Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


<Prior Amod>
OK, the reason MOS wasn't good is b/c it's the same old shitty Supes double origin of being born of immaculate demi-god DNA and raised by good ol country bumpkins of red, white and blue.

Sure it's superman, fuck when i was 4, i tied a towel around my neck and jumped off the couch.

Now whenever I see superman (or the holy trinity) on the racks, i vomit a little, b/c I know DC will make a fucked up status quo superman story with an easy backdoor retcon, just in case if they want to go edgy.

Which is ironic b/c in comic stores, superman sucks, hell even kingdom come/all star superman... naw he's still fucking superman bench pressing 1 quadrillion mega tons.

But superman as a download version from comixology in Injustice is awesome, he's the superman we deserve. A fucked up mega tyranical dictator of the world that can NEVER go back.

He's killed friends, not b/c they were in the way but b/c they made him angry, he's murdered thousands b/c they got in his way and he can squash them like a bug... b/c he's a demi-god, what do gods do? they rule, they don't lift cars to safety like your friendly neighborhood superman.

MOS sucked b/c it's a generic superman plot, there are better, modern plots out there, DC is too much of a pussy to do them.


Millie's Staff Member
Man of Steel was a good movie, it just wasnt superman, you can argue that non kill superman is boring, but its survived for 70+ years and people still love the character or they did until they saw the massive carnage he caused in MoS. the mistake was allowing a situation for massive carnage to happen. sure, the world destroyer machine was impressive and the visuals were incredible, but letting it get that far was a huge mistake in regards to the superman type. i know everything has to be edgy these days, but superman has never been edgy. batman this would work because he is a vigilante outsider kicking ass. i dunno why this is a difficult concept. if you dont like how superman is, then you leave superman alone and use somebody else who is more likely to cause a major regional catastrophe in order to stop a major worldwide catastrophe


<Gold Donor>
It isn't that he caused massive carnage (he really didn't cause most of it himself), it is the fact that they didn't spend even 15 seconds showing him *trying* to go someplace where he wouldn't endanger innocents, only to have Zod and his cohorts refuse to follow him and maybe even smash a few humans to reinforce the fact. Faora (sp) did monologue for a brief moment about how his morality and concern for humans was his weakness, but that wasn't enough, he needed to try to make them follow him or something.

If they had done that, I feel that the vast majority of the "massive carnage" complaints would go away, no matter how you view Superman.


<Bronze Donator>
MoS sucked because superman is fucking boring. Doesn't matter if it's boyscout supes or emo supes or grimdark supes, he'sfuckingboring any way you slice it. When the powerset for the hero includes the words invincibility you've just written yourself into a corner called boringville. What else does his powerset include? other than super strength and flight and artic breath and laser beam eyes and xray vision and etc etc etc? oh it includes anything you want? Great! I'm sure we can develop interesting stories and challenges for this character to face, fucking never. Throw in a kryptonite gimmick whichhasto be used any time you wanna do anything fucking ever with this character otherwise it's 2 hours of watching god play with his ant farm. Oh but not only is he completely fucking invincible by design, even when utilizing the overplayed kryptonite gimmick to pretend to challenge him, he's protected by 70+ years of plot armor as an american cultural icon, so you still can't actually do anything storywise with that asshole other than phoning it in.

Want an interesting Superman movie? Ok scene starts with some dudes robbing a bank and superman comes flying down to save the day as per usual (how the fuck are there even any criminals in metropolis again?). Except they turn and unload on him with fully automatic machine guns with kryptonite bullets. One manages to land a shot to the chest. Superman is down with a kryptonite bullet in his ribcage, he struggles to get to his feet. That guy walks over, pulls out a kryptonite knife, and cuts Superman's head off. not a flesh wound, cuts his head clean the fuck off. then shits down his neck. Roll Credits. Now spend the money you were going to waste on superman films on anything else, something that has the slightest possibility of being interesting, instead.

I get he comes from an age before superheros and they made the rules up as they went, but when they decided that superhero comics should be stories about characters and their development and not just boyhood power fantasy and instructions on how to be a good citizen, they should of left his stupid ass there. He belongs to the 30s and 40s and really shouldn't of been brought along when real comic book characters were invented to replace him.

So go ahead and neg superman fanboys, I know you love your superman movies to be just like the first star trek movie, just 2 hours of widescreen fly by's of the enterprise (or of superman) for you to jerk off to.

Can we get back to GOTG discussion though?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I would have rather seen an entire movie of the Jor-El on Krypton stuff than Man of Steel, but it was still an okay movie.


<Prior Amod>
Red son, superman for all seasons. Shut the fuck up.
No one reads Superman: for all seasons b/c it is the most god aweful art out there, really it's disgusting.

Tim Sale just sucks, his art is just ugly.

Bringing it back to GoTG, so this happened.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

That was scary good. Damn now I am going to have that moment in my head when the 2nd movie comes out.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Watched it for second time over holiday. I enjoyed it much more without overhype and workstress weighing me down.

I like how Starlord seems like a goofball but that he's picks up on everything and always planning, which enables him the freedom to be a goofball because he already has everything covered.


<Gold Donor>
No, it has always been the 9th (well, at least for the past few months anyway), I've known mine was going to show up the day after I came back to work from vacation for awhile now.