GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


FPS noob
skipped a few pages but to go back to Littlefinger and Varys: their backstories are very, very relevant to their ambitions. The people in these novels don't simply go after power as an end, it is a means to an end. Cersei wants to prove she is better than a man at politics and running a kingdom. Dany wants to help the oppressed and powerless, based on her childhood experiences. and fuck guys who look like pirates.

Littlefinger wants to fucking kill everyone in the major noble families and erase their entire lines from history (except Cat/Sansa), because Brandon Stark cut him a 24" incision for daring to rise above himself and all the noble families shit on Littlefinger when was growing up. Thats also why he doesn't kill Varys, he is also a commoner risen high so there is some respect in there. Of course either will kill the other if necessary.

Varys is still a big mystery, its hard to reconcile his stated hatred of magic and wanting a stable kingdom for the good of the people with supporting Dany and killing Kevan. Frankly its hard to come up with reasons why he just doesn't bugger off to the East and help out either Aegon or Dany directly, and why he gives a shit about Westeros at all anymore. Yeah, I know, Mermen or the Blackfyre thing, hopefully we see more Varys POVs in the next book.


has any site figured up how much screen time each actor is getting? the way it is going this season, seems like most of the cast could have knocked out all of their scenes in less than a week.

may have skipped over someone else bringing it up, but the head guys said they wanted to do 8 seasons and were ok ending it before the final book.
In one of the interviews Sansa's actor basically says that Game of Thrones filming is her extra awesome summer break from school. So I take it with them running 3 or 4 simultaneous film crews they probably bang a whole season out in 2 maybe 3 months?


Millie's Staff Member
Btw the hottie who plays margaery tyrell just popped up on Elementary, shes playing irene adler, she will be in next weeks season finale as well.


Anyone know a vendor running a deal on season 1/2 on blu-ray by any chance? Dad's bday is coming up in a couple weeks and I wanna snag it for him since he hasn't watched any of it, and if I can get it for less than the $80+ I'm finding it everywhere that would be nice.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
On the Myra Stone topic, they have described in detail the defences of The Eyrie twice now. I'm going to guess that Daenarys will land in Westeros in The Vale via Pentos and dragon the shit out of it (and Littlefinger).
Isn't the Vale the most difficult area to conquer? I guess she could do it just to prove how badass she is, but it would be easier to land somewhere else.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Cersei wants to prove she is better than a man at politics and running a kingdom.
I think Cersei is simply tired of being told what she must or cannot do and wishes to be as much her own master as is humanly possible. She's had a belly full of powerful men (Tywin and Robert) and social mores (where Jamie is concerned) dictating her fate. I don't think she's remotely concerned with showing the world what a woman is capable of. She's just tired of the fact that she's a woman being such a determinate factor in her life. Pure and simple.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Isn't the Vale the most difficult area to conquer? I guess she could do it just to prove how badass she is, but it would be easier to land somewhere else.
Well the whole point is that it is difficult to conquer by traditional armies, much like Harrenhall was. However, ultimately Harrenhall was melted by dragons, which proved that you can't do shit vs. dragons from a fortification perspective.


in the current timeline The Vale isn't a concern as it has no lord. It is full of unused armies just sitting around waiting because there is no one to get them to take a side. I'm not sure what is going to fix that as who can be put on the Eyrie's throne that will demand loyalty from the majority of the Vale.

Dorne is also kind of sitting there and waiting to pick a side as well, they have a leader but not a real king to go behind. Though they have the little semi-queen girl or something, don't they?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Doran Dorne, Prince of Dorne? What do you mean no king? He promised his daughter to Visafuck (as he schemed with Illyrio) and sent his son to try and marry Dany. I'd think he'd side with Varys (though I'm sure those two aren't in on each other's schemes). They had Tommen's sister Myr-something Lannister as a "guest" (prisoner) who got her ear sliced off. But they're going with Dany because of the slaying of Doran's sister and nephew.


Doran Dorne, Prince of Dorne? What do you mean no king? He promised his daughter to Visafuck (as he schemed with Illyrio) and sent his son to try and marry Dany. I'd think he'd side with Varys (though I'm sure those two aren't in on each other's schemes).
They aren't supporting anyone directly for the Iron Throne right now are they?

Yes, the Martells will generally support a Targ, but the kid they sent to Dany never married her, so that is kind of dubious how that will work out. They talked about supporting Cersei's daughter some, but not sure where that is.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Stannis and Tommen are the only two real contenders, as Dany is in limbo and I don't know if Aegon has declared his heritage and intent yet. I'm just saying, I don't know if the Dornish have said "This is who we're behind for the Iron Throne."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's an interesting topic, what with the boy being a burnt cinder now. Where do they lean? Will Doran try to marry his girl off to "Aegon" ? Was that mentioned and I just totally forgot?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Dorne is just trying to stay on the winning side/whatever benefits them. That's basically what they did with Aegon the Conq.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Dorne is just trying to stay on the winning side/whatever benefits them. That's basically what they did with Aegon the Conq.
I think that and they don't want to help anyone who was/is related to the name Lannister.


Don't think it has been stated but I am pretty sure Arianne and one of the younger sand vipers are travelling to meet with Aegon in the stormlands in one of sample chapters for TWoW. Been awhile since I read the chapter synopsis so I could be way off base.
Seems like:
The Winds of Winter
Arianne Martell has departed Sunspear on a mission from her father to discover the truth about the supposed Aegon Targaryen.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dorne is just trying to stay on the winning side/whatever benefits them. That's basically what they did with Aegon the Conq.
I'm probably misremembering, but weren't they the last people left actually fighting Aegon when they initially conquered Westeros? Sort of the opposite of what you are saying. They used guerrilla tactics to negate the dragons and even 150 years later(can you tell I'm on the wiki yet!?) when the young dragon subdued them they immediately rebelled and killed mad mofos and drove them out. Eventually they were brought in to the fold through diplomacy and marriage.