Gun control

If you guys have such short memories. If the visual of a crazed teen-ager with a military grade rifle methodically shooting to death twenty children of ages six and seven doesnt make you cringe; doesnt give you nightmares; doesnt make you say, "something must be done"!! Even if that something turns out to be merely cosmetic. Then you guys are some stone cold bitches.
I must be a stone cold bitch. Fuck bullshit gun control measures that don't impact gun crime but trample the rights of law abiding citizens.

Hint: someone who is going on a killing spree is probably not worried about breaking a few more laws and obtaining illegal weapons.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think vapid is a good descriptor of your thought process and people like you give gun control proponents a bad reputation.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I haven't read all the CO bills but I've seen it mentioned in several articles. Apparently under one of the laws that passed the house and still awaiting passage by the senate if you shoot a firearm you do not own or have gone thru a background check you become an instant felon. Same for the person who allowed you to use the gun.

I see that going over well. If you are a guide on a hunt and carry the backup gun and loan it to the hunter you are now both felons. You and a buddy are hunting and his gun jams and you loan him one you are now both felons. You wouldn't be able to take a friend shooting or be able to rent a firearm at a range and shoot to try it out before purchasing one.

Where do they dream up this stuff?

Zombie Thorne_sl

I haven't read all the CO bills but I've seen it mentioned in several articles. Apparently under one of the laws that passed the house and still awaiting passage by the senate if you shoot a firearm you do not own or have gone thru a background check you become an instant felon. Same for the person who allowed you to use the gun.

I see that going over well. If you are a guide on a hunt and carry the backup gun and loan it to the hunter you are now both felons. You and a buddy are hunting and his gun jams and you loan him one you are now both felons. You wouldn't be able to take a friend shooting or be able to rent a firearm at a range and shoot to try it out before purchasing one.

Where do they dream up this stuff?
It just all comes down to people that know nothing about guns or how people use guns making gun laws. It sucks.


I think vapid is a good descriptor of your thought process and people like you give gun control proponents a bad reputation.
Doing something, even if only cosmetic, dwarfs doing nothing.
It offers consolation to those who have sufferred, reassurance to those who are fearful, and soothing balm to those who are concerned; false claim of vapidity notwithstanding.

That you are accepting and requoting the inane drivel that is aych's schizophrenic post and posting style, that you have enrolled in his militia of the absurd, whose main forte is a barrage of gratuitous and dispaging comments and commentary, disappoints me to no end. No soup for you!!


Buzzfeed Editor
Exactly. Why the fuck would we accept limitations of freedoms and huge economic hits to certain areas "just 'cause". That shit is stupid.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah morale is going to be really great in 2014 when these fucking retards take the Senate because Democrats ACTUALLY DID come to take their guns.

Zombie Thorne_sl

When doing "something" negatively impacts millions of law abiding citizens i would much rather do nothing at all. If we could do something that offered consolation to those that suffered without impacting law abiding citizens i would be all for it. But its not the case with all of these laws passing.

I think you would change your tone if legislation was directed towards something you enjoyed.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Doing something, even if only cosmetic
I see you haven't defined a cosmetic gun control law. I didn't think you would as you hide your poorly thought ideas in ambiguity.

And no, feel good laws that limit freedom but do nothing to prevent the next shooting are not to be valued and are worse than doing nothing. You have to be a stone cold moron to value blissful ignorance over the pain and suffering of victims and their families.
How many times do you have to be wrong to realize it? I don't mean any ill will. There's a handful of states now that have effectively banned assault weapons. Exactly what so many of the laid back people said wouldn't happen. And it doesn't matter if its national or states: the result is the same. These shithead states have likely forever punished innocent people because of the actions of mentally ill patients. And the laws are just fucking stupid, bc anyone who is going to kill doesn't give a shit about a gun law. Only the law abiding public gets affected. This county really is becoming divided between the retards who willingly give up their rights without a second thought and happily support non-working pieces of shit that are bankrupting them from the other half that work hard and actually care about our rights and protecting ourselves from whackos and the goverent, if need be.

Sorry not directed at you, just a rant bc this shit is out of control.
I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to actually respond to it other than falling back to your tried and true response of "you're stupid/retarded/moronic, etc."

