Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Guardian of the Galaxy's popularity as a comic book is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. People will see it because it's a sci-fi blockbuster, a comic book movie, and associated with Marvel. Its success will be driven by the same factors that affect every other movie: marketing and hype.


Unelected Mod
That's a crackshot scientific method you have there sir. Lets base everything on your small world which probly includes you, and your 5 cats.
Says the comic book fanatic who thinks anyone gives a shit about Marvel vs DC.


Log Wizard
You're retarded if you don't think this movie makes 50 million in the first weekend and doubly so if you don't think the Marvel label on movies at this stage of the game sells tickets.


Really no point arguing with him/her/it, hes just going to race off to the mods eventually.

They love protecting their little babies.

Let it think whatever it wants.


Unelected Mod
Oh how cute, so now you have moved on from calling me gay, to saying I'm a tranny. I can't wait to see where your accusations will go from here!


Potato del Grande
Is there some reason that every time Column disagrees with someone he needs to be a total dbag about it? At some point it doesn't even matter if you're right about something if you're just going to be a dickhead about it every single time.

This movie will do well because its Marvel imo but the overall take will mainly come from how good the actual movie is. Word of mouth on something like this will go a long ways towards its final gross.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Which Marvel films? because Hulk made 57 million opening weekend...

But to say it won't make 50 million is retarded. Anyway Keg will lose his Avatar, anyone else want in on the bet?

I'll make you all my bitches.
Meaning the big blockbusters like Cap and Avengers. I could see Guardians do in the Thor range. Using Hulk as an example is just bad, none of those were on par with Avengers or the new Cap movie.

I completely agree it'll make 50+ easy, I'm just expecting somewhere in the 60-75m range. Would be pleasantly surprised if it went higher.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there some reason that every time Column disagrees with someone he needs to be a total dbag about it?
That was your takeaway from their little exchange? 2 chimps flinging shit at each other and you only think one was at fault? Don't excuse someone being a cunt just because they argued with Column. Especially when Column is right(I just threw up a little). The idea that the Marvel name is meaningless in theaters because physical comic books don't sell millions is a special kind of retarded.


The Big Mod
this movie will bomb so hard Marvel will have to reboot the entire Avengers franchise


Unelected Mod
That was your takeaway from their little exchange? 2 chimps flinging shit at each other and you only think one was at fault?
Column started off flinging insults, which is what Daezuel is referring to. I think acting like the Marvel brandname is some autosell I think is wrong, especially when you go to a silly extreme and compare it to the Disney brandname.

The idea that the Marvel name is meaningless in theaters because physical comic books don't sell millions is a special kind of retarded.
Silly exaggeration of my position. The Marvel name isn't meaningless, it just doesn't sell movies automatically. People didn't go to see the Avengers because it was another Marvel movie. They went to see it for RDJ, Thor, Captain America and the Hulk. We certainly have yet to see if a movie completely divorced of this context will be successful. Guardians of the Galaxy is something anyone outside of comic fandom has never heard of before.

As for the comic book thing, Column consistently in these threads argues from a position that the comic book fans are driving the success of these movies. That is simply not true.

edit: Also, btw, this movie will succeed, and will certainly break 50M.


As for the comic book thing, Column consistently in these threads argues from a position that the comic book fans are driving the success of these movies. That is simply not true.
Lies, could care less what the comic book fans think. I'm a movie buff first, and the creative minds that run the MCU is driving the success of these movies not Marvel Comics.


you guys better relax before Column adds another name to his "slayed" list
Dont worry Kinglsayer, yours is coming in August.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I was reminded of this thread when I went to see Captain America recently. The person I was with knows absolutely nothing about super heroes, Marvel, DC, comic books, etc. beyond the blockbuster movies. The Guardians of the Galaxy trailers came on (which she had never seen prior to this) and at the end when they showed the title with the little red 'Marvel' above it, she said "Oh, wow, I didn't realize that was Marvel! I'd like to see that!"


BTW when Disney bought out Marvel, they rebranded Marvel Studios to Marvel.
If you notice on every Movie starting with Avengers, there is a Giant red Marvel brand above each title.

Disney is the masters of marketing.


That's alright The Avengers paid for that film 50 times over.

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His strategic vision for The Walt Disney Company focuses on three fundamental pillars: generating the best creative content possible; fostering innovation and utilizing the latest technology; and expanding into new markets around the world. Mr. Iger has built on Disney's rich history of unforgettable storytelling with the acquisition of Pixar (2006), Marvel (2009), and Lucasfilm (2012), three of the entertainment industry's greatest storytelling companies. Always one to embrace new technology, Mr. Iger has made Disney an industry leader through its creative content offerings across new and multiple platforms.