GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I wonder if Tywin is going to hear about Joffery's latest hobby of putting bolts into hooker heads. I am still waiting for the big pay off from he and Cersei, "Perhaps you should try stopping him from doing what he likes..." To which Tywin responds, "I will."




Millie's Staff Member
so did Tywin mention in his scene with Olenna that he had a pain in his belly? im not saying he really had a pain, but did anyone else think its the show foreshadowing whats coming to him later on?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I love this show but every episode is such a downer. Almost everyone in this series has horrible, horrible things happen to them. Since i spoiled myself with the Red Wedding i know it gets even worse. For those who read the books, isn't there some uplifting moments when order wins out over chaos.? Good over evil? Does this kind of dynamic even exist in a GRR Martin book, because i have never really watched a show where the good guys always lose.
Just wait for them to shit on Tyrion some more. You thought he'd had it bad already? Ha...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Joffrey dying will be a celebration, so will Tywin.

Speaking of Tywin, I couldn't help but think back to that book theory about the Tyrells slowly poisoning him during last night's scene with Olenna. They make a very strong point of showing Olenna refuse any of Tywin's wine. I found that quite interesting, and I wonder if the show plans to explore it.
I think she refused more wine when he tried to give her a refill.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I love this show but every episode is such a downer. Almost everyone in this series has horrible, horrible things happen to them. Since i spoiled myself with the Red Wedding i know it gets even worse. For those who read the books, isn't there some uplifting moments when order wins out over chaos.? Good over evil? Does this kind of dynamic even exist in a GRR Martin book, because i have never really watched a show where the good guys always lose.
Off the top of my head, major characters that are "good" by Westeros standards, meaning that they don't do horrible, cruel things either for their own pleasure or to get ahead in life. (I'm not including revenge in the "bad" list.)

Jon Snow
All the Starks (even Rob never really sought power, it was thrust upon him)
Dany (you could argue that she causes a lot of suffering and she is trying to gain power, but I still think of her as a fundamentally benevolent person).

Characters that have done horrible things, but are somewhat redeemed or on the way to that by the end of book 5

The Hound

(I'm leaving out guys like Ser Jorah and Barristan because they are not key players in the story, but there are many more minor characters that are fundamentally good.)

Of those, all of them have had a pretty horrible time of it so far, but there is still hope for Dany, Tyrion, Arya, and possibly Jon Snow to have some sort of ultimately positive outcome by the end of the story. I had the same feeling that you are while reading the books, that this story is just horribly depressing and filled with endless cruelty either in the name of ambition or in some cases just for sadistic pleasure, but that doesn't mean it has to end up that way. The stage is set at this point for a huge orgy of revenge and for the dozens of terrible people in the story to pay the price for their ill deeds and for the "good guys" to be elevated. Some of the bad guys have already gotten their comeuppance by the end of book 5. Of course we don't know if that's how things are going to turn out, but I think it's still too soon to despair at the idea of there being any kind of justice or happy ending in this story.


Trakanon Raider
Game of thrones is that huge area of gray where you cannot define someone, anyone, as good or evil. Tywin seems evil, but acts for the good of his family name. Sansa chose joffrey over her family, wich caused maybe the only person to be close to a good guy to die....although ned stark was annoyingly narrow minded.Arya seems good, but will do mighty evil things.

You can define the honest ones though.
Unless I'm mistaken, TV Sansa didn't do the betrayal of telling Cercei about her father's plan which keep her alot more innocent and 'good' then book Sansa who pretty much fucked up her family that night due to her childhood crush on the prince and is one of the main reason people hate her. It's hard to hate TV Sansa as much I feel.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wait, you think Varys is one of the good guys? Isn't he basically the main cause of all the shit in this story? I mean, sure, he "says" he's doing it for the realm...but him and Illyrio are basically Littlefinger without the self-serving part.


Golden Knight of the Realm
i think i missed something the reason joffrey killed ros was because littlefinger told him (Joffrey) that either Sansa planned on leaving or that she was a spy?

edit: completely forgot the scene where Ros gives Varys the manifest for two feather beds, makes sense now.
No I think Joffrey has come to view Littefinger as his purveyor of new experiences and he wanted to straight up kill someone. He's a Mad king part 2 waiting to happen. Littlefinger realizes this and is both supplying for his tastes (and thus climbing the ladder) and getting rid of a spy.

I don't know what people want from this series, it's a series about families vying for control of a throne, it's not Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there isn't going to be an action sequence every episode. I thought this episode was great, it had major character development for Tyrion, Cersei, Shae, Sansa, Jon and Ygritte, and especially Arya. Don't care about Theon but I believe it's going somewhere. The ending made perfect sense and the narrative/music of the ladder over Rose and Sansa versus Jon and Ygritte was perfect. The icewall scene was well done for me, especially how the little chip spread and grew, another metaphor for small things cascading into chaos. I think some of you guys would be better off watching Demolition Derbies or Monster Truck shows with how little you actually seem to enjoy the set up episodes.
Not really a great episode, some good dialogue at parts thou. The tv magic gendry stealing was pretty bad overall, thoros gave a nice talk however. Also I can't get over how incredibly wrong the atmosphere felt with Sam the pussy slayer singing and bantering over the fire with the wildling.


