GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trump's Staff
If anything has been proven by the show it's that George is much better with details than D&D are. He doesn't need their help to flesh anything out.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I've always envisioned Littlefinger's end to be him hiding in the Eeyrie after all his plans go to shit and Drogon roasts the entire keep. The fact GRRM has gone to so much trouble to detail how much of a pain in the ass it is to get up there, how unsiegable it is, and the tales of Harrenhall all but telegraph that place is getting bathed in dragon fire.


Buzzfeed Editor
LS Stark revenge???
Against who, Brienne of fucking Tarth? her loyal servant? Against Jaime Lannister, a knight who kept his word to Catelyn? ya maybe in book 1 you'd want revenge against jaime but the last thing the reader wants is for that revenge, it ruins his book arc.

The only purpose LS serves is getting her head chopped off by Brienne and Jaime when they come back, and the emotional release of seeing the good guys end the evil that had taken hold over cat's dead body and the BwoB.
Against the horde of Freys. Brienne and Jamie are not dead yet, likely will not die to her, and are just collateral damage. I really like it, and even though we may like Jamie now he still has a hell of a lot to make up for, especially in her eyes. Most likely this just gives him the opportunity to do that.


Anyone know where I can get the tales of dunk and egg not in graphic novel without having to buy the short story anthologies? Or am I suckered into one or the other. Those are the only 3 other "works" by Martin based on the universe right?

Just to contribute to the thread, I thought S4E8 was the best episode to date. Top tier performances by Dany, Oberyn, Jorah, and even Jaime. Some people are consistently awesome, like Tyrion - but I think some of the actors took it to another level specifically that episode. Also, despite knowing what happened, the brutality was just so well done. Kudos to HBO for doing this all so .. authentically.


<Bronze Donator>
How do YOU imagine Littlefinger eventually dies?
Either of Old Age as Sterling said, some agent of Varys, or by Sansa's hand. I see LS having absolutely fuckall to do with his story, or anyone's story really. She hangs a few useless frey's and then gets her comeuppance by Jaime/Brienne, or perhaps Thoros of Myr finally ends her insanity.


A Mod Real Quick
If I was going to get hatefucked by anyone, Sansa wouldn't be a bad choice. She's got some serious rage built up.


Potato del Grande
I've always envisioned Littlefinger's end to be him hiding in the Eeyrie after all his plans go to shit and Drogon roasts the entire keep.The fact GRRM has gone to so much trouble to detail how much of a pain in the ass it is to get up there, how unsiegable it is,and the tales of Harrenhall all but telegraph that place is getting bathed in dragon fire.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No idea why. Pretty much every one of the kids wargs in the books except sansa who doesn't have a wolf and is a twat lol
Isn't there a scene or two where she kind of wargs into the Hound? Where she is comforting him right after Blackwater, maybe? I remember there being a kind of tender moment and getting the sense that, well shit, she warged into him a sec.


Just finally saw all 4 seasons of GOT. Living under a rock and all..

Anyway episode 9 sucked ass; I have zero interest in that storyline and we get an entire episode on it. 2 questions:

1. In a previous episode, where tommen is being crowned there was a scene with Cersei and Margery in the corner where Margery flagrantly thought about what Cersei should be called after (Sister, mother?). Is this a way to portray that Margery gives zero fucks any more and is no longer afraid of her?

2. What the hell was the point of the convoluted necklace murder that now implicates Sansa in the murder? It makes no sense to do that if littlefinger wants to be with Sansa.


Millie's Staff Member
I think sansa can warg, no reason to think otherwise unless there is some lame theory that she is secretly the daughter of littlefinger or somebody other than ned


Isn't there a scene or two where she kind of wargs into the Hound? Where she is comforting him right after Blackwater, maybe? I remember there being a kind of tender moment and getting the sense that, well shit, she warged into him a sec.
Hadn't thought of that before, there is definitely something odd in that scene in that Sansa remembers him kissing her (he didn't).

[GRRM is asked about Sansa misremembering the name of Joffrey's sword.]

The Lion's Paw / Lion's Tooth business, on the other hand, is intentional. A small touch of the unreliable narrator. I was trying to establish that the memories of my viewpoint characters are not infallible. Sansa is simply remembering it wrong. A very minor thing (you are the only one to catch it to date), but it was meant to set the stage for a much more important lapse in memory. You will see, in A STORM OF SWORDS and later volumes, that Sansa remembers the Hound kissing her the night he came to her bedroom... but if you look at the scene, he never does. That will eventually mean something, but just now it's a subtle touch, something most of the readers may not even pick up on.