Gun control

God I feel so terrible when I'm arguing the exact same thing as Rush Limbaugh.
President Obama agrees on this one also.

Transcript : Obama Reacts to Newtown Shooting

As a country, we have been through this too many times, whether it's an elementary school in Newtown or a shopping mall in Oregon or a temple in Wisconsin or a movie theater in Aurora or astreet corner in Chicago.
Of course the fat, drug addict did not acknowledge that for his ignorant, racist flock nor does he really give a shit.


Deaths per 100k citizens, drug overdose: 12. Source:
Deaths per 100k citizens, gun homicide: 3.7. Source:
Death per 100k citizens, motor vehicles: 11.2 . Source:

Guns are safer relative to drugs or cars.
Deaths per 100K, work accidents 3.5. source

We could play with unrelated studies all day. Maybe a statistic about 1st or 2nd degree motor homicide per 100K would be a proper comparison? Either way the key word of "homicide" certainly lowers the body count. We would need to include gun related accidental deaths and suicides against cars and drugs.

Also, in the facts you reference total homicide Deaths per 100,000 population is 5.5 - which means the majority of homicides are caused by guns. This should be something we look into.


Silver Squire
Realpolitik argument for gun-control: I'm a power hungry female liberal senator who wants hegemony while wearing heels. The faction that virulently opposes my ascent is distinctly, Southern, gun-owning and male. By subverting liberty in the name of welfare, I can be seen as a) heroine and b) more importantly, I'm robbing my political opponents of power.


Elisha Dushku
President Obama agrees on this one also..
Hardly given that deaths due to street corner violence outweighs the random mass killings a zillion to one yet Obama treats them all as equally terrible.

And regard the motor vehicle death rate - yes, that's the real fucking travesty in this country. More killed then all wars combined (possibly excluding the Civil War - but if so, not for long). Just the other day in SoCal some 82 year old idiot killed 4 people on the side of the road fixing a flat.

Glad to see you're as dumb as ever.


"Why?" What?

Why should people who are operating machines that put their lives and the lives of many, many people around them in their hands have to pass a certain degree of scruitiny, show a reasonable degree of competency and knowledge of the rules and regulations of the interactions with it and the world? Doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

Should people who want to own firearms have to pass a reasonable bar to show they are competent and knowledgeable and responsable for the destructive item they want to purchase? Again, it doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

Note: I am rather pro-gun. Most would consider me very-pro gun, as I feel the Second Amendment should allow me to keeprealassault rifles and maybe even light anti-vehicular weapontry in my home "just in case".

However, I don't think it is unreasonable to ask that before buying them I have some hoops to jump through and have them registered so when I use them to murder my mother-in-law it isn't hard for the ATF to trace the ballistics back to me or whatever.
Hardly given that deaths due to street corner violence outweighs the random mass killings a zillion to one yet Obama treats them all as equally terrible.

And regard the motor vehicle death rate - yes, that's the real fucking travesty in this country. More killed then all wars combined (possibly excluding the Civil War - but if so, not for long). Just the other day in SoCal some 82 year old idiot killed 4 people on the side of the road fixing a flat.

Glad to see you're as dumb as ever.
The difference is that the people killed on a street corner were actively engaged in illegal activity. They knew the risks and the rewards. Are you seriously comparing them to the mass killings of 6 year olds? Seriously?

You are a great example of why a major political party has gone to shit. I seriously wish we could cut you Southerners from the country and let you float in the ocean of your own stupidity along with the entire cast of Faux News.

That reminds me. If Fox News so hates normal America, why the fuck are they in New York? Why don't they relocate down there where you fuckers live? Why didn't Romney have his campaign HQ in Mississippi? Why the fuck are you assholes still living up here in civilization?

New Rule: If you live south of Richmond, VA, I really don't give a shit about your opinion because quite honestly, you really don't matter.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Realpolitik argument for gun-control: I'm a power hungry female liberal senator who wants hegemony while wearing heels. The faction that virulently opposes my ascent is distinctly, Southern, gun-owning and male. By subverting liberty in the name of welfare, I can be seen as a) heroine and b) more importantly, I'm robbing my political opponents of power.
Your avatar made me read that whole thing in Roger's voice in my head for some reason :|


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
There is a major point missed with gun statistics. if you take guns away. Deaths by means other than a gun go up, and theft goes up alot which can lead to deaths. none of those will show up on those charts. the gun wasn't called "peacemaker" and "the great equalizer"for nothing.


Elisha Dushku
"Why?" What?

Why should people who are operating machines that put their lives and the lives of many, many people around them in their hands have to pass a certain degree of scruitiny, show a reasonable degree of competency and knowledge of the rules and regulations of the interactions with it and the world? Doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
You've got to take a test in Cali. It's 25.00 is remarkably easy and doesn't do anything.

Just like the driver's license test - any idiot can pass it.

Unfortunately, there is no test for common sense.

All that said, there is no Constitutional Right to own an automobile, there is one to own a gun. So pretty much anyone who is an adult citizen and not a felon or mental patient should be able to own one. Could we be more discriminating, Sure? But that's not how the constitution work - I'd like to be more discriminating with who can vote (sayanora Hard Left) but sadly that's not an option.

