GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah you're right, I shouldn't be so confident over things that I read almost a decade ago.

book_sl said:
Lady Stoneheart speaks, needing to place her hand over her throat in order to gurgle out her judgment. Upon removing her hood, Brienne is horrified to discover that the Hangwoman is actually Lady Catelyn Stark, albeit now a specter from the grave. Thoros reveals that it was Lord Beric himself who administered the kiss of life to her, finally extinguishing his own unnatural life


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Molten Core Raider
predicting (hoping) arya meets the face-changing assassin dude somewhere and he trains her to run a rampage of revenge on the lannisters/freys.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Giving the viewers what they want sounds totally like something George R. R. Martin would do.



<Bronze Donator>
I've decided that i'm kinda on board with the whole Jon Snow/Meera Reed twins thing, precisely because there's so little reference in the books but none of the evidence refutes it, combined with GRRM taking a personal interest in her look when she was cast. The Reeds kids are minor characters in the novels that could of easily been dropped from the TV adaptation (and were, from season 2). They were introduced as new characters for the show this season yet have about 7 minutes of screen time so far in Season 3, and they aren't doing much to make bran's story any less boring, so why bother casting them?

It's similar to my theory that the Horn of Winter was found by jon buried with the dragon glass, and he gave it to Samwell not realizing what it was. It's only mentioned twice in the books, barely described so that the reader forgets about it. Once when it was found and just casually handed off to Samwell, and again when Samwell is selling shit for passage to Old town, the horn was the one thing he wouldn't sell and kept with him. Barely referenced and mostly forgotten by most readers, like the Meera angle, but probably true. More probable than mermen did it atleast.

GRRM put's a lot of prophecy and allusion and shit in his novels so people focus on the obvious theories, leading you to believe that certain characters are "untouchable" etc. It's just another way to convince the reader that those are the main characters so he can troll everyone by killing those characters off later. Jon, Dany, Tyrion, looking at you three.

Howland Reed was with Ned Stark for the entirety of the War including TOJ which means either she's one of his bastards and his wife gives 0 fucks unlike Catelyn when he raised her as his own trueborn child like Ned did with Jon; or his wife got freaky with the pool boy and had a surprise waiting for him when he got back from the war and howland gave 0 fucks about that; or that Lyanna gave birth to twins and Ned took one while Howland took the other, and he either told his wife or he didn't, and again, she gives 0 fucks about bastards. Given that his wife wasn't some high lord's daughter (iirc she was low born?) either Meera is Howland's bastard or atleast Howland claims her as his and wife don't give a fuck, cus I doubt he'd put up with his wife stepping out like that. All we know about Howland is that he was Ned's BFF and he saved Ned's life at the ToJ. But after the war they rarely see each other, howland never leaves Greywater Watch. Did they have a falling out like Ned and Robert did? It's never mentioned, yet he tells his children about his time with Ned before and during the war, like the tourney in the year of the false spring and the laughing tree knight, etc, so he still admires Ned and the Starks in general. Maybe they were they just trying to keep the children safe, and explaining one mysterious bastard child might be easy but explaining a 2nd of the same age that looks just like the first one? Keep them seperated. I went back and read when the Reed children were introduced and it makes sense. Her age, the way she's described, basically is like an older Arya, who looks more like Jon Snow/Lyanna than any other stark children. The night Bran meets the reeds he has a flashback to his father telling him about the ToJ, and afterward it talks about how Ned hasn't seen Howland since the war but about how they did communicate via letters over the years.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I've decided that i'm kinda on board with the whole Jon Snow/Meera Reed twins thing, precisely because there's so little reference in the books but none of the evidence refutes it, combined with GRRM taking a personal interest in her look when she was cast. The Reeds kids are minor characters in the novels that could of easily been dropped from the TV adaptation (and were, from season 2). They were introduced as new characters for the show this season yet have about 7 minutes of screen time so far in Season 3, and they aren't doing much to make bran's story any less boring, so why bother casting them?

It's similar to my theory that the Horn of Winter was found by jon buried with the dragon glass, and he gave it to Samwell not realizing what it was. It's only mentioned twice in the books, barely described so that the reader forgets about it. Once when it was found and just casually handed off to Samwell, and again when Samwell is selling shit for passage to Old town, the horn was the one thing he wouldn't sell and kept with him. Barely referenced and mostly forgotten by most readers, like the Meera angle, but probably true. More probable than mermen did it atleast.

