GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Pray tell, what significant decisions does he make because of the fact that he slept with her?
I'm guessing you're trolling, but character development is very much part of the "important" parts of a story to a lot of people. Not everything need be a direct plot device.


Unelected Mod
My guess: Robb dies, Tal runs to him and she gets offed, then Cat does her insane bit and dies. Cut to credits. Non-spoiled people flip out.
My prediction is the entire thing will start with Talisa getting killed, instead of it starting with Robb getting attacked (am I remembering that correctly?). Shit goes crazy, Catelyn threatens one of the Freys and says "You got what you wanted, Talisa is dead, let Robb go". This gives the tv fans one last hope that Robb and Catelyn will survive. Then the final hammer drops.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
It heavily influences his opinion on the Wildlings. A large part of his motivation to ally with them and help save them is because of the relationship he had with Ygritte. Now granted, could that have been done without the sex scene? Maybe. However, with limited screen time on the show, a nice sex scene can demonstrate in a short scene the huge affection and love he had for her in the books.
No, like Daenarys that is simply who he is. He likes to help the weak. There's no support in the text that his decision making was altered because of the fact that he loved a dead wildling. The story would be in a similar place had he not met her and managed to stay alive.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I just hope HBO doesn't spoil it themselves by advertising it like they did the battle for blackwater
I was afraid they were going to start foreshadowing the end of Robb in the last episode. He was moping and crying about how fucked he was. At that point all he needed to was morph into his final form and give a childhood flashback. But when they put the (rather reasonable) plan of sacking Lannister territory(which is what they should've done months ago) it put hope back into his story.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Reading the non-spoiler thread can be quite entertaining.

I personally think you all are giving jamie too much credit for 'saving' breanne - to me that was just an opourtunity to get the guy to listen and propose HIS offer- nothing more. If there was a way to escape and he save both of them and it was a 99% chance of getting free- if leaving her behind or sacraficing her in any way gave him just .000001% MORE - he would do it without a secont thought.


Robb also showed what a sissy Theon is. ned used a huge 2 hander to decapitate someone, theon had to swing like 4 times before finally kicking the head off the neck...Robb made a clean kill on Karstark with his normal sword.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm interested in how they do the RW. If Talisia joins Robb there, she's doomed ;p. I think that is very likely, because what purpose does the character serve afterwards? Her not being a Westeros native also means the house loyalty angle vanishes. Vegas odds says she dies. My guess: Robb dies, Tal runs to him and she gets offed, then Cat does her insane bit and dies. Cut to credits. Non-spoiled people flip out.
You forgot one thing: the credits will roll to "The Rains of Castamere" ala the Blackwater episode last season.


Little influence? Hardly. One could argue that Ygritte was Jon's first true test of leadership. It's clear he loved her, but he was also thinking of the larger picture. I also don't think it's too much of a stretch to say she was instrumental in forming Jon's views on the Wildlings, which obviously came into play in the most recent book.
In the books, not in the show so far. She is a sideplot.


Vyemm Raider
Stannis's scenes are pretty underated here I think. The guy is fucking fanstatic. Dude looks as if he's barely holding on to his sanity in every scene.


Molten Core Raider
It's the same shit as Timothy Olyphant in Deadwood. That restrained rage. Both good actors.

Random thoughts:

Are they getting rid of Patchface and just giving his lines to crazy ol' Stoneface?

I wonder if they're going to do the Domeric story with Ramsey. Might as well, we're in the past.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Stannis's scenes are pretty underated here I think. The guy is fucking fanstatic. Dude looks as if he's barely holding on to his sanity in every scene.
I don't know that he's underrated. He's filling the role well but I don't think there's much room for him to do much with Stannis, especially in these scenes where he's basically confused, disappointed and depressed rather than insane. Now he's sort of playing a straight man for all the crazy factions he's surrounded by. His character was much more entertaining, impressive and more difficult to play before the fight at blackwater imo.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Reading the non-spoiler thread can be quite entertaining.
Yeah I wonder what the odds are you get the opposite of a nostradouche, aka someone who read the books and goes into non-spoiler threads and makes incredibly wrong and intentionally misguided predictions.

If someone does this please don't post some smartass comment in the non-spoiler thread or try to guide him toward the truth. Just remember what they said and quote him after the episode airs that shows Jamie fighting off a fucking bear to save Brienne.


I finally broke down and read the sample Winds of Winter Chapter and it got me thinking about how excited I am to see what they do with him over the next few seasons once he gets to the wall and get him marching with his army.
Really curious about the Lord of Light story arc , and i really dig the ominous music when it plays during those scenes. Man , Cat really fucked shit up by releasing Jaime to be traded for her Daughters.....from that event shit is just rolling into a giant ball of turd and i cant wait to see who gets hit in the face with it. Also where are the walkers already , damn fuckers keep prolonging that shit....i want to see what destruction they caused. I mean they were heading for the wall , and least im assuming that from last seasons finale.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Really curious about the Lord of Light story arc , and i really dig the ominous music when it plays during those scenes. Man , Cat really fucked shit up by releasing Jaime to be traded for her Daughters.....from that event shit is just rolling into a giant ball of turd and i cant wait to see who gets hit in the face with it. Also where are the walkers already , damn fuckers keep prolonging that shit....i want to see what destruction they caused. I mean they were heading for the wall , and least im assuming that from last seasons finale.
Ya, it's a cool theme



Mr. Poopybutthole
Tywin is one of two characters in GoT in which I absofreakinglutely love every scene they're in. The other is the Hound.
I don't like Tywin, but the character playing him is absolutely magnetic when he's on screen. That scene with his kids was as about as intense as it gets.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I can't wait for Tywin and Olenna to be onscreen at the same time. Their face off should be pretty epic.


Stannis TV is a totally different character to Stannis book.

After that episode lots of people see Robb's demise coming, if they do leeches/3 kings scene or Tywin "some wars are won with words" scene it will really tip the scales to the majority. Hopefully his little plan of taking the rock will get people all in a hopeful mood and lull people into thinking his death is a ways off.