GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Musty Nester
My guess is that he's made much more money off of HBO than he ever made off of his writing contracts. He might release the next book but he'll never release that last book, because until the day he dies he'll be able to say, "Well that's not howIwas going to do it!".


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Did the scenes with Baelish on the boat feel like, utterly forced from him, moreso than usual to anyone else?

Like I really felt like the guy playing Baelish went over the top on the acting during this part. Hell, it sounded as if his accent even went a bit Scottish there for a minute before going back to his normal accent. ESPECIALLY right when Sansa got up into the boat 2 episodes ago. It was eye-rolling bad.
No you're right, it's getting pretty bad. He's overacting the shit out of the role, which is especially bad since he's supposed to be a subtle character working in the background. Part of the problem is that so many of his scenes are with Sansa who he doesn't mind exposing himself to for some reason. I imagine when we see him have scenes with Lysa Arryn he'll go back to being a more relaxed and subtle character while taking every moment to wink and smirk at Sansa.

But even his scenes with Varys, Eddard etc he goes full, "I'm such a manipulative liar and you shouldn't trust me but you will because this is fiction.". The accent and overacting is just one part of that.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty sure she left with Rickon or whatever Brann's younger brother's name is
But yeah "By right of Conquest" is also a valid claim in Westeros.
Note that for a very long time only those with Targaryen blood have sat on the iron throne. The Baratheon house was founded by a Targaryen bastard named Orys Baratheon. This claim is part of the reason why Robert took the iron throne when he, Eddard Stark and Jon Arryn defeated the Targaryens. And this claim one reason why it is so important that people don't find out that all of Cersei's kids aren't with Robert.

It's tough to say how hard it would have been for the nobles and common folk to accept, say Eddard Stark as ruler, my guess is they don't care much at all, but there is a precedent that's easy to slide into.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Can we get moderation in here about all the posting of women? It is making the thread difficult to read at work.


Unelected Mod
The time to be book purist is long since past. It is very clear GRRM is in no hurry to finish the books and they will run out of material with the current books in some plotlines next season. Don't blame the show, blame GRRM. He is the one that takes 5 or 6 years to write the next book, made worse by the fact that books 4 and 5 are really one book split in half, so in in reality it was 11 years between books.

Best just to not watch the show if you are worried about spoilers, because like it or not, GRRM has already told them the overall ending. The details may be different, but the overall ending will be the same. As Tuco said, I am happy that at least we are guaranteed an ending.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Has it even been confirmed Coldhands will be in the show? I wonder what would cause more butt hurt... his omission, or the inclusion of the Night's King?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
so when the Showrunners fuck up the story so badly, you get things like this:

The director of that episode said that he believed that what he filmed, was consensual sex by the end. Obviously the people who watch TV or know the definition of rape disagreed because it's been nothing but "omg rape" since that episode aired. So because the Director fucked up that scene, we get theories like this.

It wasn't written as a rape scene (obviously not in the novel, but also not in the episode's script since the director wasn't aiming for rape, but was aiming for "no it's not right to do it here, under our son's corpse, but, ok i agree let's have sex" he just fucked that part up) so of course the rest of the episodes aren't going to reference or resolve the "omg rape" since their scripts were written assuming there was no rape. So for TV viewer's its like "the elephant in the room" and it won't be addressed because it was never actually intended to come across the way it did.
whoever wrote that shit is not right in the mind. Cercei in Season 1 (series) clearly explained why she became a heartless bitch. It wasn't because she was fucking her brother or got raped. It was because her naive concept of Princess was destroyed after she saw King Robert for who he was. He was not a glorious warrior of justice. He was a goddamn drunk brute who fucked her when he was half drunk, crying his beloved's name every time he fucked Cercei. After her "first born" died (legitimate heir), any remainder of her kindness died with it.

Cercei has also fucked one of other relative, so she is into deep incest fetish.

rape was pretty goddamn common in this time (just as killing and war were), so not really a huge issue.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No? I thought Benjen was coldhands, nights king is bran stark (an earlier one)
I thought that as well, though there is a quote in Dance where the child of the forest tells Bran that Coldhands was killed by the Others long ago. Seeing as how Benjen has only been lost a year or two, and the child of the forest is hundreds of years old, it would seem to discount Benjen.

Benjen is going to show up somewhere and kick something's or someone's ass before it is all said and done.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
While everyone dreams and schemes up grand story plans for Benjen, the most GRRM thing to do is just have him disappear and never be heard from again.


Molten Core Raider
I thought that as well, though there is a quote in Dance where the child of the forest tells Bran that Coldhands was killed by the Others long ago. Seeing as how Benjen has only been lost a year or two, and the child of the forest is hundreds of years old, it would seem to discount Benjen.

Benjen is going to show up somewhere and kick something's or someone's ass before it is all said and done.
They definitely mention Coldhands being killed long ago.

I think Benjen will have been killed by the Children or used as food for the plants or something, causing Bran to realize they aren't the good guys. Just my pet theory.

While everyone dreams and schemes up grand story plans for Benjen, the most GRRM thing to do is just have him disappear and never be heard from again.
Yeah, and Syrio. Just because we like certain characters doesn't make them important.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Not accurate but...


Millie's Staff Member
i wonder if Karl will leave Bran and co "for the gods" to kill him off, the white walkers come along and bring them to the ice lair to be transformed. Night's king shows up, recognizes Bran as one of his own kin and then decides he will take them to the children or leave that task to one of his men, somebody called coldhands? then later when jon snow comes to kick karl's ass he finds out the walkers took bran and so he assumes he is dead, it makes sense when melisandre gives him that offer?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
i wonder if Karl will leave Bran and co "for the gods" to kill him off, the white walkers come along and bring them to the ice lair to be transformed. Night's king shows up, recognizes Bran as one of his own kin and then decides he will take them to the children or leave that task to one of his men, somebody called coldhands? then later when jon snow comes to kick karl's ass he finds out the walkers took bran and so he assumes he is dead, it makes sense when melisandre gives him that offer?
No need to wonder; this is exactly what happens. I saw it in a vision after a heavy dose of peyote this weekend.