GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
Willing to bet Stannis is dead by the end of this season. Really nowhere else for his character to go.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Aegon made the throne, he made the 7 kingdoms. Of course he had a claim to that throne. The rest of the realm has cared since then who had a legitimate claim (see Blackfyres).


Trump's Staff
Definitely expecting Melisandre to betray Stannis by siding with Gendry. Whether Stannis is then sacrificed in Gendry's place, who knows.
By what reasoning? Melisandre believes Stannis is the rightful king by Westerosi law and chosen by the Lord of Light. She has no motive to betray him, Gendry certainly doesn't have more right to the throne than Stannis does.


<Bronze Donator>
Eh, Robert and Stannis had a claim because there grandmother was Rhaelle Targaryen who is Aerys's II Aunt. So they were first cousins with Aerys and would be next after the death of his children which Robert was working on when he died!

Hail Stannis!!


Was there ever in show confirmation that Nedd's tell all letter made it to Stanis?
Yes. Then Stannis sent an email to everyone important in the 7 kingdoms about it, which is how the "rumor" is public knowledge, at least among the big players in the realm.
By what reasoning? Melisandre believes Stannis is the rightful king by Westerosi law and chosen by the Lord of Light. She has no motive to betray him, Gendry certainly doesn't have more right to the throne than Stannis does.
oh really based on Melisandre having a slight dishonest quality, maybe power hungry? Beyond that.. consider if she believes Stannis to be the heir, his royal blood may be more powerful than gendry's to suit her needs.


Millie's Staff Member
how is Mel dishonest? because she was fucking with gendry? she just got through explaining very honestly about how you dont let lambs see the knife. gendry is nothing to her except as a pawn to further Stannis. she has it in her head that stannis is the one true king and as far as i can tell from the show is extremely loyal to him.


Trump's Staff
When have you ever seen Melisandre to be dishonest? She basically does exactly what she says she's going to do.


You aren't mistaken. Stannis's isn't waging war on Joffrey because he's an insufferable twat, it's because he's not a rightful claimant to the throne.
It's half the story though. Joffrey's lineage is just a good pretext to try and overthrow him and put Stannis' mind at ease (I am not being power hungry, I am being righteous! I only want the throne because I am its legitimate owner!). In the end, the King is the guy that can be and stay King, no more, no less. No one will rebel over bad lineage other than those with a better lineage (Gendry and Stannis who are not in a position to do much - at least through conventional means) and those looking for an excuse to rebel (Greyjoy). The Stark are allied with the Tully and are no friend of the Lannister, but their issue is not Joffrey's lineage, it's the death of Ned and the capture of Sansa and Aria, two things that are on Joffrey. So if you punish Joffrey (PK Offline Lineage style?) for his crime against the Stark the situation becomes a lot easier to manage: it leaves just Greyjoy and Stannis being assholes.


how is Mel dishonest? because she was fucking with gendry? she just got through explaining very honestly about how you dont let lambs see the knife. gendry is nothing to her except as a pawn to further Stannis. she has it in her head that stannis is the one true king and as far as i can tell from the show is extremely loyal to him.
She said something like 'I killed a lot of lambs, not one ever saw the blade' that was so ominous it was not possible for Stannis to not think 'Wait a second here? Am I a lamb too?'


Trump's Staff
She is a priestess of the Red God, the one that demands blood, ya know? I don't think it's surprising or ominous to anyone when she says that she's done a lot of sacrifices. I didn't take that comment as anything more than its face value.
yea, I really don't understand how anybody could trust Melisandre. She's more power hungry than Cersei, Talista and Maergarie combined.


The Scientific Shitlord
If the lambs got the same treatment Gendry got, it's small wonder they never saw the dagger coming. They were passed out.


Trump's Staff
I wouldn't call Dany power-hungry at all. Dany is on a quest to get what she feels she is owed, something that was taken from her family, and is trying to do so somewhat honorably (like by freeing slaves).

Cersei wants power just to have it, and probably wouldn't care at the end of the day if she had to slaughter her own family for it.


Avatar of War Slayer
Dany I feel it is more of a restoration of her house and family than a pure power grab.

also ever since melasandras first drinking of poison thing where her necklace gem glimmers momentarily I have always kept an eye on it... I don't know if its nothing or just lighting or what...but it seemed dim until she started doing magic with the leeches.

why is there no episode sunday?!? Arr!


Proper claim to the throne is important, as it sways people to your side. The problem is that it isn't something that can really be proven without DNA tests.

There was a brief window after Robert died for the Starks, Baratheons, Tyrells and Tullys to unite against Joffrey and the Lannisters behind the proper king Stannis (or if he could be convinced to abdicate, Renly), which would probably get the Martells and Arryns motivated enough to join in as well. There would be a short war, a bunch of dead Lannisters and the Seven Kingdoms would probably be back in one piece within a year.

Instead they all kind of went their own directions and the Lannisters, wielding the power of King's Landing has been taking them out piecemeal, more or less. A lot of people oppose Joffrey's rule and question his claim, but they lost the chance to stand united and Tywin Lannister has been masterfully bludgeoning them all with his giant iron cock for the failure and making sure the chance doesn't come up again.