GRRM put's a lot of prophecy and allusion and shit in his novels so people focus on the obvious theories, leading you to believe that certain characters are "untouchable" etc. It's just another way to convince the reader that those are the main characters so he can troll everyone by killing those characters off later. Jon, Dany, Tyrion, looking at you three.

Howland Reed was with Ned Stark for the entirety of the War including TOJ which means either she's one of his bastards and his wife gives 0 fucks unlike Catelyn when he raised her as his own trueborn child like Ned did with Jon; or his wife got freaky with the pool boy and had a surprise waiting for him when he got back from the war and howland gave 0 fucks about that; or that Lyanna gave birth to twins and Ned took one while Howland took the other, and he either told his wife or he didn't, and again, she gives 0 fucks about bastards. Given that his wife wasn't some high lord's daughter (iirc she was low born?) either Meera is Howland's bastard or atleast Howland claims her as his and wife don't give a fuck, cus I doubt he'd put up with his wife stepping out like that. All we know about Howland is that he was Ned's BFF and he saved Ned's life at the ToJ. But after the war they rarely see each other, howland never leaves Greywater Watch. Did they have a falling out like Ned and Robert did? It's never mentioned, yet he tells his children about his time with Ned before and during the war, like the tourney in the year of the false spring and the laughing tree knight, etc, so he still admires Ned and the Starks in general. Maybe they were they just trying to keep the children safe, and explaining one mysterious bastard child might be easy but explaining a 2nd of the same age that looks just like the first one? Keep them seperated. I went back and read when the Reed children were introduced and it makes sense. Her age, the way she's described, basically is like an older Arya, who looks more like Jon Snow/Lyanna than any other stark children. The night Bran meets the reeds he has a flashback to his father telling him about the ToJ, and afterward it talks about how Ned hasn't seen Howland since the war but about how they did communicate via letters over the years.
Howland's wife is a coonass swamp person. Basically all we know about his wife is that she is a crannogmen of the Neck. She has, to our knowledge, never left the Neck as the crannogmen tend to do. The books mention at various times how the crannogmen are a simple folk who survive on fishing and frogging and what have you. So when they aren't killing Ironborn and Freys for invading their territory they don't wander about.

Also, they didn't communicate really because Greywater Watch has no ravens due to being on a floating swamp island.


Potato del Grande
Harrenhall is the traditional capital of the Riverlands, for thousands of years before some platinum haired wanker and his sister-wives on their dragons came and melted it. The Tully's bent knee (before Harrenhall burned maybe even) and were acknowledged as the Lord's Paramount when Aegon was done burninating.

With the Tully's gone, I guess the title goes back to Harrenhall? In spite of the fact that Littlefinger has all of like 5 guys there and never visited the place in his life.

The wiki lists Baelish as the Lord Paramount of the Riverrun and lists this fact as part of the reason he was able to marry Lysa Tully/Arryn because his standing was on par with hers (Lord Paramount).

It also mentions the Frey's made a new cadet house to occupy Riverrun.
Pages late I know:
1) Riverlands has no traditional capital, it isn't one of the seven kingdoms. It was contested territory between Iron Islands and Stormlands.

2) Harrenhal was finished literally as Aegon's conquest began as the Iron Island's new capital, then got melted. Riverrun then became the "Capital" only because it was seat of the Tullys who got rewarded with the whole Riverlands for helping Aegon. Harrenhal had a string of owners after that.

3) With the Tullys rebelling with the Starks, Baelish was given lordship over the Riverlands and Harrenhal as symbol of that. The Freys got Riverrun BUT NOT the Riverlands. I guess because they are untrustworthy bastards and Tywin hates them because his father married his sister off to them when they are only upjumped commoners.

4) Brandon Stark split Baelish down the middle and gave him a huge scar at Harrenhal when they dueled over Catelyn. I would imagine he had some role in suggesting the type of reward he got for the Tyrell alliance, choosing Harrenhal and Lysa partially because of those events.

I started listening to the audio book of Storm of Swords a couple months ago when the show picked up again. Kevan is definitely in King's Landing attending small council meetings from the very beginning of the book. Hard to say when they'll introduce him to the show. Maybe next season now that we have a few less characters on screen.
Er... season one? Hope that they get the same actor back like with Walder Frey.
