Hades (Supergiant Games)


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Next update coming out August 6th:

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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
not bad i suppose. i'll peep it out then. i fucking loved bastion :)
They've said it'll be in EA for at least a year as of March 2019, so Q1 2020 would be optimistic. It's already pretty polished and fleshed out and feels feature complete so I'm not sure what they're planning on adding that will take half a year to produce.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is now on Steam(early access). Apparently you get a copy of Pyre you can gift to a friend as well, supposing you purchase the game at the discounted rate.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
While it’s technically Early Access, it’s very polished and feature rich. I highly recommend it if it seems even remotely interesting to you.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Played a couple hours tonight and I love it. Very addictive. I like the different weapons and bonuses, changes things up so much between runs. Really looking forward to more and more options.

haven’t beat the first boss yet but came within another hit or two of it. Bitch!


Trakanon Raider
Late to the party on this, but this game is ridiculously good. Might be "early access" but not much indicative of it being so. Runs flawlessly and has lots of content. Quite a lot of interactions and dialog. I've played it for 20 hours now and no repeats yet. Super fun. Made a full run I think 3 times? Everything up to the last boss can be done by pretty much any number of combinations, but that part quickly put an end to what I thought worked. Never beat it before I grinded out continues.

Once you complete a run you can add more difficulty sliders which in turn unlocks more boons.

Think my favorite build is to just add splash damage and knockbacks to the dash. Get a deflect attack as well and I just spam dash + regular attack. Get the boon for 5%+ chance to crit as well and I've never been able to get a build that outdoes that damage output. Though works less for single target bosses that are far harder to knock back or immune to it.

Major patch tomorrow it says which adds another Olympian (which I think means more boons/powers). Highly recommended if you even remotely enjoy hack and slash rogue likes.
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Fippy Darkpaw

Molten Core Raider
Yeah, this game is fantastic. I completed two runs, but now I'm going to wait for a full release. Don't want to get burned out on it before it's properly complete.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
They released another patch today, but I haven't checked it out yet.



FoH nuclear response team
The art is still my favorite thing about this game, I'm considering hitting them up to see if I can get high res images to raster some badass art on the laser we have at work. I'm not sure if they'll actually be willing to share the files though.


Got something right about marriage
Bought this on a whim. Cool game and interesting progression system, but I really don't like most of the weapons and maybe I'm doing it wrong but I wish it wasn't so much "always be pressing dash".

I'm only 4 hours in so as you unlock more of the progression stuff maybe the weapons start to feel better but right now the only 2 weapons I can stand to use are the sword and the shield. Haven't cleared it yet, only made it to the boss(es) of Elysium.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Bought this on a whim. Cool game and interesting progression system, but I really don't like most of the weapons and maybe I'm doing it wrong but I wish it wasn't so much "always be pressing dash".

I'm only 4 hours in so as you unlock more of the progression stuff maybe the weapons start to feel better but right now the only 2 weapons I can stand to use are the sword and the shield. Haven't cleared it yet, only made it to the boss(es) of Elysium.

It’s kind of Dead Cell-ish where the weapons/runs feel different depending on which random gods/upgrades you get to choose from. Sometimes you get amazing combos that make you play a weapon/build quite a bit differently than the typical dash n smash builds. I do admit that there are more of those builds that work so you get that more than you do the other types.

The more you play the more variety you get. Some of the combos end up being OP and a blast. I’m waiting for a few more patches to change the game up more before I hop back in.


Got something right about marriage
After spending some more time I am officially hooked. Once you open up the mirror a bit and get some items the weapons become a lot more dynamic. Lots of different ways to play with each weapon depending on what aspect you choose as well.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
After spending some more time I am officially hooked. Once you open up the mirror a bit and get some items the weapons become a lot more dynamic. Lots of different ways to play with each weapon depending on what aspect you choose as well.



Trump's Staff
After spending some more time I am officially hooked. Once you open up the mirror a bit and get some items the weapons become a lot more dynamic. Lots of different ways to play with each weapon depending on what aspect you choose as well.

I bought this on sale, but I am very much trying to wait until it officially releases. I am a Super Giant fanboy (although Pyre dropped the ball), so I think I will get the most out of it by being as patient as possible


Got something right about marriage
Well since it's a rogue-lite it's not story driven. The story is there and obviously unfinished but it's basically just a dungeon grinder so you're not really spoiling anything playing early access. And it's surprisingly polished. I've only run into one bug where Thanatos got stuck after his event but after about 30 seconds he despawned and the item dropped next to me anyway.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
It does feel like there’s something missing so I’m waiting for a bit as well. I still really enjoy it but the pace of unlocking things seems to dry up a little too fast. And what’s in the couple of locked doors? And there’s a missing weapon still? Been a while since I played.