As an aside, one of the purposes of the Amendments to the constitution was to take the subject of the amendment 'off the table' for debate. Free speech is not debatable (compare the UK/Canada). Freedom of Religion is not debateable (compare Iran), etc. So whether or not its the wisest decision shouldn't enter the debate - the SA is what it is.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
There is a major point missed with gun statistics. if you take guns away. Deaths by means other than a gun go up, and theft goes up alot which can lead to deaths. none of those will show up on those charts. the gun wasn't called "peacemaker" and "the great equalizer"for nothing.
Sure they'll go up, but overall the harm to society goes down, that's the point. Outside of a military situation, more guns around is just going to make it more likely that people are hurt by them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The difference is that the people killed on a street corner were actively engaged in illegal activity.
What? No they aren't all actively engaged in illegal activity you fucking ignorant faggot.

That happened like 2 blocks away from me this year. The chick was outside minding her own business when those stupid American Inventors started shooting at someone else and hit her. BUT YEAH SHE MUST HAVE BEEN DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL.


You've got to take a test in Cali. It's 25.00 is remarkably easy and doesn't do anything.

Just like the driver's license test - any idiot can pass it.

Unfortunately, there is no test for common sense.

All that said, there is no Constitutional Right to own an automobile, there is one to own a gun. So pretty much anyone who is an adult citizen and not a felon or mental patient should be able to own one. Could we be more discriminating, Sure? But that's not how the constitution work - I'd like to be more discriminating with who can vote (sayanora Hard Left) but sadly that's not an option.

As an aside, one of the purposes of the Amendments to the constitution was to take the subject of the amendment 'off the table' for debate. Free speech is not debatable (compare the UK/Canada). Freedom of Religion is not debateable (compare Iran), etc. So whether or not its the wisest decision shouldn't enter the debate - the SA is what it is.
The point isn't really to deny people guns, seriously, except in extreme cases where a person would probably have some kind of questionable level of legal competence*, it is to ensure the people getting them are as knowledgeable and aware as possible. To make sure they are understanding the responsability, blah blah.

I would be less concerned about everyone running around with guns if we took more steps to making sure their heads were farther away from their asses beforehand.

*I think we can put "Should people with sub-80 IQs be afforded their second amendment rights in from of the high courts and let them fight with it.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Sure they'll go up, but overall the harm to society goes down, that's the point. Outside of a military situation, more guns around is just going to make it more likely that people are hurt by them.
well lets say this naive fantasy where true. how in the world do you expect to keep guns out of criminal hands when you cant keep drugs out of federal maxinum security prisons? our border with mexico is left wide open. you would have to fix those problems before that extremely optomistic scenario could even be reasonably tried. otherwise that would be insane to leave the massive gun running in place for criminals and take them away from people because 26 privileged perfectly cute looking white children are massively exploited for political gain.

i'm familiar with the newtown area, you know what sandy hook is? its a portion of the town that belongs to newtown and is newtown but it is so rich and socially segregated that it has a seperate name for itself. You couldnt have picked a better spot to exploit a trajedy, you should see the tv trucks driving all over the place. they are going door to door in some areas.


Elisha Dushku
Sure they'll go up, but overall the harm to society goes down, that's the point. Outside of a military situation, more guns around is just going to make it more likely that people are hurt by them.
Nah. The more guns people have the politer we'll be as a society. The Swiss and Israelis seem to do just fine, and I think they both get to keep machine guns.

Gun Control is just part of the bullshit paternalism of the elite left. It's okay for us to have guns but regular American's shouldn't be trusted with them.


Potato del Grande
Haven't read the whole thread, but I would say that the biggest problem isn't the ease of access to guns, but rather the nation of sociopaths we have become. It is engrained into us from birth, and through the media, tv shows, music, etc. We have become a me, myself, and I society, and it is getting worse generation by generation. I see it every day at schools and whatnot. And I firmly believe it all stems from shitty parenting and shitty parenting laws. We coddle our children so much now days, and tell them they are unique snowflakes. We shield them from everything in life, so when they do actually get pain us parents cant shield them from, they don't know how to cope, and opt for the easy way out, or lash out, etc. Kids need structure and discipline. But our society has become where it is unacceptable to punish a child with anything more than a few minutes time out. I once had a social worker that works at my hospital where I work, tell me that she thinks grounding children should be considered child abuse because it damages them emotionally. Didn't she stop to think that maybe some of that emotional "anguish" they go through for being grounded a few days, is actually teaching them something?

