GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

Zignor 3_sl

Maybe because it's been so long since I read it, but I don't remember the books saying that Lysa and Littlefinger conspired to poison Lord Arryn.
My thoughts exactly. I'd like to think that's not a detail I happened to gloss over...but I guess it could have been.

I'm alright with the show going in completely its own direction, but I'd really like to know whether that is really what they're doing or if they're actually staying true to the as yet unpublished storyline.


Unelected Mod
Maybe because it's been so long since I read it, but I don't remember the books saying that Lysa and Littlefinger conspired to poison Lord Arryn.
She did.
Storm of Swords_sl said:
?Tears, tears, tears,? she sobbed hysterically . ?No need for tears . . . but that?s not what you said in King?s Landing. You told me to put the tears in Jon?s wine, and I did. For Robert, and for us! And I wrote Catelyn and told her the Lannisters had killed my lord husband, just as you said. That was so clever . . . you were always clever, I told Father that, I said Petyr?s so clever, he?ll rise high, he will, he will, and he?s sweet and gentle and I have his little baby in my belly . . . Why did you kiss her? Why? We?re together now, we?re together after so long, so very long, why would you want to kiss herrrrrr??

Martin, George R.R. (2003-03-04). A Storm of Swords: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Three (p. 913). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Cersei getting along with Maergary? Hanging out with Obyren? Being friendly with daddy? Saying joffrey was a monster?

Hopefully they are just showing her trying to get into the good graces of the judges for the trial.


Toe Sucker
I was somewhat distraught with their idea of bringing bran and jon together.. but i'm glad that they didn't actually meet up, that would have been very odd of them to do... as there is certainly no purpose for it and more confusing than anything.

It seems they did that to just to emphasis how determined bran has become to unlocking his potential, as it's more important than family now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was somewhat distraught with their idea of bringing bran and jon together.. but i'm glad that they didn't actually meet up, that would have been very odd of them to do... as there is certainly no purpose for it and more confusing than anything.

It seems they did that to just to emphasis how determined bran has become to unlocking his potential, as it's more important than family now.
Yeah I think we're all going to have to settle into a resignation that this is just going to be more and more different with each passing episode. Just going to have to kick the WTF? out of my brain and just enjoy it for what the TV producers are trying to do.


Buzzfeed Editor
Your friend is dead and Trant is not; because Trant had armor, and a big fucking sword.

Damn The Hound is fucking killing it, every episode he's got a new hilarious line.

Also, pretty big non-book reveal that the Westerlands are defunct in gold production.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Cersei getting along with Maergary? Hanging out with Obyren? Being friendly with daddy? Saying joffrey was a monster?

Hopefully they are just showing her trying to get into the good graces of the judges for the trial.
Cersei doesn't become a POV character until book 4. In book 3 she would have been wheeling and dealing without the reader seeing it.

I really hope Season 5 isn't the all Cersei all the time season that book 4 would make it out to be. That's a lot of new characters/plot elements to introduce that late in a show's life, and I don't think they'd add much to the show.


Buzzfeed Editor
Oh man, poor Pod. When they do that scene and he is clawing at his neck about to die, people are going to shit.


FPS noob
Damn The Hound is fucking killing it, every episode he's got a new hilarious line.
Also, pretty big non-book reveal that the Westerlands are defunct in gold production.
Yeah the only real good parts of this new season are Arya and the Hound, everyone else is kinda meh. That was a nice reveal by Tywin though, makes him a bigger badass for getting so much shit under control with 0 new gold earned. They are really foreshadowing the Iron Bank shit hard though, I wonder if we'll see a lot of new non book material involving the Iron Bank next season.

Its way too early to tell but I have a feeling that the pinnacle of the TV series will be The Red Wedding, after that it'll be viewed as somewhat a lesser show without Robb, Joffrey, Tywin, etc. Was really sad not to see Coldhands kill the guy running away at the end. I still believe they are gonna bring in Coldhands, after all, why bother with the whole mystery of "where did Benjen Stark go" in season 1.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't know, I like Pod and Brienne. I like what they are doing with Bran, and trying to make Cersei somethng other than a raging cunt. This episode was kind of marking time but we did have a major development or two.


Vyemm Raider
The new stuff was pretty good and fit in well (aside from "uh, aren't they worried about the wildings in the south...") but the highlights are obviously Pod and as usual the Hound. Oh, and crazy Lysa was fun but we know she goes nuclear later so that will be the real payoff there.

I was already smirking when Brienne asked "anything combat related?"

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I'm waiting for Pod to show Brienne his true talent, someone's got to give it to her at some point.

And Hodor snapping that guy's neck like a twig was fucking awesome.