GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ssraeszha Raider
You know if you had just admitted that you used the wrong term, didn't know what DEM meant, this never would of been an issue, right? Instead of a simple "my bad" you doubled down for 2 days, even falling back to the refuge of LOTR, that epic tome of non stop DEM from cover to cover, using examples of DEM from those stories as example of Not DEM that GOT should try and emulate. that is what sparked the circle jerk about gandalf vs balrog vs valar vs maier vs whatever the fuck.

You are the one who thought the dragons were DEM. Of course they aren't, glad you finally figured it out. You were the one who spent 2 days arguing that they were, while you argued "insert random ability from the heavens" that the Night King could use to counter them "totally isn't DEM"

And Ambiturner, way to be irrelevant. While we've never seen the mindless undead hordes using ranged weapons (yet we've seen plenty of evidence that they are in fact mindless and use bare claws/teeth/hands/whatever they happen to be holding as weapons), even if they could A: they wouldn't have the range necessary to hit dragons and B: they would be completely ineffective against them anyway. The dragons are large enough now and their scales are hard enough that any projectiles would deflect off their scales anyway (this is book knowledge, apologies if you are a show only guy and didn't pick up on this. The show has shown this but it was subtle, not sure if they've mentioned it in detail during the dialogue)

About the only ranged weapons that can project anything high enough to reach the dragons while they are on a strafing run would be Trebuchets, and we saw how effective those are against dragons last season. Not that the Night King's army could even use those.

The Night King having an anti-dragon weapon is the literal definition of Deus Ex Machina. It's fine if he does, hope he does actually. But he's never seen a dragon before, probably doesn't even know they exist. It would be like a lion in the savannah evolving a natural occurring aura that kills sharks. The last time Team Ice ran up against men they lost to Earth Magic from the children, obsidian arrow heads and 1 dude who just so happened to have had a valyrian steel sword. this time around, Ice auto loses to team Fire, unless team fire fucks up.

It's ironic that you claim people don't know what deus ex machina is while spewing this. For it to be DEM, it has to wrap up the plot and come from nowhere. The Night King having an ability that FURTHERS the plot can't possibly be a DEM. His powers also haven't been fully explored so it isnt out of nowhere for him to to be able to do things that haven't been shown.

Your rant about evolution is also bizarre and full Wooly. They just have to have an ability or abilities that would happen to work on dragons, not have some special dragon-only shit
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Sorry if this has been mentioned as I just entered this thread but I seem to remember the Night King walking through fire. Would this not mean "Team Fire" may not be as effective as some may think?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Well, it looks like you guys are having no trouble making up for lost ground in the server reset.
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<Bronze Donator>
oh i understand the term just fine.

you know how i know you're a sperging autist?

because you're pedantic, repetitive, dull and stupid, even as an adult.

here, let me show you why.

heres a simple strategy to counteract the 3 dragons. break up your force of wights into a large number of small groups and attack across the entire front repeatedly and non stop instead of just one large formation for a single battle. there arent enough dragons, valyrian or dragon glass weapons to be able to have counter weapons everywhere against wights, white walkers or the NK. attack at all times: day, night, morning, evening, nonstop until the enemy is finally worn down into submission. reanimate everyone who dies.

boom, your entire retarded dragon uber alles myth dispelled.
You know how I know you're a sperging autist?

instead of admitting you didn't know what the term meant and moving on, you just owned yourself and your entire argument in an effort to discredit mine.

Here let me show you why:

Assuming you were able to summon the ghost of woolygimp to warn the NK, or IDK maybe you call the night king up yourself on his Cell phone to warn him? Let's say after a few hours of explaining to him what dragons are, what they can do, and how there isn't a goddamn thing he can do to stop them, you are so persuasive you are able to convince him that he should forgo the only advantage he has, the only way they've ever known how to fight, waves of massive overwhelming numbers, and break in to bite sized little bands and spread out.

Ok so lets give you maximum advantage. Let's say there's 99 Walkers. Each of them split up and take a portion of the wights with them. So you've got 99 bands of a walker and about 500 wights each, and they spread out for maximum effectiveness. Congratulations, you've made the undead army simply too annoying for the dragons themselves to deal with. Any band that does run in to a dragon has the same problem, can't fight the dragon, can't defend against the dragon, can't outrun the dragon, nothing to do but just die. Each band is now so small all a dragon has to do is burp in their general direction rather than concentrate firepower down on them, but there's just so many of them spread all over the place and the dragons are honestly too lazy to hunt them all down individually, so the dragons are out.

Now what? Do the bands start hunting down chickens? going to reanimate some cows or something? Maybe the walkers start a real estate business and put their wights to work building condos? They have to move against men, right?

The thing is, your bite sized chunks of zombies are small enough now that they are no longer a threat to men. Unlike the zombie hordes, men aren't going to break in bite sized chunks of equal numbers and fight them 1 for 1. Even if the humans are factioned out to individual lords and kingdoms they are still armies of 2k, 5k, 10k men. And now they are facing bite sized bands. Peasants with torches huddled in strongholds can take care of the wights, and the one knight or lord or whoever with a Valyrian Steel sword can take out the one lone walker. Even if that guy can't fight and dies, there's tons of knights around who can hot potato the Valyrian steel sword until the fucker dies. Unfortunately the walker can't reanimate the fallen in the middle of combat, so your just left with a bunch of dead knights and eventually a dead walker.

Unfortunately for you and your plan, however, in this theoretical war where dany's army has landed and her dragons are here, the humans aren't split up. Everyone still alive in the north (of which there are very few, it's sparsely populated to begin with and they've lost the most people already) has already fled to neck. The mass armies of men are all gathered at the neck. I'll forgive you for not paying attention to the maps of westeros shown in the show, or the multiple times the neck and moat cailin specifically was called out or used to great effect since it's a central choke point, narrow strip of land with a swamp on one side and a mountain on the other. Despite the geographic superiority of this position and it's funnelling effect, nah. Know what, Doesn't really matter. I won't use this point to illustrate how dumb your plan is. lets just say The humans are all be gathered in a flat field with no defenses around them. really doesn't matter for this scenario since you are marching tiny little bands single file at the massive army of humans. You are marching the wights into a paper shredder, fire deals with the wights (Unlike the NK and you calling him on the phone to warn him about the dragons, the humans of this world KNOW already that fire is the best way to fight wights). A few obsidian arrow heads or half dozen knights with valyrian steel easily defeat the lone walkers who march in single file.

Unless, of course your wights are all spread out and building condos, like I said before?

in your convoluted attempt to create a scenario where the dragons aren't as effective, you've managed to create a battle space where the dragons aren't even needed. Congrats.


Ssraeszha Raider
Also, who knows how a dragon would fare in a blizzard. Cold could be their weakness.
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The Big Mod
I can see the autism level in this thread is really kicking up. new season must be close.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
lol i didnt read the wall o' sperg and skipped straight to the replies.

my instincts have proven correct again
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<Bronze Donator>
"Let me give you some advice, autist. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour, and it can never be used to hurt you." -- Tyrion Lannister
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<Bronze Donator>
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Ssraeszha Raider
Sylas has to be Wooly. 10,000 words of shit he just made up and is claiming to be fact, then acting like everyone else is the retard.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
The scene where the NK extinguishes the flame should at least be something to make you wonder the extent of his powers.

But yeah, the absolute certainty displayed by Sylas is very woolyesque.


Trakanon Raider
Dragons will fly north, see ice zombies, and lol-nope-the-fuck-out and go live on a mountain on another continent.