Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Amazing movie as stated before, definitely in top 3 favorite films. Had a really cool experience at a renovated local theater in Manistee called the Vogue, John C Reilly was there and he did a Q&A and met with people, really down to earth guy and I guess he lives over there during parts of the year.


Molten Core Raider
Once again they did the impossible. They took a nerdy obscure comic book franchise and turned it into something for EVERYONE without pissing off the majority of us nerds. Another 800m-1b franchise off a series 95% of the audience seeing it never even heard of it? It's really something in this day and age.


<Prior Amod>
What other obscure comic book franchise have they done that with? None of the ones out right now are all that obscure.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Saw it tonight. The comic was a complete blind spot for me growing up despite being into Spidey, X-Men and pretty much most of the rest of the universe. With that in mind, the movie was pretty much tailor made for somebody like me who had no base to get pissed off at portrayals or 'misrepresentations'.

Fucking awesome and will see it again.


Murder Apologist
They'll probably run out of badass indie filmmakers to hand the keys over to before they run out of marvel brands. This year alone saw Gareth Evans and James Gunn helming 150m+ budgets for the first time... and the only James Gunn film to come remotely close to a major release was (the awesome) Slither. Hell dude is an actual troma team alum.


Molten Core Raider
What other obscure comic book franchise have they done that with? None of the ones out right now are all that obscure.
Well pretty much all of them. Even with the resurgence in comic sales, only 5 get over 100k a that's basically less than 1% of the people who see ANY of the movies.

But specifically I was thinking of Thor.

edit: Link because you'll probably argue how popular comic books are, and how they're not obscure

Comic Book Sales Figures for May 2014


Registered Hutt
It was alright. I'd give it like a 7/10.

The amount of human/earthisms that apparently everyone in the galaxy does irked me. Very star-trek level of aliens with bodypaint and forehead spoons. I'm unaffected by the disappointment over Nova as I'm ignorant of it, but Sutekh's version does sound way cooler.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Remember that part of this mass appeal is from them adapting the source material into something less convoluted and more accessible to the general audience. There is no way they were going to make Nova work for the average person who only has a passing knowledge of comic books. Look at how much they changed Drax and Quill around (and they were mostly better for it) to be something the average person could digest without wasting hours of time on origin story bullshit? Yeah it sucks that the Nova nerds are not going to get their day in the sun (GotG characters are more interesting, anyhow), but the end result is successful moves that are good and will continue to get made.


My friend is into comics, he's married with kids and people make fun of him for being the old dude in the comic shop. He is so fucking happy the comic films are doing so well. He feels vindicated. He says, "well, it made a ton of money at the box office."


Toe Sucker
Well pretty much all of them. Even with the resurgence in comic sales, only 5 get over 100k a that's basically less than 1% of the people who see ANY of the movies.

But specifically I was thinking of Thor.

edit: Link because you'll probably argue how popular comic books are, and how they're not obscure

Comic Book Sales Figures for May 2014
You're silly. Just because most people don't give two shits about reading a comic book doesn't mean they don't know marvel from other sources.
It's been crammed down kids throats via cartoon networks for the past what.. almost 50 years?


FPS noob
captain america was the big surprise for me, i always thought he was the most boring ass "superhero" but the movies have been pretty good and very popular. I did watch Winter Soldier last night and thought it was just ok, GoTG is much more fun and interesting to me personally. Iron Man, Avengers, Cap America, Spidey, etc all feel like comic book movies. GoTG felt like a great galactic space opera scifi movie with some comic book elements.

its gonna be interesting to see how Ant Man is received, I know nothing about him but I assume his power is that he can shrink down to an ant, which sounds dumb but I am sure there is more.


Blackwing Lair Raider
can someone briefly explain what the nova corps were in the comics?
Intergalactic police. Use a power called the Nova Force to propel themselves + shoot Wakandans with gravimetric pulses. Different rankings range from Corpsman - Centurion and a sole Centurion called the Nova Prime, the strongest Nova in the Corps (Aka useless Glen Close). They never use guns or spaceships for intraworld travel. They're basically a non-shitty version of Ironman. Their power isn't derived from their helmet, but the helmet allows them all to communicate simultaneously with the Xandarian Worldmind that contains all xandarian history and knowledge. Basically a super computer. Not afraid of color yellow.

To answer some other questions, no not really with Mandarin. As that form of the Mandarin was part of the Ultimates story line that is used pretty commonly in movies, so it's forgiveable really. Basically the Nova Corps in the movie is only the Nova Corps by name, they really don't share any similarities to the comic books.

Rich/Peter bro-mance is awesome. Not to mention Rich and Gamora be fuckin a bunch after Namorita died. I'm pretty hopeful for the future honestly, someone mentioned in the after credit scene there's a broken green cacoon that was previously unbroken. This could be related to Adam Warlock, which would really make sense with the entire direction that these stories seem to be going. Thanos is for the big boys while the Avengers deal with Ultron in the next movie.

captain america was the big surprise for me, i always thought he was the most boring ass "superhero" but the movies have been pretty good and very popular. I did watch Winter Soldier last night and thought it was just ok, GoTG is much more fun and interesting to me personally. Iron Man, Avengers, Cap America, Spidey, etc all feel like comic book movies. GoTG felt like a great galactic space opera scifi movie with some comic book elements.

its gonna be interesting to see how Ant Man is received, I know nothing about him but I assume his power is that he can shrink down to an ant, which sounds dumb but I am sure there is more.
Ant Man will be an interesting movie for sure. His "POWER" is basically that he can shrink and grow to whatever size he wants really. Hank Pym is arguably the smartest person in the Marvel Universe and an amazing inventory/scientist. However I believe the Ant Man movie focuses on Scott Lang's run as Ant Man, with Hank guiding him. It still should be really awesome.'

Starlard was barely changed, they even hinted on his backstory. The biggest thing was changing the Title Starlord to something he named himself or that his mother gave him, rather than it being a title that has been carried on for a very long time by multiple different people. There's still time to flesh out the Drax story, having him killed/revived to come kill Thanos etc. The Nova Corps really aren't convoluted at all and wouldn't take any time to explain really. Instead of sentries flying around and shooting golden showers on people to freeze them they could've just been Corpsman, ditto for the fight scene, how cool would've it been to have a shit ton of guys flying into fight rather than stupid ships shaped like their "logo". It sure would make them breaking out of the Kilyn much harder, but still you really don't have to explain them that much. Look at Ronan, they didn't even MENTION why Kree are powerful or what a Kree EVEN IS and no one questioned how this dude is basically indestructible and smokes Wakandans in one punch.

Sorry for the long post bros, on vacation so only get on laptop like once every couple days.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nova Force is pretty much the Green Lantern corps minus the rings
Nah not even close. Not afraid of Yellow, not some convoluted council running them, power isn't derived from a ring, their usefulness isn't based on their imagination, power is granted and removed on a must need basis. I've read a shit ton of GL and even more things related to the Nova Corps, they're actually really different. They only really share the same role, it's like saying Captain America and Batman are basically the same because they protect earth.

Ohhh lawdy, whathaveyou done?
Bitch be tryin to troll.