Gun control


I cant believe the number of shootings that have gone up, but I still dont think guns should be taken away from people.


You're absolutely right. The media shouldn't cover shootings!

It disturbs me that you have literally no idea how retarded you sound.
You're absolutely right. The media shouldn't cover shootings!

It disturbs me that you have literally no idea how retarded you sound.
Most forensic psychologists agree the media should stop with the heavy coverage of mass shootings, they say it reinforces the thinking of the unstable fucks who consider it a viable option.

Bet that has a shit ton more impact than too many hours of Halo, Call of Duty and the Saw franchise.


Unelected Mod
You do realize that this isn't true outside your little circlejerk of a thread here, right?
Not so sure about that. We saw the NY ban and now possibly a California ban will come up. However, many other states have shown quite a bit of pro-gun movement. On the national level pretty much nothing has happened so far. I was very concerned at a rushed "Patriot Act" type bill or something like they did in NY with a bill thrown in the middle of the night with no debate. It is pretty clear at this point that almost nothing is going to happen on the national level.

On the other hand, if you throw out the last few months after Newtown, we have seen in recent years some very pro-gun court decisions and concealed carry laws spreading. Meanwhile, AR-15s continue to be the bestselling rifle in the US and as their numbers increase the idea of a ban on them becomes less and less likely.


Buzzfeed Editor
You do realize that this isn't true outside your little circlejerk of a thread here, right?
You've looked at the "bi-partisan" gun control stuff and can say this with a straight face? Even with the blood of children, they couldn't do anything but enforce current laws, lol. So, yes--the gun control debate for the left is going very bad. But that's because even most of the left in this country likes guns.

If anything this little circle jerk is more even than the national debate.


Buzzfeed Editor
This picture cracked me the fuck up.

It's comical the way they parade Giffords around to support gun bans.

Although it is a concept I can get behind.

The handicapped might become a commodity to be used in support of political debate. Don't like imported cars? Find somebody who was hit by a toyota and use their injury as evidence of the unreliability of foreign cars. hmmm. just need a market to buy and trade the disabled now.

Aychamo BanBan

It's comical the way they parade Giffords around to support gun bans.

Although it is a concept I can get behind.

The handicapped might become a commodity to be used in support of political debate. Don't like imported cars? Find somebody who was hit by a toyota and use their injury as evidence of the unreliability of foreign cars. hmmm. just need a market to buy and trade the disabled now.
We just re-elected a retard to be president. Or maybe that was because he was black. Not that there's much difference. (kidding)