GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Seemed more like a teaser for the next season than a season finale. Things happened, which set up ensuing events, but it was a bit anticlimactic.
Yeah, but I think it kind of had to be like that with book 3 being covered this season and the upcoming one. Not sure they could have done it any other way except for adding a "teaser" type of element to it.


FPS noob
The shae/varys scene was totally useless, no idea why they stuck that in there and makes the whole thing a bit more confusing later, she won't leave tyrion for a bag of diamonds but she will betray him to his father a few days/weeks later?

the final scene sucked, shoulda put that more in the middle and ended with bran going through the tunnel and meeting coldhands. It was just way too corny having dany slave surf. Musta been hilarious filming that though, "ok today we need 1000 extras, all brown people, and you guys are gonna be worshiping this white girl. don't make it weird!" it was really weird.

Shoulda moved Jaime getting into KL into next season too, the Tyrion/Cersei scene was great and Jaime coming back detracted from that. Kind of messes up the timing too, since in the books Jaime doesn't get back to KL until after the wedding, I think not even until after Tywin dies?

Anyways I know the show has episode 9 as its season climax and 10 is the epilogue, but that was still a weak epilogue with stuff thrown in that didn't need to really be there, leaving other stuff rushed. I really, really hope we don't have a lot of Theon torture stuff in season 4, while Ramsey is great the storyline is so depressing.

I'd also be really surprised if the show continues for more than 3 more seasons, its already costing $6m per episode, at some point the costs will far outstrip the money HBO can make off it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah the Shae stuff...I mean...if she's still gonna betray him they're REALLY laying it on thick. It makes me worry they're NOT gonna have her turn on him, which would be a huge deviation and really annoy me.


Molten Core Raider
If it's not a Tyrion double homicide (or would it be a patricide/whoricide combo meal?) then I'm going to be pissed. TV Shae really annoys the piss out of me (I liked her in the books).


Timeline is gonna be weird though, is Bran and the Gang just not gonna be around season 4 at all?
Well shit was going to start getting weird anyways. It doesn't make sense for the TV show to follow book 4 and book 5 on a per season basis. I'm pretty sure the whole thing is going to start getting pretty muddled as next season may include stuff from books 3,4, & 5. It makes sense from a pacing standpoint to start including the bajillion new characters from book 4 and 5 next season as their introductions on their own would make for some pretty boring television, so if they pepper in that stuff with the rest of book 3 then you can hit the ground running in season 5. It's probably why the Greyjoy storyline took a sharp turn there.


Molten Core Raider
There's no chance in hell that the TV series doesn't start taking shit from 3/4/5 over the next couple of seasons. I also expect that a lot of the fluff that was present in 4 and 5 (let's be honest, there was a TON of that shit) will be cut right the fuck out. There's no way that the present story lines won't continue until the principle characters die. They couldn't, for example, let Bran's storyline go cold for an entire season, and then pick it back up in season 5, nearly 2 years since we last saw him. That worked fine for Dondarrion, but it wouldn't work for Bran/Arya/Sansa/Tyrion/Jaime or whoever else gets little to no "screentime" in books 4 or 5.


Molten Core Raider
If it's not a Tyrion double homicide (or would it be a patricide/whoricide combo meal?) then I'm going to be pissed. TV Shae really annoys the piss out of me (I liked her in the books).
It has been officially dubbed "The Brown Murder".




Golden Knight of the Realm
The books aren't partitioned exactly like the tv shows and there's enough differences such that reading would be somewhat confusing. I'd recommend just reading book 3 and skimming through parts that seem familiar to you. You definitely don't need to read the first two books to enjoy the others as long as you're okay with either googling characters you don't know or being okay with not knowing what's going on all the time.
Is Dany still a Mary Sue/Jesus in the books? Because if so, no thanks.


Molten Core Raider
Dany is both better and worse in the books. Saying anything beyond that would require some borderline spoiler talk. Just read the fucking books already if you're interested at all.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
No Coldhands was expected. I suspect that he will be replaced by a literal three eyed crow or visions to guide Bran and company to the Children of the Forest north of the wall. The show is already stupid expensive and hiring an actor for that role seems not worth it at all.

