside of a fucking horse instead of introducing Jojen and Meera's dad.
Oh there's no doubt the horse thing would be retarded, I was thinking more along the lines of him being there in person as a squire or something. They made it a point to introduce "Willis" last episode and show that used to be able to speak, so clearly something traumatic happened to him. There's gotta be a point to that or else they could've left him out of Bran's vision entirely.

I'd love to see Howland Reed introduced but I think they're at the point where they need to start pruning characters instead of adding new ones.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'd love to see Howland Reed introduced but I think they're at the point where they need to start pruning characters instead of adding new ones.
Judging by the rate of death so far, I would say there is a good bit of pruning going on already.

If they try to tie hodor to the ToJ, that is fricking wrong. I am hoping that whole business was more a bit of adding some character depth to a well-loved character rather than preparation to tie him in somewhere he doesn't belong.


<Bronze Donator>
Posting from mobile so my b,
But also stop confusing storylines.

Khal drogo wasn't some zombie either, his brain was fried due to fever, mmm "saved" his life but not really, she wanted revenge against him and wanted his son dead so he wouldn't be the stallion that mounted the world.
"only death can pay for life" is just a saying, especially concerning blood magic. It isn't some metaphysical law of magic. Beric was raised 6 times without costing any lives.

You guys overanalysize the shit out of everything


The thing with Jon is either he's going to be pardoned by Robs will and named his heir or he's going to have an army of Wildlings and its up to the decimated North to stop him/punish him for "breaking" his vows.

As for the zombies
I don't recall if they mentioned this in the show but there is legend of the Others riding giant wooly spiders. I could see them running up the wall but I think the horn bringing it down and am oh crap is the most likely.
I was under the impresion the wall is imbued withmagic and WW's can't get close or scale on mounts