Grim Dawn


Molten Core Raider


Trakanon Raider
Ok thanks. So on savagery for instance the +% lightening does nothing for any other skill other then the damage coming from your auto attack?
And any lightning damage added to that swing from other sources. There are many, MANY sources of +flat damage, which when found on armor/jewelry/relic or the devotion tree, apply to all attacks. There's also a ton of sources of converted damage which converts X% physical to X% whatever.

So let's say your savagery does 100 weapon damage and +20 lightning with +100% lightning damage as a baseline from the skill. You have a devotion that adds +40 lightning damage to attacks, a ring that adds +20 lightning damage, a relic which converts 10% physical to lightning.

Savagery's +100% lightning will double all those sources for an end result of 90 physical and 180 lightning per hit (from savagery). My brief napkin math may be off, but you get the idea!


Molten Core Raider
And any lightning damage added to that swing from other sources. There are many, MANY sources of +flat damage, which when found on armor/jewelry/relic or the devotion tree, apply to all attacks. There's also a ton of sources of converted damage which converts X% physical to X% whatever.

So let's say your savagery does 100 weapon damage and +20 lightning with +100% lightning damage as a baseline from the skill. You have a devotion that adds +40 lightning damage to attacks, a ring that adds +20 lightning damage, a relic which converts 10% physical to lightning.

Savagery's +100% lightning will double all those sources for an end result of 90 physical and 180 lightning per hit (from savagery). My brief napkin math may be off, but you get the idea!
Great appreciate the explanation; one last one. On X% convert that is stictly useful if you have alot of %increase in the damage that is being coverted to right? So if you do 100 physical and 10% converted to cold its 90 physical + 10 cold * any cold modifers you have, its not 100 damage physical + 10 cold right.


Potato del Grande
I'll have to see what pairs up best with soldier. There is a shaman buff that gives total retaliation. Might be a thing.

edit: Shaman don't have a total retaliation buff. Hmm what was I thinking of then.
Nightblades blade whirl skill? Not sure the name but it's something like that, 3 seconds of invuln + retaliation + big hp regen.


Vyemm Raider
Game is pretty sweet but crashes quite a bit. I've had 3 random crashes today. I can't even alt ctl del out of them that easily because it makes my whole screen go black. Pretty big PITA.


Trakanon Raider
Great appreciate the explanation; one last one. On X% convert that is stictly useful if you have alot of %increase in the damage that is being coverted to right? So if you do 100 physical and 10% converted to cold its 90 physical + 10 cold * any cold modifers you have, its not 100 damage physical + 10 cold right.
That's correct, converted just changes the base, it doesn't add to it. It's a tossup whether it's good or not depending on your spec/gear. If you have heavy +% to an element, as well as reductions to an enemies resist, converting your physical to an element is wonderful. If you're a pure physical/pierce blademaster, then finding a great weapon that converts 25% physical to a random element like aether makes you cry.


Molten Core Raider
Game is pretty sweet but crashes quite a bit. I've had 3 random crashes today. I can't even alt ctl del out of them that easily because it makes my whole screen go black. Pretty big PITA.
I had this regularly playing Windowed. Switched to fullscreen and only had it once in a couple of days.


2 Minutes Hate
Started a Battlemage last night to play with, focusing on shields. You can make a hammerdin build with one of the devotions. 20% chance on block to proc a hammer. Blocks have around a 1s cooldown that you can drop with stats.

Here's a sloppy build, but you get the idea:Grim Calc - Grim Dawn Skill Calculator

My main focus will be trying out using cadence and converting it to elemental damage. Build starts off with 45% damage reduction. Seems like a thing.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Was able to get some time against this again this last weekend. Picked up my conjurer again where I left off around level 20. Moved a bunch of my +pet gear from my former mains over to this guy as I leveled up to 48. Hellhound / Briarthorn, Stormhound at 35, Revenant at 40 and I am basically just picking up loot. I have died a couple of times due to playing one / no handed while I eat or something similar.

I got up to just past Fort Ikon / Cleansing the Shrine of Mogdrogon. The new areas are fun, very diablo IIIish for the setting with snowy forts and such. I was kind of hoping to get a Mark of Mogdrogon to actually drop or see a piece as that is the only component left out of Ancestor that I need. Just hoping this power level keeps up for a while as I end up using my pet class for farming to make interesting other characters. Got a single legendary to drop so far, but for Nightblade.

The only truly obnoxious part is going to be getting my faction up / down with the respective folks again and building Legion / Outcast up from scrap without even the double reward item.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Getting rep up is really easy, except maybe Black Legion. Got all of them revered now and only had to buy the rep items for 2 or 3. Buying the double rep item to give to alts is great too.

Getting rep down is awful game design. Who the fuck wants to do a pointless, shitty, rewardless grindjust to unlock the ability to do the real grind? I've got undead at nemesis, and actually finding the nemesis boss is so much of a pain in the ass that I've moved on to unlocking a different one instead. I'm not too far from Aetherials and Cthonians, but from what I understand they are even harder to find than the undead one. Of course the two easy to find ones I'm still only Despised with.

The worst part is that if you don't stop while progressing through elite at a point where the enemies are still at/above your level, the rep is drastically reduced. I'm forced to grind Cronley and Death's Vigil on ultimate to progress, which makes it take a lot longer. Plan accordingly so you don't get fucked like I did, or wait until B30 which is supposed to relax the penalty for killing shit below your level and will also probably tone ultimate difficulty down quite a bit (OA will probably get beaten with the nerf bat too).

From what I've read, nemesis grinding won't be the best way to get legendaries either. They are supposed to be making roguelike dungeons a viable alternative, so save your skeleton keys. No idea when the update will come though, it doesn't sound like it's anytime really soon unfortunately.

