If I have a bunch of DVRd shows to watch, I find myself putting this further and further towards the bottom to watch. I still do, just rarely right away. I haven't seen most recent episode yet, for example.
I agree with everyone that it was a shame they killed off Jerome. Should have had him kill Galavan ffs, I don't care about his character at all. Jerome was doing a pretty good hybrid of Heath Ledger Joker and Mark Hamill Joker. He was clearly copying some mannerisms/voice change inflections from Heath Ledger, but then had the wild glee of many of the other versions. It was overall enjoyable though. Can't say the same about most of the other characters though.
I don't know what planet these writers are living on that they thought Fish Mooney was a good idea, but then kill off Jerome after a few episodes of being in the spotlight. Even Riddler has gone into a dumb direction. I know he's always been crazy in the old comics, but the more calm and collected genius is the version that tends to be more popular these days. Would have liked to see his dark side keep getting shit done without fucking up his life. Have him living a double life, dating ms kringle and carrying on his job np, but then going off and committing crimes when no one is watching. Leaving behind subtle clues that no one can really figure out (cause they don't have the motherfucking batman to solve them!).
Oh well.. it takes alot for me to stop watching a show I've gotten invested in, but this one is becoming boring enough that I might just do it accidentally.