GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Girl A asks girl what is that guy like.
Girl b says he is a monster.
Girl A goes in and flirts with monster>?
Yeah. What's the problem with it? Do you think Sansa's approach was smarter?
"That's only if you believe that Varys was behind Tywin dying"
Yeah I just read the summation of it on the wiki and I misrememberd how much planning he obviously did with Tywin's death. I still think that he aided in killing Tywin, however.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Girl A asks girl what is that guy like.
Girl b says he is a monster.
Girl A goes in and flirts with monster>?
Girl A has this huge lust for power and is conspiring to become Queen, she may just work around the monster?


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, now the Red God is a big deal, magic and shit, but for the longest time it was a fringe religion with very few followers in Westeros and Thoros was pretty much the only known priest of that faith.

Btw, for the Jaime fight with Brienne, I think they managed to convey the message properly: he was confident and in control early in the fight but tired very quickly due to malnourishment. Brienne started to boss him around only in the second half of the fight and Jaime was completely exhausted by the end of it and basically fell to the ground on his own.

Lost Ranger_sl

Decided to stop pretending eh?

Edit: I demand a picture of Sean Bean, Tuco.

Lost Ranger_sl

Yeah I thought the fight was well done. Jaime on a good day would of wrecked her and I think that was made obvious. He held his own pretty good and he has been sleeping in a cage for weeks (months?) now. I don't remember how long the Starks held him.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Girl A asks girl what is that guy like.
Girl b says he is a monster.
Girl A goes in and flirts with monster>?
She wants power and control. By knowing Joffrey better, she can not only cement her own position, but also influence him. In that brief scene she had with him, she made Joffrey think he was smarter than she was, she showed interest in his "toys", she insinuated she has not been sullied by another man and she just wants to make babies, and she got Joffrey to REALLY like her by showing interest in his murderous streak and asking if he would like to watch her do the same. Without Sansa's info, she would have had a harder time knowing how to really hook him. By the end if that scene, the kid was 100% reeled in.


Musty Nester
Girl A asks girl what is that guy like.
Girl b says he is a monster.
Girl A goes in and flirts with monster>?
She's gonna be married to him. That's not so much a matter of choice.

Protecting yourself from the monster seems like a pretty good plan to me, tbh.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
That aside, I have no idea what Varys' end goal is by killing Tywin. He can't think he'll get a better station by assassinating Tywin and paving the way for Aegon to capture things. And he can't think that it's better for the realm by letting it go to shit under Cersei. Tywin just about had everything on lockdown before he died.
He can if the entire point IS for it to go to shit under Cersei because it'll allow the Targs to come back and take over more easily. Tywin or Kevan being around wouldn't leave the 7 Kingdoms destabilized enough to ensure that could happen.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
He can if the entire point IS for it to go to shit under Cersei because it'll allow the Targs to come back and take over more easily. Tywin or Kevan being around wouldn't leave the 7 Kingdoms destabilized enough to ensure that could happen.
Yeah I get that, but I don't understand WHY he wants the Targs to take over. I don't see him getting anything out of it personally and I don't see the realm doing well because another civil war is enabled.

Frankly if I was a commoner I'd be delighted if the game of thrones was over and Tywin was at the helm.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Yeah I get that, but I don't understand WHY he wants the Targs to take over. I don't see him getting anything out of it personally and I don't see the realm doing well because another civil war is enabled.

Frankly if I was a commoner I'd be delighted if the game of thrones was over and Tywin was at the helm.
I always figured it is just because he's loyal to the Targaryans. None of the characters give a shit about "the realm" or the "small folk", no matter what they say. I figure that for whatever reason Varys liked having a Targaryan on the throne and he wants that back.

I do feel bad for the regular folk who are glimpsed throughout the books. They get nothing but shit shoveled down their throats. This is probably why I really like those religious soldiers who popped up and started taking care of business.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah I get that, but I don't understand WHY he wants the Targs to take over. I don't see him getting anything out of it personally and I don't see the realm doing well because another civil war is enabled.

Frankly if I was a commoner I'd be delighted if the game of thrones was over and Tywin was at the helm.
I assume there is more to his story, but as McC notes, perhaps he just feels the Targs are the rightful rulers. I completely understand your point about the commoners though, as much of a dick as Tywin is, he IS a leader who gets shit done. Some people even loved him to the point they wished he was king instead of the Mad King.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I always figured it is just because he's loyal to the Targaryans. None of the characters give a shit about "the realm" or the "small folk", no matter what they say. I figure that for whatever reason Varys liked having a Targaryan on the throne and he wants that back.
Yeah that makes no sense to me. I think we'll have more revealed about Varys' ambitions in the future.


Molten Core Raider
Varys and illyrio are mermen, setting the stage for an undersea adventure + takeover.

