GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Karazhan Raider
after watching the episode again i noticed that jaime is now handless in the same way that bran is legless.

and when the witch told arya she saw many eyes staring back at her, i wondered if melisandre saw her own eyes among them. interesting...

lots of potential


Molten Core Raider
The only problem I have with Littlefinger's actor's voice is that he has changed it from the first 2 seasons. The rasphiness would be fine if he had done it from the beginning, but isn't the case. I'm surprised the director didn't stop him.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I guarantee Tomlin will show up
That's a bold prediction and it would be a really ballsy move by them. I, of course, support it though.




The only problem I have with Littlefinger's actor's voice is that he has changed it from the first 2 seasons. The rasphiness would be fine if he had done it from the beginning, but isn't the case. I'm surprised the director didn't stop him.
To me it seemed they were doing it that way because at first he seems like a nice guy and he is helping everyone and then as you start to realize he is a bad guy and is starting to scheme and plot he gets more of a menacing snake voice


The Scientific Shitlord
Unless I'm mistaken, TV Sansa didn't do the betrayal of telling Cercei about her father's plan which keep her alot more innocent and 'good' then book Sansa who pretty much fucked up her family that night due to her childhood crush on the prince and is one of the main reason people hate her. It's hard to hate TV Sansa as much I feel.
Pretty sure you're mistaken. Immediately after Ned tells them to pack up and prepare to go home she runs off and narcs them out to Cersei.


Vyemm Raider

Oops I posted this in the other section, didn't realize there was a spoiler thread.

This scene is fucking amazing though. Baelish instantly became my favorite character after this scene.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Joffrey dying will be a celebration, so will Tywin.

Speaking of Tywin, I couldn't help but think back to that book theory about the Tyrells slowly poisoning him during last night's scene with Olenna. They make a very strong point of showing Olenna refuse any of Tywin's wine. I found that quite interesting, and I wonder if the show plans to explore it.
There will be rage when Tywin dies. A lot of people love the character.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Look at the rage over just Ros dying. lol

We are in for some epic rage in 4 weeks.




Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Golden Baronet of the Realm
lol..too funny. I do open both threads in their own tabs at once so I do live somewhat dangerously and almost thought I posted in the wrong thread. I won't do that anymore. lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Look at the rage over just Ros dying. lol

We are in for some epic rage in 4 weeks.
I wonder if there going to stick the head of the wolf on the young pup.. I can't wait the interweb is going to go ape shit as it going to be a moment your grand kids ask you about.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I guarantee it won't be in that episode. However, in the following episode, I wouldn't be surprised if they do a close up of the wolf head as the episode opener, then slowly pan out to reveal the WTF moment.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think they are going to end the season with Arya getting the butt of the Hound's sword but they've ended the last two seasons with Dany so I wonder if they are going to go with Dany again.


Millie's Staff Member
So if after the RW somebody posts a link in the nonspoiler thread that the actress playing arya or catelyn is coming back for s4 would that count as a spoiler?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Wait, you think Varys is one of the good guys? Isn't he basically the main cause of all the shit in this story? I mean, sure, he "says" he's doing it for the realm...but him and Illyrio are basically Littlefinger without the self-serving part.
As far as motivation goes he's a good guy. Sure a lot of innocents are suffering, but I think he truly believes it's for the greater good. "The ends justify the means" is a dangerous attitude, but from what we've seen so far I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is trying to do good.

Its been awhile but isn't Arya already walking towards the dark side in her quest for revenge. I recall her already performing an assassination on some money lender where she causes him to poison himself by biting his own coins or something. Also to become a true Faceless she basically will be assassinating lots of people in due time.
I can't remember the details of that exactly, but I think the guy she killed was a bad guy. Arya is motivated by justice. She doesn't hurt innocents. If she really becomes a faceless man that is sort of morally ambiguous (possibly doing bad things but within a framework of rules and not by personal choice). I don't personally believe that she is going to become one of the faceless. I think she's going to ultimately quit and pursue her crusade to avenge all the wrongs done to her and her family when she was powerless to do anything about it. I could be wrong about that, but time will tell.

I'm not saying that the people I listed are all complete innocents, just that they are fundamentally good and not intentionally causing misery for their own personal gain.