Hearthstone TGT Tournament: Rerolled Edition

The Master

Bronze Squire

Also my casting was fast paced and hilarious (if I do say so myself). Congratulations to Ravishing/Fawe for going undefeated!


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Got home late tonight, ended up seeing the last couple turns for the win but gonna re watch now. Congrats Fawe!!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Thanks The Master for organizing/streaming/casting and gg Brand/Itkovian. Nice to have the finals go 5 games. These were some good games and your warrior was hella annoying! Never lose Brawl eh??

Anyway, the decks and stuff...

I chose Secret Paladin, oldschool Handlock and Combo Druid


I started every match with Handlock simply because I figure most players will think I want a quick win with Secret paladin and Handlock is supposed to counter most decks that would counter secret paladin. I brought Druid for the "lucky" wins which I never seem to got. All my druid starts were poor but the wins were grinded out eventually. Secret Paladin is just OP and I bring a later-game version which can handle mostly anything.

I avoided bringing Patron because I never play it and it requires skill earned through practice. Zero practice means I never even considered it.

None of my decks are "netdecked". They are obviously common themes but I didn't copy card-for-card from anywhere.


I brought Handlock to counter Patrons and Dragon Priests. There were a lot of Priests this tournament, but I only played vs 1 patron deck. There were actually quite a few freeze mages in this tournament, too, which Handlock does poorly against, but somehow I ended up winning or dodging that matchup.

Reason for not going the Demon version is simply because it was a fairly newer deck and I never played that version beforehand whereas I already considered myself a decent Handlock player using the oldschool deck and just went with comfort. I've been waiting for this tournament to finish so I can convert it over to the demon version though. I feel it's stronger for sure. I had many dead cards in my hand throughout this tournament where I wished they were Doomguard/Voidcaller/etc.


Secret Paladin:

Doesn't really need explanation. It's super strong. I enjoy a late-game version that I've settled on after much tuning. There's some room to tweak for sure, Lay on Hands is the biggest flex card, I hate when you can't draw cards late game with Divine Favor if your opponent has a small hand. LoH gets around that.



I had a hard time deciding between Control Warrior or a Druid deck. I am more experienced with Warrior but took the risk with Druid. I was ranking up the ladder and feeling good at the time so I entered it as my 3rd deck. Its a lucky deck but offers enough late game to never be "out of it" completely. Cenarius might seem odd but I like the flexibility he brings. The goal is always to get tons of things on board to savage roar, or if you already have a few things on board you can buff them up. He's slow, but he's come through in a pinch... and since I have a Golden Cenarius I always feel obligated to play him


GG all and thanks


Molten Core Raider
Maybe 2015 Hearthstone Champion for Fawe and 2014 for Slippery as new titles would be fitting?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I like this idea and I see it is already done. Awesome.
Watched the VoD this morning, nice commentary. I agree with most of your points.

The lost Handlock game was lost when I played molten > molten into Death > Death. If I played Belcher on curve (as you mentioned) that game coulda been different. He might have used Cabal+shrink on belcher and it woulda saved my sylvanas later. I was hoping to have a big shadowflame+sylvanas play. I considered it and in hindsight should have risked it at the end to try and grab his Voljin.

The lost Druid game vs Warrior I also agree I fucked up on turn 1. I realized it as soon as I ended my turn, too. Was kinda tunneled. I shoulda saved coin. Hero power turn 2 & 3 killed me. If I could have coined out Druid on turn 3 it woulda changed the entire game.

I disagree with your commentary during my Paladin vs Warrior. You wanted me to Boom on 7 but I already had 5 minions on board with ~7-8 power showing. He was fatigue warrior with 2x brawl/execute/shield slam/bash/etc. I just wanted him to Brawl then I'd go Boom > Tirion. There was really no risk for me to wait it out imo.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I can see the argument, but it isn't like you were running out of cards. And Boom, if he brawls, is 2-8 face damage in all probability, plus a probably clear board for you, because what is he going to play on the remaining mana? When playing the aggressive deck (relatively) I think making the aggressive play is usually the right decision. Also you had a huge board on 5 and 6 and he hadn't Brawled yet, so I think the odds of him having it were relatively low.