Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


> Than U
Well there goes half the surprise bonus features for when I get it in 7 hours.

It comes with movie+3 min avergers 2 trailer ( probably same or 99% of the same we've seen already ), 5 minutes deleted/extended scenes, 4 min gag reel, 21 min Gun walkthrough and I think it was 8 mins of special effects.
Disney claims it packed the bonus features in. Seems bonus features are actually shit since Disney took it over from Universal.


Golden Squire
Man of Steel was great.

I grew up on Christopher Reeves Superman though, I LOVE big screen Superman.

Zod basically said one of us has to die today and if I don't die I'll kill every last human on the planet.

There was zero wrong with the movie, it gave an accurate version of what would happen if Superman was in that situation in the real world.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Man of Steel was great.

I grew up on Christopher Reeves Superman though, I LOVE big screen Superman.

Zod basically said one of us has to die today and if I don't die I'll kill every last human on the planet.

There was zero wrong with the movie, it gave an accurate version of what would happen if Superman was in that situation in the real world.
That's the thing though, writers have respected what Superman is about for 75+ years and avoided putting Superman in that position where he has to kill, because that goes against what the character represent.

The fact that they did that in the movie shows they had no respect for the character and just wanted shock value, otherwise they would have written an ending where he doesn't have to kill.

It was a cheap thing to do. It's an easy thing to do, and could have been done hundreds of times in the comics if they didn't give a shit about the character but they haven't.

Having said that, pre-order of Guardians of the Galaxies is available for download...I know what I'll be doing tonight.


<Prior Amod>
I think it's the opposite. They didn't want another boring fucking Superman movie and made sure we didn't get one. Which we didn't. We got an awesome one.


Registered Hutt
Yea, Superman is dull. No guns, no killing, etc. for superheroes of any sort is weak. Bringing someone to trial rather than summary execution is one thing, but being 100000% non-lethal in your takedowns is just lame. It wouldn't happen, especially with someone as strong as superman. He doesn't ever seem to be like Dr. Manhattan smart, so it seems like he'd be accidentally killing people pretty often. Mistakes like Spider-Man's Gwen Stacy catch seem like they'd be an ever-present concern.

Having the mental fortitude to keep doing the job when there is collateral damage, when he's not a complete white knight, is worthy of more respect than Mr. Perfect is perfect again today.


Registered Hutt
Not a fan of pussy shit. Superman killing Zod, in spite of his desire to let him live, was perfect. He was put in a horrible situation and chose the lesser of two evils.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's fine to not be a Superman fan and enjoy the movie. Not knocking you, but as soon as you are pulling for Superman to kill people it's obvious you're not a fan of the character itself.

I'm pretty much in the same boat.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>

He also killed Doomsday. Now that I think about it though, The movie would have been better if Superman just let Zod kill those people and then Zod ends up getting away because he refuses to kill him. Thus being a commentary on how stupid and selfish Superman is.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not saying Superman is an interesting character, and I'm not saying that the scene with him killing Zod was bad. It worked for what they wanted to's just that it's not Superman.

It's like if someone would make a Fantastic Four movie, and make Johnny Storm black, with a white adopted sister, and make Dr. Doom a blogger. Noone would think that's a good idea because that's not who FF are. Maybe it would make from a great movie, but it would not be a FF movie.

I enjoyed Man of Steel to be honest as a movie, but not as a Superman movie.

There's a reason why Marvel Studios is killing it with almost every movie they make. It's because they manage to capture the essence of the comic book characters that people have known for years. There's a reason why these characters have been around for so long, they have a history.

So back to Guardians, saw it for the 3rd time, still enjoyed it.


<Prior Amod>
It's fine to not be a Superman fan and enjoy the movie. Not knocking you, but as soon as you are pulling for Superman to kill people it's obvious you're not a fan of the character itself.

