GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Euron could also fuck things up a bit by attacking Dany's fleet while they are at Dragonstone. Jaime mentioned him doing that shit to the Lannister fleet during the Greyjoy rebellion while they were bullshitting in the throne room.

If they stranded Dany and her pwn army on Dragonstone for a bit, that would delay the inevitable an episode or two.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Honestly you are giving too much credit to how long this will stretch out. As I predicted earlier, I bet Cersei dies by mid-season, they spend the rest of it wrapping up all the other Westeros stuff, then in the finale the wall falls. Especially that last part, since they basically telegraphed it when the Maester tells Sam not to worry because everytime people thought the world was fucked, the wall kept standing.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The only reason anyone is complaining about the cameo is because of how blantantly over your head face it was. They did everything short of having a flashing neon sign saying this is Ed Sheren get moist faggots. They could of made it much more subtle but you know subtlety is lost on most of you morons. That's why you love Ebonics talking American Inventor robots and make those movies 8 billion dollars.

If season 7 goes in straight forward paint by numbers storyline it wont be GOT. It need some people we think are safe to get fucked over and die that's pretty much how the game works. Even so if they keep a solid bit of blood and titties then it's still decent enough.
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<Gold Donor>
The best thing about the show is that they were able to see how much a shit show skipping the 5 year gap was and were able to correct for it. This is the source of all of the problems in the books and the reason why books 4, 5, and 6 if it's every published are just shit shows of content creep/useless filler that is absolutely irrelevant and doesn't fucking matter. New temporary villains are introduced and dealt with in the in between years while all of the major characters are in 100% sleeper mode.

Arya, Bran, Samwell are all doing training montages for 5 years
Jon, Sansa and Dany are doing 1st hand lessons in leadership for 5 years
Tyrion is moping around like an emo spiderman for 5 years and finally finds purpose again.

So it's 5 years/3 books of "lets check back in on the characters you give a shit about for 30 seconds, yep still training, back to new characters nobody gives a fuck about"

He skipped the 5 year gap solely so he could tell the story of Cersei's downfall as the absolute incompetent shit leader that she is in real time instead of via flash backs.

The show realized how stupid this was and got out ahead of it:
They aged all the characters up by about 3 years at the start (the characters in the books are ~3 years younger than they were at the start of the show)
They stretched out the timelines so that each season equals roughly 1 year. Part of this is limitations of using human actors (who age, especially adolescent actors who hit puberty and who's aging you can't hide) but also it allows them to narrow down the 5 year gap.

That means at the end of Book 3 (Season 4 for the show), the characters are already 7 years older than they were in the books, and only need 1 montage season (season 5) to showcase the highlights of whats going on in the world before we enter the end game, when the characters are all now adults (or just about adults)

We're now at that end game and the show can finally continue towards the conclusion. And keep in mind, they were taking only the very best of books 4/5 for the highlight reel to make season 5. And we all remember how great season 5 was, right? Sand Snakes? and uh. yeah. The best part of Season 5, hardhome, was actually stolen out of Book 6.

Season 6 was Winds of Winter (book 6 which hasn't been released yet)

This also covers another common complaint about the TV show:

While it seems like there's a bunch of teleportation going on in the TV series (and I agree there's some questionable edits that don't allow for the semblance of large amounts of time passing) that shit is waaaay fucking worse in the books.

In the books literally like 1 year has passed. And all of the characters have done just as much traveling if not more, in less time. Well maybe 13 months now through the end of book 5.

Remember, Lolly's Stokeworth is raped during book 2 (isn't actually shown in season 2) during the protest where the high septon is killed (sansa is almost raped in this scene, but saved by the hound).

She gives birth to that rape baby half way through book fucking Four. By that time Bronn has wed her (for her father's castle) and he trolls cersei by naming the rape baby "Tyrion". There's only 1-2 more months of time that occurs after this chapter through the end of book 5.

edit: book 2 not 1.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
theyre gonna need a deus ex machina for dany

that undead army is gonna fuck shit up


Mr. Poopybutthole
By far the worst part of the episode was coming to this thread afterwards and seeing Keg's crybaby faggotry about SJWs in Westeros.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
dragonstone is right next to king's landing - i dont see how they dont get into a massive battle in the next 2-3 episodes


Golden Baronet of the Realm
i think she has plenty of experience with true enemies. like intimate experience she knows whats she's doing or she thinks she does. either way until we find out why Sansa fucked over Jon like that, i dont trust her for shit.

She has zero experience with the White Walkers and the Night King. She's still thinking in terms of the political games such as Cersei/LF taught her.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
wait what? arya was at the frey/lannister feast where he tells walder to fuck off?

totally missed that

The serving girl that was eyeing up Jaime when Bronn was like "they all are looking at you, not me and want to fuck you". Jaime had little interest of course. Save serving girl that Arya was masquerading as when she killed Walder after everyone else left.


Millie's Staff Member
She has zero experience with the White Walkers and the Night King. She's still thinking in terms of the political games such as Cersei/LF taught her.
i'm not talking about that. i'm talking about Sansa not telling Jon about the literal cavalry waiting to slaughter ramsay's forces and letting him get almost all his men killed in a pointless slaughter. jon could easily have beenn slaughtered with them. or was that her plan?


The Big Mod
By far the worst part of the episode was coming to this thread afterwards and seeing Keg's crybaby faggotry about SJWs in Westeros.
Next episode I'm going to watch with a pad and paper and record each time I am triggered then report here.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Next episode I'm going to watch with a pad and paper and record each time I am triggered then report here.



<Bronze Donator>
wait what? arya was at the frey/lannister feast where he tells walder to fuck off?

totally missed that

Remember the maid that Bronn thought was eye fucking Jamie? That was Arya wearing a face. The viewers didn't know until later when that same girl served Walder the pie with his kids in it.

Edit -- Merrith beat me to it by five minutes, derp.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The serving girl that was eyeing up Jaime when Bronn was like "they all are looking at you, not me and want to fuck you". Jaime had little interest of course. Save serving girl that Arya was masquerading as when she killed Walder after everyone else left.

damn didnt even connect those two.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
who was the prisoner in the cells at Oldtown who grabs Samwell by the arm and scares him? Jorah Mormont?
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
who was the prisoner in the cells at Oldtown who grabs Samwell by the arm and scares him? Jorah Mormont?

How many other friend zone knights out looking for a cure to greyscale are there? if only the stage hands would of carved the words Jorah on the door for you.
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