Gun control


I believe in gun control because to a certain degree, I don't believe our forefathers had the idea that the black powder barrel loaded rifle would one day be a machine gun of whirling death. To a certain degree, all of our rights are limited, and our most sacred, the freedom of speech, does not mean we are free to say whatever we want without repercussion; try yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. What I don't like are arbitrary laws like 10 rounds only (load 11 and you go to jail), or certain features making a gun more "evil."

The real problem withexcessivegun control is that we are given this right in our Bill of Rights, and some people want this taken away. This leads to "what next?" Do we lose the right of unlawful search and seizure? Do we need to self incriminate ourselves? No one has a problem when it comes to the other amendments, but when it comes to the second, the shit just hits the fan. I may not agree with those people protesting at funerals when our soldiers die, quite the contrary I believe it is despicable, but they have a right to protest and I respect that. Also, we don't "need" guns, right? No one is going to die because they lack a firearm. With that being said, no human needs alcohol to live. We also don't need meat to live. Add to that list we don't need computers to live either. I've got a huge problem when someone tells me I don't need this or that, that they know what is good for me, and that my choices are therefore limited because I am being told so.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
NY SAFE act compliant AR's start to roll out.

Lol how fucking ridiculous is that? That's basically the only thing gun legislation accomplishes - absurdity


Unelected Mod
To a certain degree, all of our rights are limited, and our most sacred, the freedom of speech, does not mean we are free to say whatever we want without repercussion
I agree with this, as does 99.99% of gun owners. However, things like an AWB aren't equivalent to shouting fire in a theatre or something like that. It is more along the lines of banning cunt but allowing you to say vagina. They are arbitrary and limit our freedom without really making anyone safer. They try this stuff though, because they know that trying to ban all guns won't pass constitutional muster. Fuck them limiting freedom for no gain just to "do something".


Tranny Chaser
I agree with this, as does 99.99% of gun owners. However, things like an AWB aren't equivalent to shouting fire in a theatre or something like that.

The phrase is a paraphrasing of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919, which held that the defendant's speech in opposition to the draft during World War I was not protected free speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Fuck that stupid fucking saying. It's origin is an anti-example of the limitations of our freedoms.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>


ak version gonna take some long fingers.

Better solution would to move the fire control group back. Look up Saiga rifles. They're basically AK's that are "sporterized" by moving the trigger further back away from the mag well, lack a pistol grip, and ship with 10 round mags (though they can accept bigger ones). Never understood what makes a pistol grip so evil. If anything, I shoot more accurately without one.

Converted saiga's look identical to ak's. They both, regardless of appearance, work the exact same (minus the full auto bit). Also doesn't take much in the way of tools or know how to reconfigure them.

That NY AR is disgusting.


Also, its just straight up laughable to try and say the NRA is responsible for driving up gun sales. Obama and congress talking about gun control is what caused the rush. If Obama had stayed out of the issue like he had in his first term, the huge current rush on arms and ammunition wouldn't be happening.
Uh huh. Why don't you look up how much money Midway USA gives to the NRA, through a variety of methods, to ensure that the NRA continues to be against even the most reasonable magazine size restrictions, since large capacity magazines and the ammo to fill them compose a huge amount of their business.

That's just one of the easiest connections to follow. There are countless others. The NRA presents itself as an organization that represents the individual gun owner, but that hasn't been true for a very long time. You're just all so fucking stupid that you buy into their propaganda hook, line, and sinker. They've convinced you that the gubmint is coming for your guns any day now and that the only defense you have for your "freedom" is to buy more products from their masters.

I would be hard pressed to think of a bigger problem this country has than its unnatural fascination with guns. We're not living in the Wild West anymore. Grow the fuck up.


Buzzfeed Editor
I would be hard pressed to think of a bigger problem this country has than its unnatural fascination with guns. We're not living in the Wild West anymore. Grow the fuck up.
Health care. Poverty. Class mobility. Wealth distribution. Wage stagnation. Political funding. Corporate political influence. Education. Hunger.

It is hard for menotto think up things more important that our country's fascination with guns. You seriously think people who can't afford to feed and clothe their kids should give two fucks about guns in America? Come on.


Buzzfeed Editor
I would be hard pressed to think of a bigger problem this country has than its unnatural fascination with guns. We're not living in the Wild West anymore. Grow the fuck up.
Chaose covered them, but yeah this is the dumbest thing said in the thread so far. America's need for salt on their god damn food is a more important issue to be focused on.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I could think of 30 other hings that are more important than guns

Get some perspective duppin
We may have a violence problem, I don't know if that means we have a gun problem. I bet i could put a hurting on an elementary school class if I had a baseball bat. The bat can't FTF, also.

How about a pitchfork?


That guy
Uh huh. Why don't you look up how much money Midway USA gives to the NRA, through a variety of methods, to ensure that the NRA continues to be against even the most reasonable magazine size restrictions, since large capacity magazines and the ammo to fill them compose a huge amount of their business.

That's just one of the easiest connections to follow. There are countless others. The NRA presents itself as an organization that represents the individual gun owner, but that hasn't been true for a very long time. You're just all so fucking stupid that you buy into their propaganda hook, line, and sinker. They've convinced you that the gubmint is coming for your guns any day now and that the only defense you have for your "freedom" is to buy more products from their masters.

I would be hard pressed to think of a bigger problem this country has than its unnatural fascination with guns. We're not living in the Wild West anymore. Grow the fuck up.
30 round magazines aren't high capacity, they're standard capacity.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The people who are "fascinated" with guns aren't the ones killing people with them. The ones doing most of the killing are more interested in selling drugs than collecting AR-15s and a basement full of ammo. Also, the assault weapons ban and subsequent attempts to reinstate it *is* the reason for the popularity of the AR-15. I never knew anyone with an AR-15 before the AWB. Now almost everyone I know who is remotely into guns has one.