I'm pretty much in the same boat.
I'm a fan of Superman, but being in a situation where no one ever dies....ever, isn't realistic. (yes I'm arguing realism for a superhero movie) Superman may be able to control if he wants to kill people or not just like Batman has a no guns policy, but as we even saw with him, there are times where it happens. Had he ntot killed Zob in that moment, he would have melted a dozen faces. He knows also that this will never end unless it happens. He didn't want to, but was forced to, which showcased his human side both in that instant and when he immediately grieved over doing it after the fact.

I'm not pulling for him to kill people, I was pulling for a movie that was more grounded in todays world. No matter your intentions, sometimes you have to do the unthinkable and deal with those consequences and that's what we saw. That's why I liked it. Doesn't make people less of a fan for liking it for those reasons.


I'm not saying Superman is an interesting character, and I'm not saying that the scene with him killing Zod was bad. It worked for what they wanted to's just that it's not Superman.

It's like if someone would make a Fantastic Four movie, and make Johnny Storm black, with a white adopted sister, and make Dr. Doom a blogger. Noone would think that's a good idea because that's not who FF are. Maybe it would make from a great movie, but it would not be a FF movie.

I enjoyed Man of Steel to be honest as a movie, but not as a Superman movie.

There's a reason why Marvel Studios is killing it with almost every movie they make. It's because they manage to capture the essence of the comic book characters that people have known for years. There's a reason why these characters have been around for so long, they have a history.
The problem is that Superman, and most other non-kill heroes, have a huge storytelling handicap built into the character. Obviously, we want to stay true to a character as much as possible, but Superman's restrictions completely tie the writer's hands. Making him kill Zod forces him to actually grapple with using his power responsibly. The character development is just so much stronger when he's actually confronting his own actions instead of just thinking about (not)killing someone from an academic standpoint.

As much as it is a good idea to honor character backgrounds, it's an equally good idea to shed the parts the prevent good storytelling. Captain America is just as much of a boy scout, but just look at the body count in TWS. The story was better for it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Superman being put in a situation where he is forced to kill or let others die is interesting. Superman always finding a way to save everybody, including the villains, is boring and stupid.

Just because he was forced to kill doesn't mean it wasn't faithful to his character. It would be against his character if he wanted to kill Zod. He didn't want to do what he was forced to.


<Prior Amod>
Superman is a boring ass vanilla character that has not seen 1 bit of growth, and his best use is that of a fool such as his portrayal in TDKR.

He is a demi-god with the powerset they bestow on him and his weapon of choice is to punch like Mike Tyson. He is as bland as they come and as previously stated, his best purpose is to act like a Rube for other characters (Batman) to shine. Every other Superman movie tries to deal with his stupid origins, because they are as dumb as shit and twice as boring, Man of Steel has us sit through TWO origins for him, his Krytonian and Earthly ones.

GotG starts off with 3mins of sad Starlord cancermom, 3mins dancing/opening credits. Some banter and Bam he vaporizes 2 ppl behind takes on more ppl and in next few mins he has a one night stand pop up.

Where superman goes emo about holding back his whole life and how as an alien he also happens to look like a male terran model and can't get a girl.

Superman sucks, fuck him.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The point it seems a good 1/2 of you seem to miss isn't that Superman killed Zod or that anyone is claiming Man of Steel was a bad movie it's that Hollywood changed this character just for the sake of changing the character. On a whole studios like to change shit for the sake of changing shit, I guess so they can put their own signature on it. It ranges from altering the origin of the character, their moral compass/code of honor, their race for the sake of being edge, their gender, or in some cases changing their powers or just flat out rewriting a character and keeping just the name (Deadpool in X-men origins)

This is why I feel the Marvel movies are so good and a step above the others, because I get to see the superhero I know and expect on the big screen. Thor isn't some female black space genie just for the sake of being different. Marvel made the characters so it feels like they are more vested in staying true to form than the other studios. When I go to a movie based on an iconic comic book character I would like them to remain that character. Of course if we want Superman to kill people that can be done, hell Batman could wield guns and go Punisher style on all the criminals of Gotham just so it wouldn't be boring for ADD having masses, but then you might as well make a Punisher movie instead.