GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


El Presidente
i burned my hand pretty good the other week with a cigar. is that good nuff?
Was it bad enough to require a skin graft?


The Scientific Shitlord
Why would people bother using the spoiler tag in a spoiler thread? Is it like painting stripes on your car to make it go faster?


Karazhan Raider
Is this the Spoilers ASOIAF thread or the Spoilers Game of Thrones thread?

I don't give a shit about spoilers. I was trying to think of a good example, and I remembered a conversation with a friend back when The Matrix came out. Knowing beforehand did not ruin that movie at all. I generally ask questions when talking about stuff. I'm not the type that says 'don't tell me'.

I got spoiled to the RW too. All I heard was 'red wedding' and other people immediately stopped the dumbass that said it, but that was enough. I knew something was going to happen. Initially I thought either Cersei and Joffrey were going to die, or Sansa. At that point I started reading the books and started spoiling myself, and then I found out that it was Robb. Basically I stopped giving a shit. I was still surprised when I saw that scene in action (I actually read the RW chapter after season 3 was over, so it was cool to see the differences between the book version and the TV one). It wasn't ruined, either.

Just cos I'm that way doesn't mean anyone else has to be, and I'll respect someone's choice regarding spoilers. But if you don't want to get spoiled, stop reading that sentence (threads, interviews, articles, etc)


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Is this the Spoilers ASOIAF thread or the Spoilers Game of Thrones thread?

I don't give a shit about spoilers. I was trying to think of a good example, and I remembered a conversation with a friend back when The Matrix came out. Knowing beforehand did not ruin that movie at all. I generally ask questions when talking about stuff. I'm not the type that says 'don't tell me'.

I got spoiled to the RW too. All I heard was 'red wedding' and other people immediately stopped the dumbass that said it, but that was enough. I knew something was going to happen. Initially I thought either Cersei and Joffrey were going to die, or Sansa. At that point I started reading the books and started spoiling myself, and then I found out that it was Robb. Basically I stopped giving a shit. I was still surprised when I saw that scene in action (I actually read the RW chapter after season 3 was over, so it was cool to see the differences between the book version and the TV one). It wasn't ruined, either.

Just cos I'm that way doesn't mean anyone else has to be, and I'll respect someone's choice regarding spoilers. But if you don't want to get spoiled, stop reading that sentence (threads, interviews, articles, etc)
Has nothing surprising ever happened in a fiction that you think wouldn't have had the same effect if you'd known about it before hand?

Reading the red wedding was a huuge shock to me and if I knew what happened before it did it would have changed my enjoyment of Catelyn's chapters and Rob Stark.


Musty Nester
Oh, lots of stuff. And I'm with Feanor on the nature of spoilers. This just isn't that kind of story for a lot of us. When there are this many balls in the air it honestly is hard to give a fuck about any particular one of them or even any particular grouping of them. My cares are inversely proportional to the sprawl. He's painting in watercolors. And it's a great watercolor, I'll give him that... but it isn't an oil.

I think of all the characters I like the dragons about the best. They should just eat everybody. Fuck these feudal assholes.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
I think I read the paragraph where Bolton stick his sword thru Rob half a dozen times before what happened registered. Couldn't believe what I was reading.

But yeah, I certainly avoid spoilers if I can help it. Short of emails, I pretty much shut myself off the entire internet when reading those books. So I don't get spoiled anything by some twat posting something in an unrelated thread. So you can imagine that it really boggles my mind that someone would willingly go in a thread titled as containing spoilers and to have to nerve to complain about seeing spoilers. It's just so profoundly stupid.


Karazhan Raider
Has nothing surprising ever happened in a fiction that you think wouldn't have had the same effect if you'd known about it before hand?

Reading the red wedding was a huuge shock to me and if I knew what happened before it did it would have changed my enjoyment of Catelyn's chapters and Robb Stark.
Have you ever checked the last page of a book before reading the first? My enjoyment wasn't affected. The way that I saw the whole thing? Yeah, that was affected. I was pretty pissed when I found out.

I do not agree with Iannis. Martin is as awesome as an oil painter. I love watercolor, though. That shit looks good.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
The last 5 pages of the thread have been almost completely about when to spoiler/not to spoiler/what's a spoiler/who spoiled what/blah blah blah which is exactly what made these same threads on FoH unfuckingbearable. The ratio of bleeding asspussy spoiler discussion to actual discussion of the story was unbelievable.

Reasonable solution is to just use spoiler tags for book spoilers/trailers/other non officially released?
No, this is a reasonable solution.

Seriously, there's a spoilers warning right I'm the thread title, if you don't want to see spoilers then gtfo. Pretty simple.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Why does Astro continually ruin every thread and get away with it. Even with him on ignore you idiots still quote him


Millie's Staff Member
Why does Astro continually ruin every thread and get away with it. Even with him on ignore you idiots still quote him
your post encapsulates everything i have complained about. Lack of respect to fellow members, encouraging others to leave/get banned/commit suicide. Grats on being a top rerolled poster.

Lost Ranger_sl

your post encapsulates everything i have complained about. Lack of respect to fellow members, encouraging others to leave/get banned/commit suicide. Grats on being a top rerolled poster.
It is really quite simple Chuk. Respect is earned. People treat you like shit because you have never given them a reason not too. Same goes for anyone else who feels like they get dog piled on. There isn't a single person here who gets treated that way who hasn't brought it on themselves to some degree.


<Bronze Donator>
Astro thinks all opinions and viewpoints are equal, as evidenced by his white knighting for a conspiracy nut. In his world there is no cause and effect. You say stupid shit and deserve your participation trophy as a unique snowflake.


Millie's Staff Member
Respect isny like a video game where you start off with zero. When you walk into a mcdonalds you dont say hey asshole gimme a bigmac and a liter of cola! No you respectfully give your order. Respect is given and only not given when they do something that offends you. Sorry but having a different opinion about something doesnt qualify. I never did anything to you or anyone else here so you have no reason to treat me or anyone else like a redheaded stepchild. Have a good weekend everyone.