And back on the topic of OA, since there was some discussion about how effective it actually is. I had about 2500 when I killed Log on elite and my crit % was like 24%. The biggest difference was that I was only hitting it for like 1.9x, but even so it died in about 45 seconds. OA is definitely as ridiculous as people say, provided you prioritize it above all else.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I may give up on doing pure arcanist soon. pretty much purely for the raw stats, from the second masterys.


Molten Core Raider
Got my spellbreaker to 51 and finished the boss and was going to farm some gear and then decide if i wanted to play him or my occ/arc for Elite (have occ on elite Act 2). Accidently deleted my stupid quest file when i moved instead of copied haha so....said ok my alt fetish shall be fed AGAIN. Trying to take my early druid that was 24 and play as a storm mage, kind of curious on how it would do because you can drop so much damage and kite/run while it does work. Figured i'd get him to 50, farm some epics and then decide which of the 3 i shall focus on! Oh fuck my life.


2 Minutes Hate
A bit into Act 2 on my Soldier. It started out nothing fancy, but I'm starting to pump out some damage now. Sword and Board all the way.

I can't help thinking that the elemental conversion on cadence can be used to do decent damage. I just have to find the correct devotions.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Alright, the final boss can suck it as a pet class. I was warned, but surely it couldn't be as bad as everyone made it out to be. It was an absolute cluster. I was only level 51 at the time, but that seemed appropriate. The main problem is that, while only one pet could attack, the pet would constantly disengage when I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off avoiding tentacles and voids, etc. The other issue was the amount of damage that was able to be dealt to my pets. Couldn't keep some of them up very well. I wasn't going to be off put though and got him down after around 5 deaths.

I think I could have distributed my points a bit better. I went mastery heavy to try and get it out of the way, but sacrificing 10 - 20 points to get a few more levels in Curse of Frailty / Vulnerability probably would have helped a fair bit.

Going to start Elite and see what happens. I feel like if I can handle everything fairly easily except the last boss I am doing alright. I did pop in to Elite Act I and kill a few champions, they can sure take a beating.

The worst part is that if you don't stop while progressing through elite at a point where the enemies are still at/above your level, the rep is drastically reduced.
What does 'stop while progressing' mean? Basically, don't grind out levels in Act I Elite and flow through naturally?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It means when you get to Cromley's on elite, do the HQ and mines like 30 times in a row until you hit Nemesis. Same for when you get into A4, stop and grind out Order/Kymon to Nemesis as well (Fort Haron/Tomb of Archon). If you don't, you'll only be getting reduced rep for bosses/heroes and none at all for trash, or else you have to wait to do it on ultimate, which may or may not even be a possibility if you don't have the ability to farm an elite nemesis for gear first.

Those are the important ones. Cromley is easier and faster to farm rep for, but the nemesis is the toughest one of all by a mile and has a few spawn points, not all of which are in HQ/Mines. Order/Kymon is slower rep but the nemesis is fairly easy and they only have two places to check for a spawn. That's the one most people do when they want to farm legendaries.

Trying to take my early druid that was 24 and play as a storm mage, kind of curious on how it would do because you can drop so much damage and kite/run while it does work. Figured i'd get him to 50, farm some epics and then decide which of the 3 i shall focus on! Oh fuck my life.
Druid is god-tier right now. Only issue with restarting a character that already got to 24 is your stats. You want everything put into physique if you're playing for the long haul.


Molten Core Raider
It means when you get to Cromley's on elite, do the HQ and mines like 30 times in a row until you hit Nemesis. Same for when you get into A4, stop and grind out Order/Kymon to Nemesis as well (Fort Haron/Tomb of Archon). If you don't, you'll only be getting reduced rep for bosses/heroes and none at all for trash, or else you have to wait to do it on ultimate, which may or may not even be a possibility if you don't have the ability to farm an elite nemesis for gear first.

Those are the important ones. Cromley is easier and faster to farm rep for, but the nemesis is the toughest one of all by a mile and has a few spawn points, not all of which are in HQ/Mines. Order/Kymon is slower rep but the nemesis is fairly easy and they only have two places to check for a spawn. That's the one most people do when they want to farm legendaries.

Druid is god-tier right now. Only issue with restarting a character that already got to 24 is your stats. You want everything put into physique if you're playing for the long haul.
Thanks, i've actually been front loading phy to equip armor and be ready for survivalist so good there. Got him to 35 so far and just buzzing him to 50 on normal not vet, its such a joke. I don't even stop to fight i just drop totem + whirlwind + my item lightening storm and nova and everything dies.


2 Minutes Hate
Alright, the final boss can suck it as a pet class. I was warned, but surely it couldn't be as bad as everyone made it out to be. It was an absolute cluster. I was only level 51 at the time, but that seemed appropriate. The main problem is that, while only one pet could attack, the pet would constantly disengage when I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off avoiding tentacles and voids, etc. The other issue was the amount of damage that was able to be dealt to my pets. Couldn't keep some of them up very well. I wasn't going to be off put though and got him down after around 5 deaths.

I think I could have distributed my points a bit better. I went mastery heavy to try and get it out of the way, but sacrificing 10 - 20 points to get a few more levels in Curse of Frailty / Vulnerability probably would have helped a fair bit.

Going to start Elite and see what happens. I feel like if I can handle everything fairly easily except the last boss I am doing alright. I did pop in to Elite Act I and kill a few champions, they can sure take a beating.

What does 'stop while progressing' mean? Basically, don't grind out levels in Act I Elite and flow through naturally?
I ended up just spamming the pet attack command from a hotbar key. Seemed to work a bit better.