GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Looked more like Quint to me.


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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I doubt he's going to sail all the way to the other side of the world and back. I think Euron is just going to hop down south to Dorn and capture/kill some of the sand viper chicks for Cersei. That will make the travel times a lot more believable.

You may be right about that. I immediately thought it would be the Dragon Horn / Horn of Winter but since they haven't introduced either it would be weird to have Euron just rando show up at Cersei's doorstep with it. However Cersei is basically completely divorced from reality at this point and doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about her children anymore. Not sure some sand snake heads would really do much for her right now.


<Gold Donor>
Extremely interested to see Tyrion and his dialogue - I agree with those that say the writing, more than anything plot related has suffered significantly since we left the book material behind. GRRM is a lot of things, but he's great at writing conversation (even if a LOT of it is heavy handed). The show has done a decent job of making do, but it's a noticeable difference from the first few seasons to today. They have had a lot of useless shit to consolidate however, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Oh, trust me....I blame the writers for most of the shit that sucks on this show; which admittedly is not much - it's still one of my favorite shows on TV. Running out of book material has not served them well, especially in the dialogue.

I honestly thought nothing of it. You guys get up on some weird shit in here. A half dozen actual redshirts soldiering around singing songs because is about the most normal shit you can do. If it was some nobody singing would it have been better?

The scene was obviously portraying to Arya that the Lannister men were just regular people who have nothing to do with the games the nobility play.

I truly don't get it.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
You may be right about that. I immediately thought it would be the Dragon Horn / Horn of Winter but since they haven't introduced either it would be weird to have Euron just rando show up at Cersei's doorstep with it. However Cersei is basically completely divorced from reality at this point and doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about her children anymore. Not sure some sand snake heads would really do much for her right now.

Cersei and Friends truly need some kind of McGuffin to have a legitimate chance against Dany and her Army of Rape. Nevermind the Tyrells, Dorne, Vale and North. All of which have no allegiance with her.


FPS noob
loved some of the orchesteral music in this episode too, the dude who composes the audio just kills it on this show. Light of the Seven from the last season finale and this episode is absolutely fantastic.

I'd imagine Jon and Dany make the same mistakes everyone has made to date: underestimating Littlefinger and Cersei, and both of them use dirty tricks to kill their opponents while lulling them into a false sense of surrender/security.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
LOL he did look like Bam. Now I wish he had just slapped his brother to death while he was on the shitter.

he seems less Evil and more like a high school play version of Ledgers Joker mixed with TV Negan. Hes going way to hard after Bad Boy rogue and not enough "Im evil and going to skull fuck my enemies." And t hey tried to hard to make him crazy with "enjoyed watching my kin die".

Character is shit.

Also, Im going to double down with Springbok, Can anyone confirm if Sheeran was singing one of his songs or something made for the show. This changes everything.

Book Euron raped his brother, raped his other brother's wife forcing him to honor kill her. Tied his current woman, pregnant with his child, to the mast of one of his ships and cut her tongue out.

Crucified a bunch of priests for fun. Killed a a castle of people and hung them from the rafters in the dining hall while they sat in there and drank wine. I mean. That is the Euron character. The guy is batshit, but not an idiot, and has less qualms about atrocity than even Ramsay. He doesn't care about wealth and gives away most of his loot to his men. Which is why they follow him so much and actually has a strong mind for the Game of Thrones itself. Which is how he differs from Ramsay and Joffrey.

If they want the audience to hate him they need to make him do some fucked up shit and quick.


Avatar of War Slayer
My only beef with the episode was that Euron somehow built 1000 ships on an island with no trees and still sailed to King's landing before Theon and Yara could go pick up Dany and sail to Dragonstone. I think everybody saw that coming but it's still a bit of a WTF moment.

I am glad that Bran and Arya are finally getting back in the mix and every storyline is in Westeros now.
the meet at dragonstone and mine glass thing will be a future, wtf, in regards to timeline for sure.

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
The Sheeran scene definitely took me out of the show for a moment. It wasn't simply because he was there and singing a song, it was that they put some weird digital lighting effect on him and had him look into the camera as he was trying to sell his new single. They were a second away from the background to start slowing down while he broke into a Deadpool style monologue with #EdLannister popping up in the corner. Like Soygen said it was very out of place for this show.

Also, since we're down to one thread now, do we have room to split off the pages and pages of SJW stupidity into its own special GoT: The RARGH SJWs! Edition?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The Sheeran scene definitely took me out of the show for a moment. It wasn't simply because he was there and singing a song, it was that they put some weird digital lighting effect on him and had him look into the camera as he was trying to sell his new single. They were a second away from the background to start slowing down while he broke into a Deadpool style monologue. Like Soygen said it was very out of place for this show.

Also, since we're down to one thread now, do we have room to split off the pages and pages of SJW stupidity into its own special GoT: The RARGH SJWs! Edition?

I didn't even know who Sheeran was until this thread. Guess that may be why it didn't bother me.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Celebrity cameos just break the immersion for me, doesn't matter who it is it just doesn't fit at all.

Weird thing to say when most celebrities are movie/tv actors?

Harrison Ford totally ruined Ep7 for me btw.
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The Big Mod
Also, since we're down to one thread now, do we have room to split off the pages and pages of SJW stupidity into its own special GoT: The RARGH SJWs! Edition?
At this point I think we need four separate threads:

One thread for uninsightful commentary, stupid opinions and retarded predictions

One for critiquing the various celebrity cameos we will get

One for complaining about HBO/GRRM pushing their social agenda

One for complaining about people complaining about HBO/GRRM pushing their social agenda
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Didn't know Ed Sheeran before this and nothing about the scene seemed off or weirdly filmed. Sounds like some Ed Sheeran hate transference to that scene.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
. However Cersei is basically completely divorced from reality at this point and doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about her children anymore. Not sure some sand snake heads would really do much for her right now.

I don't understand this viewpoint. Her children are all dead. She knew from a childhood prophecy they would die. Adjusting to this is right up her alley. As she mentions to Jaime, she knows exactly what is going on as seen by bringing in Euron. Hell, her adjustment period was probably easier after gaining the power to do as she sees fit instead of watching her children fuck everything up. You really couldn't rule much worse than her sons did.

Cersei is what Tywin wanted from his sons. She is exactly the cold, scheming, intelligent leader he tried to create in all his kids.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
There have actually been quite a few musician cameos in the show since it became so popular. The most high profile ones before now were Will Champion amongst the musicians playing at The Red Wedding and Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol singing "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" with Roose's men after they captured Jaime.
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