

marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not sure why I'm responding to this, as the answers to your question are all in the post you quoted and failed to read. Burst Priest, you know the deck I mentioned in the post. 6-2 was that session, from where he started.
Oh, so you watched him play till then gotcha! get a life.


<Bronze Donator>
Stale, salty meta is spilling over into this thread.

I haven't been doing it much, this is my third time achieving r5, but it's definitely been my hardest once past r10. Seems a lot of casuals are not just sitting out arena, but also ladder. I've been noticing a much higher percentage of preorder and legendary card backs and establishing any win streak was hard.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Interesting. Geez they really are pushing Cthun. Little disappointed by how many cards are centered around Cthun. It'll be interesting I guess, but overall I'd rather have more diversity. One attack off of Boulderfist for the Taunt, pretty decent I suppose. Definitely great with Cthun, obviously. 1 mana cheaper than Ancient of War for a loss of 3 health. 2 more mana than Senjin for 2 more attack and health and 1 more mana than Druid of the Claw for 1 extra attack and health. Hard to evaluate it without considering the Battlecry, but it pretty much passes the vanilla test. I don't see people using higher mana cost Cthun buffers with all the lower mana options available that are more efficient and better on a curve.
Man ramp druid is going to be a son of a bitch in this shit. Fuck.

Compensation for nerfing force/roar into the ground? Hope they aren't overcompensating if so.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Of course it's worth it for that chance. Putting out a 6/5 and two 5/5s on turn 5 is game ending. Common use scenario for that card sees you with a 5/5 that can attack on turn 5 which is itself a decent tempo swing.

It's not that great a card if your opponent can just ignore it and you don't get to use the 5/5 until turn 6, but because huhuran exists your opponent has to attack it before your turn 5.
Rofl, no. Unless I have an efficient answer for the 5/5, I will ignore the summoner instead of playing around the off chance that he has the summoner into huhu nuts draw. Because if I pop the summoner, he can still just drop huhu as a vanilla 6/5, except the destroyer will be able to attack. Popping the summoner immediately is the absolute worst play possible if you can't answer the destroyer. If he happens to have huhu, so the fuck what? It's not even remotely unusual for games to generally be decided by turn 5 when your opponent gets a nuts draw.


Interesting. Geez they really are pushing Cthun. Little disappointed by how many cards are centered around Cthun.
I'd bet money that no C'Thun deck will ever be good and they've designed all that shit for nothing. I've never been less hyped for an expansion than this. Between the nonsensical decision to devote a sizeable portion of the set to one specific deck that probably won't be competitively viable, and the even more ridiculous decision to reuse names of cards that are in the same fucking format and probably playable, I'm starting to wonder if the developers are just phoning it in at this point. How did it not occur to them that it's fucking obnoxious that anytime anyone talks about one of these rehashed cards, they have to clarify which Ragnaros or Deathwing they mean? The game is two years old. This is so fucking unnecessary.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I'd bet money that no C'Thun deck will ever be good and they've designed all that shit for nothing. I've never been less hyped for an expansion than this. Between the nonsensical decision to devote a sizeable portion of the set to one specific deck that probably won't be competitively viable, and the even more ridiculous decision to reuse names of cards that are in the same fucking format and probably playable, I'm starting to wonder if the developers are just phoning it in at this point. How did it not occur to them that it's fucking obnoxious that anytime anyone talks about one of these rehashed cards, they have to clarify which Ragnaros or Deathwing they mean? The game is two years old. This is so fucking unnecessary.
Pretty far off base tbh. First, maybe C'Thun isn't good but it's definitely something people will try. It looks decent so far especially for druid. I see only 8 out of 70 revealed are C'Thun based cards. That's not very sizable but considering what C'Thun decks are trying to do...yeah, they need to devote a few cards. Anyone that has played MtG will see planeswalkers rehashed over and over, etc, etc, etc. They are on version 3 or 4 of Sorin now? I don't mind them having new versions of old cards especially if the reasoning is consistent. Seriously, that argument is bad. "Dude, which Deathwing you talking about? The new one or the one no one has fucking used in two years?" With Rag, it's even easier. Try it with me. Im using Rag, Firelord in this version. Which of these older, rehashed legends is getting a lot of play now?

Sure, this expansion will probably feel pretty weak since they are smashing power creep. On the other hand, your argument sucks.


<Bronze Donator>
Nuh uh! Just today I got Deathwinged at r6 by a dragon priest.

He lost. Deathwing did make the match close again but ended being just a stall.

The Ancient_sl

Rofl, no. Unless I have an efficient answer for the 5/5, I will ignore the summoner instead of playing around the off chance that he has the summoner into huhu nuts draw. Because if I pop the summoner, he can still just drop huhu as a vanilla 6/5, except the destroyer will be able to attack. Popping the summoner immediately is the absolute worst play possible if you can't answer the destroyer. If he happens to have huhu, so the fuck what? It's not even remotely unusual for games to generally be decided by turn 5 when your opponent gets a nuts draw.
So common use has the deathrattle sticking around on the board for huhuran to take advantage of? You are right, just terrible.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The biggest problem I have when trying mid-range/control-hunter is that once they lose board it's basically over.

Unleash with Mark or some +atk aura is basically your only clear.

These hunter cards look fun and strong but I'm not seeing much of a way to regain board. That's why Hunter has mostly been aggro decks.

Druid is in the same boat but a little better off due to ramp. Still inconsistent and no easy way to regain board once lost, which is why Combo is a staple deck.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well yeah midrange hunter fell from tier 1 to dumpster tier for a reason. It matches up super poorly with the meta. Hell, even one of their more reliable matchups (control warrior) has shifted to being unfavorable.

Post rotation trapless camel hunter may end up being pretty good in standard. J4ckiechan's list is losing ~10 cards from all across the curve, mostly the stuff you'd expect from a midrangey hunter deck. Hardly any neutral stuff has been spoiled yet, and there's still plenty of less powerful options to fill the curve from classic/tgt, so the deck should still be reasonably solid depending on how the meta shakes out.


Molten Core Raider
Apparently if you have two Reno Jacksons in your hand Reno Jackson's effect still works. "Any" is a loosey goosey term for Blizzard.

Or does the game not care how many duplicates you have in your hand because it's not in your "deck"?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Apparently if you have two Reno Jacksons in your hand Reno Jackson's effect still works. "Any" is a loosey goosey term for Blizzard.

Or does the game not care how many duplicates you have in your hand because it's not in your "deck"?
How is it loosey goosey? 'Deck' is a very specific thing in every single CCG ever.


Trakanon Raider
How is it loosey goosey? 'Deck' is a very specific thing in every single CCG ever.
It's coming from someone that calls packs "decks" as well, so there's your answer. No offense to you Zzeris, I just don't understand how anyone could, regardless of their lack of CCG experience, refer to a fucking pack of cards as a deck? So many people do it.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
It's coming from someone that calls packs "decks" as well, so there's your answer. No offense to you Zzeris, I just don't understand how anyone could, regardless of their lack of CCG experience, refer to a fucking pack of cards as a deck? So many people do it.
dumb people are dumb.