Vyemm Raider
I thought the last two episodes were paced much better than the first few this season. And this last ep had some really great lines/scenes. For example, the look on Jaime's face when the guy (don't recall his name) says "...overplaying your...position." Classic.


Trakanon Raider
I enjoy reading reviews each week around the web, and I'm especially glad to see the shock and revulsion people are having to Ramsay Bolton. He's pretty consistently being called out as worse than Joffrey, which is damn hard to accomplish in only a few weeks while people have had years to hate Joffrey by now. The actor is selling Ramsay's sadism really well.


Trump's Staff
Baelish's speech about the ladder is probably one of my favorite lines from the show so far. I do wish the episode didn't end with Jon and Ygritte making out, but whatever. We're just used to so many HOLY SHIT! cliffhangers that this ending seemed lackluster. Can't wait for the final 4 episodes and I'm wondering how many of the main characters will be alive by the end of the season (I'm guessing at least 3 "major" deaths).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I fully expected a Wight to show up while Sam was singing, would have been a nice contract to the peaceful little scene and given us our Slayer.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I fully expected a Wight to show up while Sam was singing, would have been a nice contract to the peaceful little scene and given us our Slayer.
Yeah, with the discussion going on in this thread recently about how they could do the scene of him killing a walker, I expected the same thing. As soon as he showed her the obsidian dagger it was like, "ah hah, this is how they'll do it." And then nothing. I do feel like they've shown the dagger once again though, and in the vain of Chekov's Gun, it has to be used now. Right?


Trakanon Raider
Wait, you think Varys is one of the good guys? Isn't he basically the main cause of all the shit in this story? I mean, sure, he "says" he's doing it for the realm...but him and Illyrio are basically Littlefinger without the self-serving part.
We don't have enough information to tell. We know Varys is ruthless, but whether he is manipulating everything from a selfish feeling of power, or that is he honestly trying to save the realm from chaos and/or the white walkers is not at all clear.

He's definitely not the cause of all the shit, he had been keeping everything together until people like Ned, Daenerys and Joffrey started doing irrationally stupid things.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Had a hard time getting into this episode. I think they tried to fit too many threads in one hour, many scenes felt a bit rushed or seemeed like they ended too early. The fat kid and his rescued teen mom deserved a more in depth scene than they got. Both are out on their own for the first time, and have recently had their father figure violently murdered. Two minutes of campfire singing was all they got in this episode. Bran's scene was just some random arguing and then when it got interesting with the dreaming kid, it ended.

I have no doubt it'll pick back up though, can sort of see why Martin kills off some characters now and then, too many to keep track of



Molten Core Raider
Of those, all of them have had a pretty horrible time of it so far, but there is still hope for Dany, Tyrion, Arya, and possibly Jon Snow to have some sort of ultimately positive outcome by the end of the story. I had the same feeling that you are while reading the books, that this story is just horribly depressing and filled with endless cruelty either in the name of ambition or in some cases just for sadistic pleasure, but that doesn't mean it has to end up that way. The stage is set at this point for a huge orgy of revenge and for the dozens of terrible people in the story to pay the price for their ill deeds and for the "good guys" to be elevated. Some of the bad guys have already gotten their comeuppance by the end of book 5. Of course we don't know if that's how things are going to turn out, but I think it's still too soon to despair at the idea of there being any kind of justice or happy ending in this story.
Its been awhile but isn't Arya already walking towards the dark side in her quest for revenge. I recall her already performing an assassination on some money lender where she causes him to poison himself by biting his own coins or something. Also to become a true Faceless she basically will be assassinating lots of people in due time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
We don't have enough information to tell. We know Varys is ruthless, but whether he is manipulating everything from a selfish feeling of power, or that is he honestly trying to save the realm from chaos and/or the white walkers is not at all clear.

He's definitely not the cause of all the shit, he had been keeping everything together until people like Ned, Daenerys and Joffrey started doing irrationally stupid things.
But isn't he responsible for Daenerys? It's been a while, but I thought he and Illyrio were the ones trying to bring the Targs back into power. That basically Daenerys and Griff were all the doing of those two.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I thougth this episode was amazing. Did it have much action? No. But what it DID have was three of the most interesting dialogues in the series yet:

1) Tywin and Olenna - Two of the most powerful heads-of-families and strategists playing verbal chess.
2) Melisandre and Thoros of Myr - Two Red Priests interacting. I was really interested in this because, I believe, this isn't something we got to see in the books.
3) Varys and Little Finger - When these two are having a dialogue it's always fascinating.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I assume the Sam scene was to show us the Obsidian again for something(this was the second time). I'm sure we're going to see something more of that soon. Someone above hit the nail on the head I think. Those that are complaining about a lack of action are probably watching the wrong tv show.