As others have mentioned, I think they've pushed up Bran's story so they can throw some flashbacks in for relevant history next season. With Dany on a collision course with Mereen and Tyrion looking forward to 9 episodes of turtle watching, they've gotta fill the show with something meaningful.

All in all, I'm extremely pleased with the show. We've known all along that they would have to make concessions to the book's story, but, in my opinion, they've done an exceptional job at translating it to our TV screens. Plus, it gives us bookreaders something to look forward to week-to-week since we don't know 100% what's going to happen.


Silver Knight of the Realm
The first scene of this episode with all the Lannisters around the table was great, too bad it kinda peaked there. Arya going postal on that guy was cool. Episode should have ended on the scene with Jaime coming in to see his sister, cause yeah the Dany scene was dumb.

I can't remember, was that how Gendry got off Dragonstone in the books, in a boat by himself?

One more vote for being disappointed in no Missandei titties this season. We should start an online petition to have them included in season 4.


I assume they've gone off early on the Stannis storyline so they could push Gendry out of next season, but it's really crapped up Stannis. Ygritte catching Jon all alone was way too convenient, the Dany scene eye roll worthy, Jaime returning scenes gutted and the small council scene whilst good didn't reach the heights of the book.

Ramsay is awesome and writes the best letters.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The first scene of this episode with all the Lannisters around the table was great, too bad it kinda peaked there. Arya going postal on that guy was cool. Episode should have ended on the scene with Jaime coming in to see his sister, cause yeah the Dany scene was dumb.

I can't remember, was that how Gendry got off Dragonstone in the books, in a boat by himself?

One more vote for being disappointed in no Missandei titties this season. We should start an online petition to have them included in season 4.
It was Edric Storm and Davos smuggled him onto one of Salladhor Saan's ships headed to the Free Cities.

The timing of everything seems weird now. They've deviated from the books enough that it's hard to say how they're going to place things and what they won't cut aside from the few obvious events left. I guess that's alright since it keeps book readers on their toes more.


Millie's Staff Member
Merkins get the fuck out because im gonna talk about the books and the show and it has spoilers. i dont like you much but i wouldnt want the show ruined for you and i dont want you blaming me

just watched the episode and it wasnt nearly as bad as some in here or the non spoiler thread are making it out to be. if i had to say there was a scene which came close to rustling my jimmies it was the scene between varys and shae. that scene alone more or less confirmed some things in the books. shae was not a tool of varys, shae will not willingly betray tyrion later on. varys seems to give a fuck about tyrion enough to bribe his whore to leave. book varys seemed to relish the secrets he had on him, with shae gone, his little leverage will be gone.

minor nitpicks, yeah the greyjoy scene was tarded, should have Balon's scene be of his death and the other greyjoys hearing about the news and let them have their kingsmoot.

dany's scene wasnt that bad but it was just plain silly and i dunno who thought it was a good way to end the episode. it just made me feel like it was a scene from one of michael jacksons 90s videos.

i liked the scene with ygritte and jon, but thought the scene with sam, gilly and maester aemon was being played for laughs. i also must be misremembering shit again, because i thought the crows from aemon were for help settling the massive waves of wildlings attacking the wall? who would believe shit about the white walkers? its been 8000 years since anyone seen one. its like calling the cops and telling them a bunch of saber toothed tigers are eating my neighbors.

and no Cat rez scene? lame

the good parts.
all of davos scenes, theon's scene, arya and hound scene, frey and bolton scene, jaime and cersei, tyrion and cersei, tyrion and sansa, the scene with joff, tywin, tyrion, cersei, gm pizelle(yes i cant spell it right) andof course best of all was the king in the north scene.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Fuck reading the books. Download the audio books instead. That way instead of waiting a year for the next season, you can bitch about waiting an eternity for the next book.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Davos is one of my favorite book characters and I think he's one of the better book --> show transfers. Can't wait to see Oberyn. Probably my favorite in the books.


Buzzfeed Editor
That scene doesn't confirm that Shae will not willingly betray Tyrion ever, just that she didn't one time. Really it doesn't tell us much beyond keeping Shae in the picture for next season.