Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Golden Squire
I have no words so I'll just go off something someone said at AICN, "They had me at the Rocket nut tug"


<Prior Amod>
prelude 2 guardians of the galaxy came out (it's a comic), it's about rocket and groot, it's pretty bad, it's even by abnett and lanning, which surprises me.

prelude 1, isn't bad, that came out a few months ago, it's about gamora and nebula.

also the current gotg volume 3 is the shittiest shit i've ever read, i'll blame it all on bendis.

first it's some weird ass trial of jean grey shit, for fyi, beast is emo that scott is a bad guy so he breaks all time travel prime directives and decides to bring back the OG xmen team, and the team decides to stay, cuz jean's like "i've seen the future i'm dead! and prof x is gonna be a bastard and erase our memories anyway". so for some reason king gladiator (shi'ar) decides now is the time to put jean grey on trial cuz, why not. so the gotg and many xmen stop king gladiator.

now gotg are disbanded and king gladiator now decides to put drax on trial for his many crimes.

his crimes of what?

killing thanos

being a general and mentor to nova who lead the resistance against annihilus and pulled out his insides to stop the annihilation war?

this is all supposed to be 616 universe (the preludes deal with the MCU, that's fine), and it's all really just either fucked up or annihilation never happened.


<Prior Amod>
Da fuq did I just read? lol
prelude 1 and 2 guardians of the galaxy is the comic primer for the movie in august
1 deals with gamora and nebula
2 rocket and groot

the current gotg (which is volume 3) issue 15 has been really difficult to read for a gotg fan (for me at least), difficult in that established storylines and just feels "weird".

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
All I care about with the GotG comic book is that

My main man Richard Rider is returning in #18


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Marvel (and anyone doing Sci-fi movies) better be worried about the box office for this because Edge of Tomorrow appears to be a near bomb unless the international market saves it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
But 3 of the top 5 movies of the year are super hero movies, that will balance it out! And the last Marvel one(Cap 2) is over $700mil worldwide.

I really don't see much of a connection between a Tom Cruise Sci Fi Groundhog Day vehicle and GotG. Sure they're both sci fi but they're not really similar.


Marvel (and anyone doing Sci-fi movies) better be worried about the box office for this because Edge of Tomorrow appears to be a near bomb unless the international market saves it.
Edge of Tomorrow has been out for 24 hours and has already grossed 60 million. What are you talking about?


Life's a Dream
It's kind of low. I called my theater last night, and they said NONE of their movies were sold out yesterday. Which is unusual.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Edge of Tomorrow has been out for 24 hours and has already grossed 60 million. What are you talking about?
$51m and it's been out for a week overseas. $20m foreign opening weekend and maybe $30m here, so it might break $100m total after Sunday with a 70-80% international bias.

That's not great at all. Cap2 had $75m foreign weekend and almost broke $100m before it even opened in the US.


I like how Marvel tries out new directors for different franchises which means that sometimes they are hit and miss (including writers). I have to say that Cap 2 was much better than Thor 2 and the original Cap film. Hell. I even liked Iron Man 3.


Life's a Dream
Iron Man 3 was pretty bad, IMO. He goes from being a real kick ass machine to something that's 1-shotted over and over again. And I hated "Ninja Paltrow"

Thor 2 was much better than Thor 1, I felt. 1 didn't really do anything for me, but 2 was neat. I think what I didn't like that much about 1 was the entire Asgard aspect, which was pretty much the entire movie.

Finally, Cap 2 crushed the fuck out of both Thor 1 & 2, Iron Man 3 & Cap 1 combined. It was a damn good movie.