GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


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<Bronze Donator>
Pretty sure she's a con artist to some extend. During her chapter at the Wall, doesn't she say something about her chest of tricks running low on powders which she uses for effects?

Besides, she had access to King's blood for Renly; she didnt uses leeches there but instead went the way of the shadow baby. That is unless you would assume Rob's bastard blood is so much powerful than Stannis' himself, only burning some is enough to kill someone.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well we do know that the Valyrians used magic to help tame dragons initially. The main problem is that no one truly understands how any of this works or what the techniques are. Some of the Maesters or Tyrion might have a decent idea, since they presumably have studied knowledge regarding dragons, but Vic won't know and Dany only has a handle on them because they view her as their mother, but even that will erode once they get older (which they are). For all we know, the horn is only part of the equation and you need some knowledge of speaking Valyrian to work some spells, too.
I think it's been shown that Dany can repair the damage that has been done via age. Especially by her basically making Drogon her bitch, the book ended on a pretty interesting part for Dany, being discovered by Khal Jhaqo. They fucking despise one another because after Khal Drogo died he ran off, stole one of her hand maidens, had like 15 dudes rape her and then killed her.
It was a cruel fate, Yet not so cruel as Mago's will be. I promise you that, by the old gods and the new, by the lamb god and the horse god and every god that lives. I swear by the Mother of Mountains and the Womb of the World. Before I am done with them, Mago and Ko Jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed Eroeh
According to the book he's got about 20k guys.

Also Victarion has a dude travelling with him that speaks Valyrian and blows that horn I thought. It was the same dude that blew it at the Kings Moot and fucked up his lungs.


Well we do know that the Valyrians used magic to help tame dragons initially. The main problem is that no one truly understands how any of this works or what the techniques are. Some of the Maesters or Tyrion might have a decent idea, since they presumably have studied knowledge regarding dragons, but Vic won't know and Dany only has a handle on them because they view her as their mother, but even that will erode once they get older (which they are). For all we know, the horn is only part of the equation and you need some knowledge of speaking Valyrian to work some spells, too.
Translation Martin doesn't know what he is doing at this point.


I never actually thought that Meli burning the leeches is what caused the Rhllor to kill the 3 kings. I always figured she saw the three of them die in the flames, and then used the leeches as a ruse in order to project her power and make her seem to have more abilities than she really has. She re-iterates that she cant pop out multiple shadow killers, so she has to compensate. In her PoV in book 5, there's like a whole 2 page spiel about how she carries powders and other stuff to brighten flames and make them change color in order to make her seem more powerful than she really is, while also making the act of carrying out her abilities seem as effortless as possible, to give the illusion that she has more power than she really does.

Just me?


privileged excrementlord
Also Victarion has a dude travelling with him that speaks Valyrian and blows that horn I thought. It was the same dude that blew it at the Kings Moot and fucked up his lungs.
The guy that blew the horn at the Kingsmoot died.


<Bronze Donator>
No that guy died. Anyone who blows the horn dies. With the possible exception of Danaerys as she has enough "blood of the dragon/old valyria/whatev" to be mostly* immune to fire.

The black priest with Victarion was sent by the High Priest in Volantes, he was sent to council Dany, and he's using Victarrion to get to her (I'm guessing he will either trick Vic or convince him not to use the horn, but to give it to her as a present to win her over). The High Priest is the one who has said that Danaerys is AA and the entire LoL congregration (basically all of the slaves and common people in Volantes, including most of their soldiers) believes it. The Nobility in Volantes is terrified of the priest because Dany represents freeing slaves and 8 out of every 10 people in Volantes is a slave. They wanted to hire the Golden Company (most respectable Sellsword army, with 10k men) to kill the priest before it got out of hand, but it's too late now, and besides the Golden Company was waiting outside of Volantes for "Aegon" and Dany anyway, to combine their forces and retake the Iron throne.

What i'm most curious about regarding the show is Gendry+Arya. If they stick with the books, Arya's story is the most likely one to get cut down big time. She'll be off in Braavos alone, becoming a Faceless man. They'll show a snippet here and there of her training to remind the audience that she still exists and is progressing but her story has nothing to do with KL/Wall/Dany which is basically the 3 main focal points of the show.

In the books Davos sends Edric storm across the narrow sea to one of the free cities so that Mel can't sacrifice him after the purple wedding. This is a major plot point in the Davos/stannis story and convinces Stannis that he needs to save the realm to win the kingdom rather than win the kingdom to save the realm, so he goes to the wall to save the NW from the wildling army, so that really can't be cut/altered in the show. So Gendry will be "rescued" somehow out of reach Mel, and at the same time Arya will be standing on some docks not too far from Dragonstone waiting to board a ship to Braavos. I'm thinking the Show may have them both go to Braavos, perhaps on the same ship, so that they can stick together and give more screen time for Arya (and Gendry too, as neither him nor Edric storm really matter any more in the books after this point. Gendry has one scene where he meets Brienne but any of the BwoB can fill in here).

purist's might complain that the change would impact her decision to leave (her entire family "dead" and all of her friends abandoned her being the reason she left Westeros) but I don't really see it. Her family being butchered and her desire for revenge on those who have wronged her is what motivates her to leave, having one of her friends back in her life wouldn't change that. As since Gendry has to leave anyway to avoid being ritually sacrificed it's not like she could convince him to stay in Westeros anyway. She wants to leave, he has to leave, they can leave together nbd.


Millie's Staff Member
i dont think they will abandon arya or just give her small snippets as the show will simply have to shift focus to braavos if gendry, aemon, gilly mance jr , dorne prince tyrion and victarion (if hes mentioned at all) will go there too. also if they are going to show arya's training they will have to go to some effort to portray the temple where she trains. thats a lot of stuff they need to do, likely with arya the beggar's subplot intertwining around the others. at least i hope so.


<Bronze Donator>
Well in the books only Arya, Samwell, the other NW guy who becomes the Recruiter/singer guy actually go to Braavos. Gilly/Aemon/Mance Jr are there but on the ship and never enter the city. They're only there for about 2 days (basically 1 scene's worth of show time) and then head to Old Town. The NW recruiter stays to whore and sing and is killed by Arya later but that's only another scene. That's what i mean by snippets. Arya's by herself doing Arya stuff and she's not where the action is. If they have Gendry go with her then they could justify more scenes showing her training, etc.

Tyrion goes to Pentos (Magister Illryio via Varys) and meets up with Martyn Martell & co at the Rhoyne river. I don't recall Victarion going to either but i could be mistaken.

Considering they haven't introduced Mance Rayder's preggo wife nor her sister Val I don't know if Mance Jr will make an appearance. I wasn't looking forward to 1+ seasons of Gilly crying uncontrollably on a boat with Samwell anyway. Would make the repetitious on screen torture of Theon mild by comparison.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
He does, or at least that's what he understands is probably the case. In the leaked chapter, he gets 3 slaves and decides to have each slave blow the horn for a certain period of time/a certain amount of effort. He's basically using them as lab rats to try to figure out if the horn can be blown, yet not be fatal.


Doer of Things
Yea they're skipping a week to show this awful ass Matt Damon flick. IIRC they did this shit last season too...used GoT to push the ratings on one of their shitty movies of the week.


El Presidente
It was because they got shitty ratings during the holiday weekend in Season 1. They skipped this weekend last season as well.


I'm With HER ♀
Didn't remember the skip-week. Doesn't help that I wanted to actually watch this movie and it's turning out to be a sequined turd so far.