Gun control


Lord Nagafen Raider
I stand by that statement. For me it's a safety and noise issue for people that live near shooters or people at gun ranges. Downrange you still get the super sonic crack (on most calibers) so you can't claim that it makes gun fire unnoticeable but it does make it far more tolerable to live near someone that's that's shooting often.

In fact I think as time passes we will see the laws relaxed around suppressors, I know that many states have passed new laws recently making it legal to hunt with them again.
I stand by that statement. For me it's a safety and noise issue for people that live near shooters or people at gun ranges. Downrange you still get the super sonic crack (on most calibers) so you can't claim that it makes gun fire unnoticeable but it does make it far more tolerable to live near someone that's that's shooting often.

In fact I think as time passes we will see the laws relaxed around suppressors, I know that many states have passed new laws recently making it legal to hunt with them again.
Bullshit. Just because you stand by the statement doesn't change the fact that you're full of shit. This is the main reason why moronic gun owners annoy me. You make arguments like this and you actually believe your own horseshit. The suppressor doesn't just lower the volume of the gunshot, it also 1) removes the muzzle flare, and 2) changes the nature of the sound to something not easily identifiable as a gunshot. Want to know how the majority of gunshots are reported to the cops? Someone hears a fucking gun going off. They may still hear the gun going off when a suppressor is attached, but the layman will be far less likely to identify the sound as gunfire.

I've been to an indoors gun-range. Last time I went, there was a dude shooting a shotgun right next to me. My ears were ringing an hour after, so I do understand the need for a suppressor to preserve your hearing from further degradation. But if you're going to be fucking stupid and make arguments like this, well, why do I even fucking bother.


I know that many states have passed new laws recently making it legal to hunt with them again.
Since I got beat to the rest of your post, I'm going to just laugh at this instead. How terrible of a fucking hunter do you have to be to need a suppressor?

Make them available at ranges for common guns/calibers, fine. Otherwise, just try being less of an asshole neighbor. If you live too close to others to be able to shoot without fucking up their hearing, perhaps consider going elsewhere to do your shooting.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone that hears a super-sonic round crack anywhere near them will know it's a gun shot.

In response to Duppin, you wouldn't use one for big game but for varmint, coyote, hog, etc they are really nice because of the frequency of fire.


I think the people questioning supressors need to actually hear what they sound like. It isn't a kittens fart quiet, its more going from the range that hearing damage definately occures to more of it might occur.

Long or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss. The louder the sound, the shorter the time period before NIHL can occur. Sounds of less than 75 decibels, even after long exposure, are unlikely to cause hearing loss.

Now, from wikipedia.
Live tests by independent reviewers of numerous commercially available suppressors find that even low caliber unsuppressed .22 LR handguns produce gunshots over 160 decibels.[14] In testing, most of the suppressors reduced the volume to between 130 and 145 dB, with the quietest suppressors metering at 117 dB. The actual suppression of sound ranged from 14.3 to 43 dB, with most data points around the 30 dB mark. A notable example is the De Lisle carbine, a British World War II suppressed rifle used in small numbers by Special Forces. This was recorded at 85.5 dB in official firing tests.[15]

Comparatively, ear protection commonly used while shooting provides 18 to 32 dB of sound reduction at the ear.[16] Further, chainsaws, rock concerts, rocket engines, pneumatic drills, small firecrackers, and ambulance sirens are rated at 100 to 140 dB.[17]
While some consider the noise reduction of a suppressor significant enough to permit safe shooting without hearing protection ("hearing safe"), noise-induced hearing loss may occur at 85 time-weighted-average decibels or above if exposed for a prolonged period,[18] and suppressed gunshots regularly meter above 130 dB. However, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration uses 140 dB as the "safety cutoff" for impulsive noise, which has led most US manufacturers to advertise sub-140 dB suppressors as "hearing safe." It should be noted that current OSHA standards would allow no more than sub single second exposure to impact noise over 130 dB per 24 hours. That would equate to a single .308 round fired through a very efficient can. This result effectively requires all users of suppressors to wear additional ear hearing protection.

Short of using sub sonic ammo in a .22lr firearm, you aren't going to get the sound that you hear in movies.

This video shows .45 suppressed (starts at about 11:55~). It's quieter then it was, and the gong makes is a little annoying, but you can still hear a gunshot. It's still loud, just not to the point where he has to wear protection.

Some people just like to hear the loud bang, others want to shoot w/o protection. Different strokes, but I don't really see the big fuss over these.
Anyone that hears a super-sonic round crack anywhere near them will know it's a gun shot.
Anyone that makes bullshit generalizations without support clearly loves eating dog feces.

And since we love quoting wikipedia, oh look !

wikipedia_sl said:
Aside from reductions in volume, suppressors also tend to alter the sound to something that is not identifiable as a gunshot. This reduces or eliminates attention drawn to the shooter (hence the Finnish expression: "A suppressor does not make a marksman silent, but it does make him invisible"). This is especially true in cases where there are other sources of ambient noise, such as in an urban environment.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not sure how you can listen to a suppressed gun firing a not know that it was a gun shot. Anytime I've been around suppressed firearms I can always tell where the shooter is, but maybe since I'm more familiar with firearms it's easier for me.

Whatever, if we are resorting to personal attacks when someone is trying to explain their viewpoint I'd rather go back to using the board like 90% of the other posters and just troll threads for lulz.