WHY can you not distinguish between a FEDERAL and STATE action ? You claim that it doesn't matter, because the result would be the same. But this is absolutely not true. A FEDERAL action that bans assault riffles would affect everyone, from Alaska to Hawaii. A STATE action would only directly affect you if you live IN THAT STATE. So if the FEDS ban assault riffles, then you are in essence being bound by legislatures that were elected by citizens of Alabama, Hawaii, California, etc. A STATE action will mean that you are being bound by legislatures that you and your neighbors have elected into office. So if a STATE passes an AWB, if the citizens of that state objects, they have much more power in reversing said ban by voting for an electorate that would be pro-gun. In other words, the results from a FED ban and a STATE ban are NOT the same; the results are wildly different.

Are these state passed AWBs stupid ? YES. But it is a far cry from "THE GOVMENT COMIN TO TAKE OUR GUNS !"


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You had me until you said that a state coming to take your guns is not the government coming to take your guns.
You had me until you said that a state coming to take your guns is not the government coming to take your guns.
Perhaps that is because I've paid more attention to aychomo's rants than you. His rants have always been targeted at Obama in claiming the Feds would eventually pass an AWB. When it became apparent that that scenario would never happen, he pivots his rant to target State based actions. My response ? If your state is considering legislation to ban AWBs, and the citizens of those states disagree, there is a democratic mechanism to changing that, one that is much easier to exercise at the state level than at the federal level.

Aychamo BanBan

Doing something, even if only cosmetic, dwarfs doing nothing.
It offers consolation to those who have sufferred, reassurance to those who are fearful, and soothing balm to those who are concerned; false claim of vapidity notwithstanding.

That you are accepting and requoting the inane drivel that is aych's schizophrenic post and posting style, that you have enrolled in his militia of the absurd, whose main forte is a barrage of gratuitous and dispaging comments and commentary, disappoints me to no end. No soup for you!!
Haha, you have no argument! I especially love when, ahem, vapid people use semicolons but still can't muster up a single point in their "argument." So thank you for sharing your opinion that we should punish millions of people because of the actions of only a few using measures that absolutely will have no effect on the use of firearms by psychotics to kill innocent people.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Perhaps that is because I've paid more attention to aychomo's rants than you. His rants have always been targeted at Obama in claiming the Feds would eventually pass an AWB. When it became apparent that that scenario would never happen, he pivots his rant to target State based actions. My response ? If your state is considering legislation to ban AWBs, and the citizens of those states disagree, there is a democratic mechanism to changing that, one that is much easier to exercise at the state level than at the federal level.
I really don't know what point you're making. You seem to be stating that there's a democratic process for rebuking a state for passing bad laws but are admonishing Aychamo for rebuking a state for passing bad laws.
I really don't know what point you're making. You seem to be stating that there's a democratic process for rebuking a state for passing bad laws but are admonishing Aychamo for rebuking a state for passing bad laws.
My point is this: If a state is deciding to pass AWBs, then that is a matter for that state to resolve. I'm a strong proponent of a state and that state's citizens being allowed to have the discretion of legislating their in-house business. The best analogy would be if your neighbor down the street decided to prevent all of the members of that household from carrying guns in that home; that's none of MY business and none of YOUR business, unless you live in that home (state). If the members of that household (state) disagree, then there is a process for changing this policy. But unless the homeowners association (the feds) banned all guns in the neighborhood (country), who fucking cares ?

Aychamo BanBan

I really don't know what point you're making. You seem to be stating that there's a democratic process for rebuking a state for passing bad laws but are admonishing Aychamo for rebuking a state for passing bad laws.
He's just looking for some reason to attack me. I believe after reading that quote he's upset because I made a point that in a state like NY or CO, it's almost irrelevant if its a state or federal ban. The end result is you are being punished unfairly. Sure you could move, but who can uproot their lives over firearms? And sure, you could try to vote it out years down the road, but good luck with that. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. I simply can't understand the mindset of people who sit idly by whole their rights are being restricted and violated.
He's just looking for some reason to attack me. I believe after reading that quote he's upset because I made a point that in a state like NY or CO, it's almost irrelevant if its a state or federal ban. The end result is you are being punished unfairly. Sure you could move, but who can uproot their lives over firearms? And sure, you could try to vote it out years down the road, but good luck with that. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. I simply can't understand the mindset of people who sit idly by whole their rights are being restricted and violated.
But as far as i know you don't live in CO or NY. So answer my question: Why is it your business what happens in NY or CO ? Why does what happens in someone else's house any business of yours ? At the next election, the citizens who disprove of these laws will have a chance to vote out the gun nuts. But if by the next election cycle the same anti-gun nuts remain in power, would you accept that as an implicit approval of the voters for the gun restrictions ?