GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Scenes that had characters I don't particularly care for? Terrible.
Scenes that had characters I like? Excellent.

as an aside, I think the Theon scenes may be over for this season with a possible Bolton bastard reveal (for the TV audience, obviously) at the Red Wedding.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ultimately, to pity him, they need to deconstruct him before the audience. Joffrey also doesn't have long for this world, so they need to build up Ramsey.


Molten Core Raider
as an aside, I think the Theon scenes may be over for this season with a possible Bolton bastard reveal (for the TV audience, obviously) at the Red Wedding.
Yeah. They're definitely saving the reveal until after the Red Wedding.

At which point he'll figure out he's Ramsay SNOW and/or call him the Bastard of Bolton and Ramsay will then explain to Theon how he's been legitimized through the Red Wedding, and oh yeah...your wrong guess will cost you another toe or finger.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
A couple episodes ago they dropped a huge hint. They showed a full body shot of Theon on the X and the Bolton sigil while Jaime+Brienne ate with Lord Bolton in scenes that came one right after the other.


Molten Core Raider
Loved the scene with Tywin and Joffrey. You could really tell he was treading carefully and really wanted to just slap the shit out of him.
Every scene with Tywin is pure gold. Loved that one especially. Delicate balance.


They had the "Hey Edmure, guess what, you are getting married" scene in between but it was still very blatant with the banner hung on the wall in full view every time they showed Brienne and Jaime in shot.

Talking of which, like someone said a few posts ago, the scene this week between them was good. That was the first time she called him Sir Jaime wasn't it?

No Sam this week, shame that. Those dragons put on quite the growth spurt.


Molten Core Raider
She does. I think it's Jaime's defining moment as he begins to come out of his crucible. They did it really well.


Theon torture rocks, especially this week. building up his hopes and then cutting off his dick ... genius and sooo well acted
little bit disappointed in how they continue to portray arya as a little helpless whiny kid ... it's the exact opposite impression that i had from reading the books, also tyrion.

this has probably been discussed to death, but it just occurred to me: roberts bastard (the blacksmith apprentice) seemed much older in the books and definitely in the series than daenarys, but he has to be born AFTER daenarys to be the kings bastard (and be born in KL) so he should be at least a year or two younger than her. i mean in the first book she was supposed to be 12 or something. food for thought.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I really liked Arya's statement of her one true god being death. Was that in the books? She is still kind of whiny, but I think that statement will help non-book readers realize how cynical and dark she is becoming. I think a lot of that is lost without her inner monologue from the books.


The Scientific Shitlord
I really liked Arya's statement of her one true god being death. Was that in the books? She is still kind of whiny, but I think that statement will help non-book readers realize how cynical and dark she is becoming. I think a lot of that is lost without her inner monologue from the books.
It was even better watching Beric squirm after she said that.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Also, the dragons are looking incredible to me. It's good to see that they've grown even since she gained her army (Astapor?).


Molten Core Raider
I really liked Arya's statement of her one true god being death.
So many good scenes this week. I really think Martin was fixing a lot of the tiny nerdy things. My brother reminded me (and someone pointed out here earlier) that Theon had gotten so pissed he demanded the hornblower be killed in Winterfell. Brilliant when you think about it, just that tiny little thing that lets them say Ramsay was there all along. Tiny little fixes, but written by the author himself. Really liked this ep.


I quite like how they've portrayed Ayra, last weeks scene with her nailing the archery shots but then the bandit telling her how that means jack shit in the real world was a good example. To me it adds to her eventual destination, she has the list of people she wants to kill and although she had a good start with Syrio and the archery etc in order to accomplish it, she is slowly beginning to realise it isn't going to get the job done. The events before the end of the season will just crystalise that.

I can't believe how young Oona Chaplin seems to be in this compared to her role in The Hour where she was Dominic West's wife.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
The scene with the bear reminded my of the final scene in Anchorman. I was expecting Jaime to shout "Bear Fight!!!" when he jumped in. I also expected the bear to bite off his other hand ala Luke Wilsons character.


Was stoked that Jaime made it out of the bear pit, though with how often characters die in this series I was completely expecting the bear to catch his foot and kill him.

Great episode that built on a lot of storylines. Looking forward and yet dreading the last two episodes. These seasons are way to short.
3 more episodes right? That was #7 should there should be 8, 9, 10.