GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Silver Squire
Honestly, Martin should have began book 4 instead of just right after the Red Wedding but 6-10 years afterwards. Show is suffering the same problems I felt in book 4 and 5. Just lots of meandering expository on a slow journey to nowhere. I also like how the fan theory that the Hound died, but not Sandor Clegane. Every time the Hound's death is mentioned, its the Hound and never Sandor.


Trakanon Raider
Ya the writing this season is all over the place. Decent episode but following 5+ story arcs week in week out is a bit draining. Enjoyed the fight scene though
The writing and flow for this week's episode was different because the director was different. This week's was similar to week 1's, which gave us just a few minutes of each plot. Kind of wish they'd give us maybe just three plots a week, so each one could get 20 minutes, but I know it's hard because they have so much shit going on right now. Honestly, I don't know how they're going to wrap everything up in like 17 more episodes. Just doesn't feel like that's going to be nearly enough time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
But I was just thinking. If they ARE being subtle. Lord Umber never actually pledged fealty to Ramsay and House Bolton at all. He specifically said he wouldn't bend the knee and just gave him RickonGift. Ramsay probably isn't stupid enough to flay the last known male heir of the Stark line. Since Sansa was mentioned (in the show again we know its critical in the books) as being critical to securing their control of the North. Rickon must also be somehow.

So, technically, Lord Umber never changed allegiance to House Bolton and it wouldn't be betrayal when he fucks him over... If they want to go that route that would be cool.


Millie's Staff Member
Dany's scene was the most boring next to tyrion's "hey, lets play a drinking game!" what the fuck was that shit? Varys might be lying about what that chick said since we didnt get to hear it. i liked Arya's ninja training, liked the ToJ and totally expected them to tease that shit out. jon snow was pretty fucking awesome and im sure the hate ollie subreddit must be cheering and shitposting gloriously right now. i think The High Sparow is trying to get in Tommen's head.

i was highly rustled over how they handed rickon over like its no big thing, he's a fucking male Stark, heir to the goddamn northren kings back 10,000 years from the line of First Men. he isnt a poker chip, you Umber assholes, he is the one you should be rallying your banner around. what the shit is going on here?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
How does Ramsey not instantly kill Rickon? Ramsey's rule would be invalidated by Rickon being alive.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Maybe he learned a thing or two about leverage from dear old dad. He now knows about Jon Snow's Wildling army and was going to ride north to murder Jon Snow because he was a Stark. So I can only assume he is going to use him as a lure.

But you're right it is fucking dumb. Since just last episode he wanted to send an army North to murder the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch Jon Snow. Because he was a Stark. But nah, Rickon's cool.


FPS noob
ramsay will declare gay marriage legal and marry rickon

unfortunately the north are even more conservative than ISIS so they declare tranny Rickon and Ramsay abominations and North Carolina them

honestly i just don't give a shit about any character other than Varys, Littlefinger, and Hot Pie anymore

also how shitty was it that dany got her clothes ripped off but we saw nothing


Umbers could have found another direwolf to kill. Rickon could be willing participant in the ruse. Umbers could maybe be in league with someone (Littlefinger?) and are just vying for position so they can go all 'The North remembers' and back stab the Boltons when the time is right.

But I think that's just me wanting to see the great northern conspiracy theory play out in the show. I want my cool 'The North remembers' moment. I want my Frey pies.

The simpler solution is probably the right one. House Umber of the books is not House Umber of the show. Umbers are just an easy way to get Rickon back into the plot and to give Ramsey a card to play against Sansa/Jon/The North. Ramsey will probably be killed this season but there's no need to give that victory to a new character when you could give it to someone we already know. Sansa or Jon will be the downfall of Ramsey in the show, not some northern conspiracy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Guess I'm the only one who thought the fight choreography for the Tower of Joy fight was fucking terrible. Obviously not sand snake terrible, but it really looked like shit.


and the fact that Sansa is going to show up at Castle Black just after Jon leaves is fucking tedious, hopefully they'll meet each other on the road instead of the writers dragging that story out even longer.


It would be fully awesome if we find out that Rickon/Osha being gone all that time meant they were hiding in the North, plotting. Robb proved his mettle, especially with the Umbers. I'd love to see a total mind fuck where Rickon gets brought back to Winterfell to do the slow conversion back to the King in the North.

But I agree the easiest explanation is probably the correct one. Rickon is likely just there so Jon can save him and then restore him to his seat. Sansa will probably go the way of the books, (seems to be hinting Petyr coming back into her story) and with Arya and Bran having their own shit going on, Rickon is the only heir.

That wolf head looked super small - I'm trying to reread book 1 now, but from what I remember, Shaggy was a freakin monster, and super wild. I sort of feel he'd be the hardest wolf to take down.

Fully satisfied seeing that asshole Ollie get his though, god damn. Worth the price of admission right there.


Molten Core Raider
Clearly Martin has already written the Tower of Joy chapter, there is no way that scene was that good without it. Totally lived up to years of hype.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I thought the actor playing Osha was playing awfully sheepish when they pulled the mask off her head. Remember what she was like in S1? The last way anyone would describe her was coy. If she was truly being betrayed, I have a feeling she'd be going berzerk. Then again, could just be awful writing.


I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
too bad they seem to be skipping out on arya's warging. also the tower of joy felt way less epic than in the book. should've kept 7v3 instead of 6v2, and extended the scene by removing that embarrassing conversation with tyrion and greyworm and melissandre. also seems completely against dayne's character to prepare to strike down an unarmed opponent, thought he was supposed to be the knightliest of knights.


Also wondering if we're about to come to the prophesized unification in Vaes Dothrak. It sounds like the various khalasars are currently gathering now; Rhaego died, but I think a current fan theory is that Drogon is the stallion who mounts the world. Which would make Dany Khaleesi of all Khals, and give her an absolutely gigantic army.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Here's what will happen. The Dosh Khaleen said that all the Khals have gathered so they decide who to raid, rape and pillage.

Drogon will conveniently swoop in and the entirety of the Dothraki will hear a big Khaleesi speech about raping and pillaging Westeros. They will then agree with her. The Stallion that Mounts the World indeed.


Trakanon Raider
Well they chinced up the ToJ scene. I can deal with them changing the numbers up and giving Dayne dual wield and the fight choreography was pretty good (but please, calling anything better than Sand Snake combat is hardly a compliment). But why abbreviate one of the best exchanges of dialog from the book? What exactly did they cut it short for?
It's almost all about things that didn't happen in the series - Willem Darry and Paxter Redwyne were both cut.

It's also originally a dream sequence - people just don't talk like that normally, which isn't an issue for a fever dream, but seems odd for a literal vision.


Mr. Poopybutthole
also seems completely against dayne's character to prepare to strike down an unarmed opponent, thought he was supposed to be the knightliest of knights.
He'd already beaten him. Letting a defeated opponent pick his sword back up is retarded, not knightly.