Just watch some of those wild kid nanny shows and you'll see. It's just like a dog or anything. You need discipline or they become wild with no qualms of biting, etc. Everyone is born a sociopath. We are taught to not continue to be one. We'll our society has put in place laws, and stigmatized the most effective methods of preventing it. There are always going to be shitty parents who wont raise their kids properly, but I truly believe this is the root of our problems and why it gets worse each generation, and why you don't generally see mass shootings from older people who grew up in different generations and were taught morals and good will towards others, etc. People who learned actions lead to consequences and grew a conscience. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns are merely a tool to carry out their shit, that is the easiest accessible one right now. Take that away, and the next most accessible becomes the new method of choice. Drive over people on a busy sidewalk, etc. Then what, ban cars? Throw a bomb in a packed movie theater? Then what, ban anything explosive or flammable? Obviously there are evil people in this world, that will do bad things, but that's life, you can't make every person be "good" but what you can do is try to identify what causes it to try to minimize it.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Nah. The more guns people have the politer we'll be as a society. The Swiss and Israelis seem to do just fine, and I think they both get to keep machine guns.
Israel is a unique circumstance, living partially in occupied territory and being surrounded by enemies who'd love nothing more than to annihilate them, and even then I'm not sure what the situation is there with gun ownership. The swiss, as someone said earlier, are allowed a single rifle with a limited stock of ammunition after their compulsory military service, and there are very specific rules surrounding the use (basically not at all) and storage (don't fucking touch it unless shit goes down) which are enforced.

well lets say this naive fantasy where true. how in the world do you expect to keep guns out of criminal hands when you cant keep drugs out of federal maxinum security prisons? our border with mexico is left wide open. you would have to fix those problems before that extremely optomistic scenario could even be reasonably tried. otherwise that would be insane to leave the massive gun running in place for criminals and take them away from people because 26 privileged perfectly cute looking white children are massively exploited for political gain.

i'm familiar with the newtown area, you know what sandy hook is? its a portion of the town that belongs to newtown and is newtown but it is so rich and socially segregated that it has a seperate name for itself. You couldnt have picked a better spot to exploit a trajedy, you should see the tv trucks driving all over the place. they are going door to door in some areas.
Dude you're missing the entire point. The organized crime isn't the fucking problem, it's the self described 'responsible gun owners' who nonetheless are just as prone to laziness and violence and intoxication and lax judgement, combined with having such an absurd number of firearms in the country that they're so freely and cheaply available for any asshole gangbanger selling bags on the corner.

While the Connecticut shooting was the catalyst for the most recent round of debate, it isn't the core of the problem. If these mass murders were the sole increase in killings from the widespread distribution and ownership of guns in America, the argument that it's a worthwhile policy might be valid. They're tragic, but statistically insignificant. The problem is the tens of thousands of other gun murders that happen there every year. The reason these conversations revolve around the mass murders is that they shock even the most lax into a response to the issue, everyone has become so inured to gangbangers popping caps in eachothers asses or random accidents or people killing "intruders" for no good reason, and all the other random shit that happens because guns are all fucking over the place.
What? No they aren't all actively engaged in illegal activity you fucking ignorant faggot.

That happened like 2 blocks away from me this year. The chick was outside minding her own business when those stupid American Inventors started shooting at someone else and hit her. BUT YEAH SHE MUST HAVE BEEN DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL.
"Faggot" and "American Inventor" in a single post. Let me are a Republican. amirite? Just missing "Spick".

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a typical Republican. The party of the future.


I agree.

There should be much higher requirments to be able to drive in general and the requirements to get a licence to own a firearm should be at least as difficult as that.

Good call.
Northern Ireland is bringing in an interesting new law. The legal driving age there is 17, but they are going to make it so that anyone under the age of 21 cannon have their friends in the car with them. They can only have passengers who are family members or people over the age of 21.

There are lots of interesting little laws being brought in in the UK. Most of them restrict freedom or remove liberties to increase safety. I should probably make a thread about them so that you guys can call me a communist.
Nah. The more guns people have the politer we'll be as a society. The Swiss and Israelis seem to do just fine, and I think they both get to keep machine guns.

Gun Control is just part of the bullshit paternalism of the elite left. It's okay for us to have guns but regular American's shouldn't be trusted with them.
The israeli newspapers were among the most critical of america's obsession with gun policy as controlled by the NRA in the last few days. Think the only papers I saw more critical were the british ones. (There was a very good article posted with links to international news papers on this subject over the last few days). Just like they dont understand the american jewish obsession with israel and most israelis didn't support the BS with palestine. Israel's gun policies are EXTREMELY strict. You need to have a valid reason for having one which needs to be recertified every 6 months. Tell you what, if you think that israel's doing just fine, lets have their policies. Mmk pumpkin? Lets pass a law in this country saying that the only people who are allowed to have guns have to have a valid reason which needs to be recertified every 6 months. Lets be like israel. I'm completely on board with this plan and can expect your vote, right?

Would suggest you look elsewhere for support.

@ stave - I agree its a me me me society. Whose political philosophy is that...oh right the libertarian one. I should be able to do whatever I want because I'm a special unique snowflake.

Fucking Bob McDonnell....he and Rick Perry's response to all this? Lets pass laws to let teachers carry guns to elementary schools. Fucking really? I hope McDonnell runs for senate in 2014 against Warner. He's going to get rofl stomped by NoVA. Between that and stick rape for abortions people do not fucking like him whatsoever. Edit HAHAHAHAHAHAH - Joe Scarborough is ripping Bob McDonnell a new one over this and he LIKES McDonnell.