Beef Supreme_sl

Bullshit. Just because you stand by the statement doesn't change the fact that you're full of shit. This is the main reason why moronic gun owners annoy me. You make arguments like this and you actually believe your own horseshit. The suppressor doesn't just lower the volume of the gunshot, it also 1) removes the muzzle flare, and 2) changes the nature of the sound to something not easily identifiable as a gunshot. Want to know how the majority of gunshots are reported to the cops? Someone hears a fucking gun going off. They may still hear the gun going off when a suppressor is attached, but the layman will be far less likely to identify the sound as gunfire.

I've been to an indoors gun-range. Last time I went, there was a dude shooting a shotgun right next to me. My ears were ringing an hour after, so I do understand the need for a suppressor to preserve your hearing from further degradation. But if you're going to be fucking stupid and make arguments like this, well, why do I even fucking bother.
Since life is too scary for you, why do you even wake up?
Not sure how you can listen to a suppressed gun firing a not know that it was a gun shot. Anytime I've been around suppressed firearms I can always tell where the shooter is, but maybe since I'm more familiar with firearms it's easier for me.

Whatever, if we are resorting to personal attacks when someone is trying to explain their viewpoint I'd rather go back to using the board like 90% of the other posters and just troll threads for lulz.
That may be true in Texas where everyone is packing, but there are hordes of people who've never even heard a gunshot in person let alone a suppressed gunshot. I apologize for the ad-hominem, but responding to some of the ludicrousness on here does wear on me at times.

Beef Supreme_sl

These guys have trapped themselves inside of a paper sack. Suppressors aren't AIDS LASERS. They don't make you into Steven Seagall. There's a million things that we offer to the general public with no background check that are more dangerous than suppressed guns. Yet, here we are arguing about imaginary extreme escalation issues wrt to these super high tech thingermadoos falling into the hands of bad guys and blacks. You've bought into schpiel: You are afraid.

If you get on the fucking highway everyday, that is fucking scary. To know that some 16 year old bitch in her daddy's Escalade is doing her eyelashes, talking on the phone, texting on another phone, eating sushi with chopsticks while merging into your lane is infinitely more harrowing that the possibility of a gang of scary blacks shooting whispers at the precious white wimmenz.

If you'd take the time to look into how this shit works, the laws around ownership, THE FUCKING PRICE, then you would probably ease off the retard.
These guys have trapped themselves inside of a paper sack. Suppressors aren't AIDS LASERS. They don't make you into Steven Seagall. There's a million things that we offer to the general public with no background check that are more dangerous than suppressed guns. Yet, here we are arguing about imaginary extreme escalation issues wrt to these super high tech thingermadoos falling into the hands of bad guys and blacks. You've bought into schpiel: You are afraid.

If you get on the fucking highway everyday, that is fucking scary. To know that some 16 year old bitch in her daddy's Escalade is doing her eyelashes, talking on the phone, texting on another phone, eating sushi with chopsticks while merging into your lane is infinitely more harrowing that the possibility of a gang of scary blacks shooting whispers at the precious white wimmenz.

If you'd take the time to look into how this shit works, the laws around ownership, THE FUCKING PRICE, then you would probably ease off the retard.
Try reading the fucking thread and the issues being responded to before you let loose the stupid.

Beef Supreme_sl

Soooooooooooo me responding to the ignorance of the anti-gun/suppressor crowd is not "...reading the [expletive deleted] thread"?

Gun owner reading the lunacy of this thread:

Soooooooooooo me responding to the ignorance of the anti-gun/suppressor crowd is not "...reading the [expletive deleted] thread"?

Gun owner reading the lunacy of this thread:
Kay dipshit. Show me where I said I was anti suppressor.

Guess cat's got your tongue, so I'll answer this for you. I never said I was anti suppressor. The point that I was trying to debunk is that a suppressor has no effect on the aural identification of a gunshot, which is patently false. Got a suppressor ? Great. Want a suppressor ? Fine. But don't spread false information as your justification. Proof:

This is a comparison of the gunshot at a distance of 350 yards. If you can honestly look me in the eye and tell me the suppressed gunshot is no different than the normal gunshot, you're lying.



Before you start lashing out at the anti-gun meanies, perhaps you should address the guy on your "side" who thinks suppressors should come standard on every gun. That sure would get them into the hands of the dreaded blacks!

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Cant wait til you fools find out suppressors/silencers are quite possibly one of the most simplest things in the world to make. They are literally a metal tube with some metal bottle caps in them. No vodoo magic or science, just a metal tube a few more smaller pieces of metal inside of it. A blind retarded monkey with one hand could easily make a suppressor that would work well with a gun, yet you fools are worried about a person jumping through numerous hoops($200 tax, cleo sign off, 1 year wait) to get one.

Paradigm of idiots who dont know a damn thing about guns arguing for gun control.
Cant wait til you fools find out suppressors/silencers are quite possibly one of the most simplest things in the world to make. They are literally a metal tube with some metal bottle caps in them. No vodoo magic or science, just a metal tube a few more smaller pieces of metal inside of it. A blind retarded monkey with one hand could easily make a suppressor that would work well with a gun, yet you fools are worried about a person jumping through numerous hoops($200 tax, cleo sign off, 1 year wait) to get one.

Paradigm of idiots who dont know a damn thing about guns arguing for gun control.
Great ! So all the monkies make their own right ? I mean, if it's so easy, why fork over the 200 bucks for the tax stamp ?