

Mr. Poopybutthole
Haha, forbidden ritual - renounce darkness is pretty funny. I mean it sucks ass, but it's a clever idea.


Molten Core Raider
So how did everybody's predictions go? Any surprises?

I know how this forum was a little divisive on N'Zoth, some thinking he was a little too slow.
"With all the strongest death rattle minions cycling out, that card isn't great."
"Yeah that shit is too slow and weak. "
"It will be hard for any of the other Old Gods to surpass C'Thun especially if they are costing 10."
My thought that Cho'Gall might see some play didn't really pan out, I guess there just isn't enough room for him in the Reno variants since they can only have one copy of spells and with him you sort of want to ensure you have a spell in hand. And obviously zoo doesn't want him. Maybe in a later expansion if they create some good warlock spells.

Everybody's thought that combo rogue would be strong, is pretty spot on, I'd say it's the best deck right now.

Morrow was pretty hype on Evolve, and it has vanished in constructed due to warlock zoo being more reliable and board clears being commonplace now with paladin as a top deck, which nobody thought was going to happen with all their cards rotating out.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So how did everybody's predictions go? Any surprises?

I know how this forum was a little divisive on N'Zoth, some thinking he was a little too slow.
Perfectly predicted:

I'll definitely play N'zoth in a super slow Paladin deck with Sylvanas/Tirion. That shit is insane.
However wasnt very bullish on him in other class decks, but this was also before seeing hunter getting more deathrattles, too.

Won't make many other decks unless some really good deathrattle shit comes out, which doesn't seem to be the case.
Im surprised at lack of Cho'Gull in Renolock still.

Most predictions will be off since we didnt know most of the set as they were being released.

I also like how one of the more popular shaman decks (xixo's) cut flamewreathed, just as I expected, while Grumpy Cat was calling it the 2nd coming.

The more OP card is Thing From Below for the shaman lists.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Perfectly predicted:

However wasnt very bullish on him in other class decks, but this was also before seeing hunter getting more deathrattles, too.

Im surprised at lack of Cho'Gull in Renolock still.

Most predictions will be off since we didnt know most of the set as they were being released.

I also like how one of the more popular shaman decks (xixo's) cut flamewreathed, just as I expected, while Grumpy Cat was calling it the 2nd coming.

The more OP card is Thing From Below for the shaman lists.
Aggro shaman (with flamewreathed) is still an objectively better list than Xixo's fusion list. Flamewreathed IS the second coming, and is definitely more op than thing from below.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Aggro shaman (with flamewreathed) is still an objectively better list than Xixo's fusion list. Flamewreathed IS the second coming, and is definitely more op than thing from below.
I have to agree with Gavin on this one. Shammy is so powerful now that you can go in different directions and still have success. Flamewreathed is still incredibly powerful even if some don't want to risk possible tempo loss from rng.

I really like the predictions that C'Thun would be a wasted push for the set. Not only has the set been very powerful and varied so far, but C'Thun is still all over the place and is a solid deck choice. Even if C'Thun ends up not being part of a top deck later, it still will see significant play for quite a while.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I admit to being surprised by how viable C'thun decks are, but at the same time every single class has a better option than him for the C'thun playstyle. Only one I'm not sure about is priest, but the jury is still out on priest in general.


Molten Core Raider
I admit to being surprised by how viable C'thun decks are, but at the same time every single class has a better option than him for the C'thun playstyle. Only one I'm not sure about is priest, but the jury is still out on priest in general.
I've been working on Gold priest...I drove it down to rank 4, fell back to 8 with different builds...It is viable, but really Meta/matchup dependent.


Molten Core Raider
I think Druid's best deck is C'Thun atm. Priest has a better N'Zoth deck imo.
Yeah, totally agree. I'm not really running many deathrattles either...Just the standard ones + speakers...The deck really misses belchers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Standard ramp is way more consistent than C'thun for druid. Everyone plays C'thun instead because it's basically free.


Trakanon Raider
This is some stuff I had from early 2014, like January through May

9 Wins just now with 155 gold. Fucking hell!!!! I got 155 gold and a regular Shadowstep and some dust for 9 wins. I swear 9 wins is the absolute worst number to get. I get way more gold for 8 wins and there are plenty of 7 win runs that give 170ish now. Fuckin hell. Blizzard is so bad at numbers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Heh, just about my craziest turn ever today. Brann - Klaxxi - Innervate - Klaxxi, perfectly curved on turn 8 after ramping once.

Dude was pissed.


Still a Music Elitist
Hey, this deck has been tearing it up for me. Already rank 3 before mid-Season. Deck is great. Has enough burst from hand to win in tight situations, but it's really good at fighting for board control. I win against Shaman most of the time. Zoo is a little harder.

Rogue has been favorable unless you're stuck dropping Highmane into Sap.

The new tempo warrior with Varian and shit has been toughest match so far. They fight for board pretty hard too, making it more difficult.

I haven't played many N'Zoth paladins or C'Thun decks, could be a problem, not sure.

Sad to say that this deck usually wins before N'Zoth can be played. In fact I usually never even draw him. The 2x Call of the Wild has been rocking it.

Kodo has been great for destroying that 2/6 warrior taunt minion.

The grub is great for getting board control, hard to kill 5 health minion at 3 mana. Works well with Leokk or Houndmaster too.
I'm having a lot of luck with this deck too. Just lost to an Aggro Shaman but it's 5-1 so far.

I still enjoy my Evolve Shaman. But I've been travelling for a few weeks since this came out so I'm way behind on what's going on in the meta and I've been making up decks. I have mad dust but I think I might make some of the OGs. I still don't have Tirion or Gromm and seems those two are still damn near necessary for those classes. Though my Patron deck doesn't use Gromm.


One of my crazier boards ive had. I was down to 7 at one point last week... I cannot get any wins rolling at all, no matter what deck I play this season.


Trakanon Raider
Lol I just opened Nat, the Darkfisher from my last arena run before bed so I had to do this:

Was hilarious. I had to go to bed so I'm glad I got to play against a Mind Vision/Saraad priest lol. This last turn did like 30 damage haha, he was at -20. I will really miss this Brawl.