

Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Control Priest isn't played much rank 10, which is a good thing because if it was a common deck, I think I'd quit Hearthstone, I can deal with secret paladin or any other annoying deck...but control priest just pisses me off, copy your cards with thoughtsteal, entomb your big minions, or shrinkmeister than take control of your minion...you end getting beat by your own fucking deck...it's so frustrating.


Golden Squire
This deck is winning games for me. It is pretty fun. My win condition pretty every time has been Arch-Thief Rafaam into +10/+10 Minion buff via the Naga Sea Witch. Most people don't see it coming till its too late. Raven Idol is an MVP early game, discover a minion that fits within the curve you play it.
I tried this deck and got massacred by anything even close to an aggro deck and gave up.


<Bronze Donator>
I've been tooling around with it as well since I got an Aviana. I'm still learning what to mulligan for, but it still feels a bit more inconsistent than I'd like. You can get behind in the early game rather easily and even with all your fatties, it will be impossible to stabalize.

Nothing worse than opening a TGT legendary and it's fucking Bolf. I stared at my screen for a few minutes trying to think how he might be useful someday. Nah, dusted that fucker.


Trakanon Raider
Does anyone else feel rage when a priest on ladder uses thoughtsteal?

I rage when I even see a priest on ladder. I cannot stand playing against priest at all. It's a giant game of FUCK YOU on every turn... and for some reason, every single priest I have ever battled as had a perfect draw, and answer for everything I ever did.

see priest = instantsalt



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
On the flip side, playing as Priest is so monotonous.
I just finished up my Golden Priest a few days ago and instantly moved on to Druid. Shit got so boring. I didn't even play 1 game with the portrait yet.


I don't mind playing against Priest as much as Face Hunter. At least Priest had to interact with your board. Face Hunter has been my number 1 most hated pretty much since I started playing.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I dont mind face hunter. It's over pretty quickly either way. I truly enjoy rubbing a Reno in on aggro decks so it's always ok to face hunter. Priest, you either play them for a long match, a great quick win, or a desperate chance to pull it out which really sucks when it doesn't happen. Priest is the real troll class of this game.

Edit- anyone else hate when they forget to change from casual, fight a really tough battle, and then find out it meant jack shit? Ugh, got a sweet win over on the new Entomb shit priest and it meant nothing.


I feel so dirty playing secret paladin, but it's working in the current meta. Rank 7 atm , just wanna get to 5.


Molten Core Raider
The meta is really determined on the rank and time of day. I will say hunters have no presence at rank 1-3 though, seems like aggro players prefer shaman. Kind of stopped playing priest back in rank 10 because if you build it to stop aggro, you lose to other priests and renolock. So you are 60% against aggro, 30% against control, and make no progress... extremely slowly.


Trakanon Raider
Priest is, by far, the most infuriating to play against. It's not fun at all. They don't just kill your stuff but they steal it all and get all the benefits of it. I don't feel safe playing anything against them and then they Thoughtsteal my good stuff. And so many Priest decks aren't designed around any sort of win conditions but instead they are designed to "not lose." They're just no fun to play against at all. I concede instantly when I see one. I don't care about rank so it's just easier.


Still a Music Elitist
I've been playing dragon priest lately and that's what I've been having the most success with. I tried aggro shaman and it's a decent deck but it's not my style at all. Flirts with disaster way too much.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Oh fuck this shit, 4 games in a row where Ironbeak Owl is the deciding factor in me losing.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Frodan's Naga Druid wasn't working for me entirely. Made a few tweaks and have been steadily climbing since.

My changes are:
-1 Raven Idol
-1 Sylvanas
-1 Rafaan
-1 Emperor
+1 Belcher
+1 Ancient of Lore
+1 Ancient of War
+1 Loatheb

I've been hovering at ranks 10-12, so was facing a lot more aggro. Needed the extra taunts and extra Lore provides some healing+draws. Sylvanas and Rafaan just weren't getting played. Not sure what my win rate is, but since the changes I've gone from 12 to 8 in not too many games. Should end up getting my usual ~5ish by end of season.

Edit: Forgot that I swapped Emperor with Loatheb. Loatheb in combination with Aviana can straight up win games.

Also, how the hell do you use Raven Idol correctly? I typically look for spells but I always get crap. I'm swapping out the 2nd Raven Idol for an Azure Drake, fuck this card.


Still a Music Elitist
I almost never go for spells. That deck has a lot of trouble establishing control early and just needs bodies on board until Turn 5 when you can start laying stuff down.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My thought is you run Raven Idol so that on turn 1 you try for another innervate/wild growth/wrath or if you draw it later you want Swipe/Roar. Spells are guaranteed to be Druid specific whereas random minion can be anything. I was missing a 2 & 3 drop so used it turn 1 for a minion and had choice of Rafaan, Megineer Thermaplugg or the Orc Grunt (2/2 taunt). I should have taken the grunt but went with Rafaan, which never got played. My bad there, but still, the card seems to rarely payoff in this deck.

I do enjoy this deck a lot though, it can ramp up so damn fast especially if you get a Naga to stick, but Raven Idol doesn't seem to fit at all. I see Raven Idol fitting in Combo Druid for that 3rd Roar. This deck isn't playing toward that win condition, something guaranteed is more preferred. Perhaps my luck has just been shit though. I seem to always get offered Healing Touch, Moonfire, and Poison Seeds. It's almost comical.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
yup. garbage.

1st Brawl (Rogue vs Priest), I play a cutpurse turn 1. He dies to Madder Bomber and also a Pit Fighter is played for 2x 5/4s on enemy side. I instant concede turn 2.

2nd Brawl (Rogue vs Warrior), I play Blingatron turn 2, I get Doomhammer, I also use Oil, opponent insta concedes.

Quickest brawls ever.

Golden Defender of Argus, worth.


Mr. Poopybutthole
2nd Brawl (Rogue vs Warrior), I play Blingatron turn 2, I get Doomhammer, I also use Oil, opponent insta concedes.


yeah this brawl is some faggoty shit. Had a taunted up malorne that I was going to town with. Opponent goes Malorne - Recycle my Malorne - Sunwalker. That was the closest I've come to even having a competitive opening in this awful shit.