Spoiler for long (best theory, I want to believe)
1.When Arya is stalking Varys and Illyrio:
1a. She hears water dripping in the distance.
1b. Next she observes Illyrio and Varys coming up from a vast 'well'(this is the word GRRM uses) that goes down out of sight.
1c. Varys pulls a lever and a wall descends blocking the well from sight.
1d. After the two come up, Arya trails them for quite a long distance, gradually descending.
1e. Finally she loses them, stumbles forward and finds herself at the end of a sewer emptying into the river. She dives in and swims for a while to get clean, washes her clothes, then scampers off home.

2. Varys and Illyrio are both noted for their abnormally large size, while also noted as being incredibly light on their feet. This suggests an abnormal strength.

3. Varys is noted to have a peculiar, slimy smile. This could be interpreted to mean he does not show his teeth, and that could be because he has very abnormal teeth.

4. When Tyrion threatened to throw Varys overboard, Varys retorted that he would be sursprised at the result.

5. There is noted to be no bed in Vary's quarters. If he is a Merling he would likely sleep at sea or like most fish perhaps not at all.

6a. Another character we know with peculiar teeth is Biter, another abnormally large man with enourmous strength.
6b. The idea that this barely sentient being sat around and filed all his teeth just to scare people is absurd.

7. Varys and Illyrio both associate humans with birds, naturally as these are two lower species to them. Explains the ease with which they chop off children's tongues.

8. From their one meeting, it appears that the Merlings are experts at manipulating the humans in secret. And also there is a hint these two have plenty of patience, they seem to be comfortable waiting years for their plans to bear fruit. Perhaps they have very long lifespans or are just more patient than humans.

9. When the subject of eating people came up, Varys licked his lips.

10a. Varys likely is not a Eunuch, as there is a point where he is parlaying with Tyrion where Tyrion notes that his voice seemed deeper than usual.
10b. Even if he is a Eunuch, it doesn't mean he has to be human.

12. Since he probably isn't Eunuch, Vary's lack of sexual interest in human females is explained by being a Merling.

13. Littlefinger comes from a seafaring merchant family of Braavos and is an accomplished sailor himself, if anyone is likely to ever see the reclusive Merlings, it's the merchants and fisherman.

14. One of Littlefinger's ships is named 'The Merling King'.

15. Littlefinger claims to have Varys completely under his control.

16. House Manderly. Hugely fat, port city, can't ride a horse, they even have a Merling as their house crest. Wyman Manderly bakes Freys into pies.

17. With no readily apparent motivation, Ser Mandon Moore tried to murder Tyrion on the Blackwater. When thrown overboard, it is noted he did not scream.

18. Mandon Moore is referred to repeatedly as having dead eyes or fish eyes, and of having "no life but duty".

19. Before being attacked, Tyrion had just set Blackwater Bay on fire using wildfire which would be deadly to any creatures living underneath.

20. The Drowned God. Very handy to have a large group of humans willing to do anything for you, and it provides a ready source of spies in places of power, such as Patchface, who often tells riddles about life under the sea.

21. Doesn't it seem suspicious that Euron Greyjoy was so well prepared for the Kingsmoot? Almost as though he knew that this ancient ritual for selecting a ruler would resurrected -- almost as if it was done specifically for him. Perhaps Euron has been playing his brother Aeron for a fool by filling his head with "voices from the sea".

22. Davos Seaworth's visit from the "The Mother" may have actually been a siren or a mermaid. After his rescue, Davos was primed and determined to kill Melisandre. Like Aeron and Patchface, it seems Davos's drowning may have filled his head with ideas.

23. In a Feast for Crows, Brienne is told about 'squishers' by one of her companions. They are described as man eating fish people that walk on two feet.

24. If you were to give a baby the name Varys in our world today, it would mean the following: Varys - Vari - Stream; Varish - Sleeping on the Sea

25. What do Varys and Illyrio want with Dragons? This is more speculative, but consider that:
25a. When you bring Ice and Fire together, you get water.

26b. Is it as simple as this? Bring the dragons north and melt the Ice, including perhaps the entire Wall. What you have done then is raise the coastlines around the entire world. Magical global melting...
What do the merlings get out of it? Liebensraum. More ocean real estate.
26c. If the flooding were extreme enough, only a few islands would remain, places like the Eyrie.
26d. Littlefinger, "The Merling King", has made his seat the Eyrie.
26e. If this theory is correct, Littlefinger would have been made King by Merlings, giving a new take on the meaning to the ship's name.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
fucking attachments. I'm using imgur from now on.

But yeah, it was Ned.

speaking of internet memes, anyone else

for the crossbow scene with joeffrey/margery?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Yeah that makes no sense to me. I think we'll have more revealed about Varys' ambitions in the future.
Oh I'm sure there is more too it, but I still think it has to do with him being loyal to the Targaryans. Now exactlywhyhe's loyal is a good question. It probably isn't Ned Stark-style loyalty, but whatever reason is making him support the Targaryans probably has to do with helping himself on an individual level.

I just meant that his whole "for the realm" spiel is bullshit.


Musty Nester
Varys and illyrio are mermen, setting the stage for an undersea adventure + takeover.

Spoiler for long (best theory, I want to believe)
That would be a thing of art and beauty.

Global Warming: It's a hoax perpetrated by fish people.